View Full Version : I Got Pierced!! TWICE!! (pics)

05-01-2005, 07:20 AM
I'm so excited!!! I've been wanting my nose pierced sinse highschool...so for about 9 years now. I just got it done yesturday and I love it!!

While I was there, I decided to also get my belly button pierced. This is sooo addicting!! I only have these two piercings now...and it may stay that way. I let my ears close up because my body reacts to most metals...and I usually sleep on my side, so my ears would always hurt.

Anyway...here are the pictures...

*The stone is light pink...I can't wait till this is healed so I can get one thats a little flatter against my nose. But, this is OK for now...and its PINK!!! ;)


My tummy is really sore now. Niether piercings hurt at all.


05-01-2005, 07:32 AM
Both are real cute on you. The little pink is pretty, I could go for that..
I had to take my belly ring out couple weeks ago..I got it done last July and it never would heal properly. I got tired of fighting it..Maybe I will redo it some day

05-01-2005, 07:35 AM
Addicting eh? :D

Both piercings look great. My belly looked shocking after i had it done, yours looks realy good.

I am wanting to go and get pierced again soon, just what i dont know.

05-01-2005, 07:40 AM
Thanks!! :)

I've heard more "my bellybutton piercing didn't heal -or- got infected" so much!! I'm going to make sure I watch it. My piercer sold me this stuff you spray on it, like 4 times a day to keep it clean and speeds the healing time.

And yes...so adicting! I never thought I'd say that...I'm VERY conservative regarding my body. ;)

05-01-2005, 07:44 AM
Trust me..I tried everything out there...salt water, tree oil, I took all the home rememdies, tattoo parlor advice, people who had theirs done..and some just won't heal..but MOST heal without any problem at all..I tried no nickel rings, expensive rings, bars, , etc.

I hope yours does well and looking at the pic, it does look good, so I bet yours will do good...

finn's mom
05-01-2005, 08:38 AM
They look wonderful! I like the pink, I have green. :) When I got it done, I had a green bikini. And, I don't wear any other ones, yet. Mine healed really well, though, with no problems at all. Hopefully, you will, too!

05-01-2005, 09:01 AM
SOOOOO cute:)

About the addiction factor... I asked my piercer WHY exactly I was there for the third time in four months... and he said it IS addicting. The adrenaline rush you get is a very addicting experience.

You could always try your ears again, but go to a piercer and have it done with a needle, not a gun. I've heard that's much easier to heal. I'm thinking about getting my second holes back repierced after my nose heals. I had the same problem as you. If I get it done I'll let you know how it goes!

05-01-2005, 10:18 AM
I got my ears pierced for the first time last year, at Shopper's Drug Mart. (Lol). They pierced it with a gun, and while it did take a little to heal, they did heal real well and I never have problems anymore. From what I've heard, a needle would probably be better though.

I believe it's addicting, unlucky for me (or maybe lucky!) my mom won't allow me to get any more. I want to get 2 holes in each ear, in the 'regular' place, and one up in the cartilage. I also will get a belly button piercing some day, and I was thinking about a tongue but will really have to look into it.

I believe that the nose piercing, it has to go with the person. Your's looks really nice on you, and I believe it was a good choice. However, my nose is not one to be pierced, and I have no desire to get it done. :p

Also...my friend has the same tank top. Lol.

Edit: Meaning to say about my ear lobes...2 holes total in each lobe, not 2 MORE.

05-01-2005, 10:30 AM
I love it!!! It looks so awesome!!!

05-01-2005, 10:46 AM
It looks so cool! :D

(You're really pretty, by the way ;) hehe!)

05-01-2005, 10:56 AM
The nostril piercing fits you really well! It looks like it belongs there.

As far as being addicted to piercings... I can vouche for that. Seven months ago, I had six piercings only (all lobe piercings). Since then, I've been pierced 7 more times. Nothing beats the rush!

05-01-2005, 11:34 AM
I JUST GOT MY NOSE LAST SATURDAY!!!:D Isn't it exciting? I love it! Yours looks great!! I was going to make a thread but I didn't have time right after. lol!;)

05-01-2005, 11:44 AM
I love it! The belly button ring, and the nose ring look so awesome on you! :D

My sister got her nose pierced and i think it looks so weird on her. :o I want to get my belly button pierced, and my mom is considering letting me do it for my birthday coming up.. As of now, all i have is 2 holes in each ear. I really would like to get my belly button done, though.

05-01-2005, 12:33 PM
You look beautiful, Kel :) You're one of the people who has the exact right look for a nose ring. If I got my nose pierced, I would look like a dork, but you look AWESOME!

05-01-2005, 01:03 PM
Kelly, you look great! :D

If I were younger -like forty years :D - I would be getting those too! Wouldn't have looked so good though. :)


05-01-2005, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by aly
You look beautiful, Kel :) You're one of the people who has the exact right look for a nose ring. If I got my nose pierced, I would look like a dork, but you look AWESOME!

This is exactly how I feel...lol.

I am not really much for piercings but these are the two that I do like. I just don't have the face or body to pull it off though. *sigh*

You are very pretty Kelly and the piercings look good on you!

Robin :)

05-01-2005, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by aly
You look beautiful, Kel :) You're one of the people who has the exact right look for a nose ring. If I got my nose pierced, I would look like a dork, but you look AWESOME!


You look gorgeous Kelly!

I had my 2nd holes a few years ago and had more problems with them healing and then my first holes would get infected. I had to wear studs only in both holes.
I had to let them close up. But interesting about going to a piercer.... hmmm

05-01-2005, 04:17 PM
they look really good on you..

i had my nose pierced when i was 13, i just took it out last summer because of allergies... it suits you. they are addicting . ;)

05-01-2005, 04:57 PM
Both look terrific on you Kelly! How brave of you to get both done at once. You have a great face, and figure to pull off both piercings..me...well...over the hill, or at least crawling up it fast lol! I have two holes in each earlobe, second set I did very drunk one night as a teenager. :rolleyes: Half a potato, and a big old needle, some ice, and lots of booze...:eek: Glad those years are behind me now, and that I didn't botch it up! :rolleyes: :D ;)

05-01-2005, 07:26 PM
:o Thank you for your nice compliments. :)

It hurts a bit more today...but worth it! I love them!!

05-01-2005, 08:49 PM
I really like the nose ring. :) The belly ring looks cool too. I am glad that I am not addicted to piercing. I have horrible skin and am fortunate nothing happened to my ears when I had my ears pierced long time ago.

05-01-2005, 09:00 PM
I LOVE them both, they look great on you! I have my belly button done too, but sadly it hasn't healed yet :(. I had it done last summer. Still hoping it will heal.

But I do agree, that piercings are addicting! I couldn't wait to get another one as soon as mine was done :D! Tattoos are the same way ;)

05-01-2005, 09:10 PM
LOVE the nose ring! I'm so jealous! I would love to get my nose pierced but I'm just too chicken . . . Plus, I've never really liked my nose, so why drawl more attention to it, LOL.

Very cute though! Hope it heals quickly!!!

05-01-2005, 09:16 PM
Kelly the piercings suit you, they look very nice, my gosh you are so young looking and have such big pretty brown eyes.

After all you have been through lately, I bet it was great to treat yourself.

05-01-2005, 11:02 PM
You guys are so sweet, thank you!

Yes, this was a treat for myself. :) I love it!!

05-02-2005, 01:50 AM
So cute!!! the nose ring is really cute, so is the belly ring! Nose rings are soo cool, I really want one ~_^! I let my cartilege ear piercings close up for the same reason, it hurts really bad when you sleep on them :rolleyes:

Make sure you clean, clean, and clean your belly button piercing!! I remember when my sister got hers pierced. . ew. . she cleaned it all the time and it still got horribly infected, ugh it was gross.

05-02-2005, 10:36 AM

I am envious!!! I've wanted to pierce my nose for a while. But I don't really think a 52 year old grown woman working at a funeral home would be a good idea. Besides, if I had my belly button pierced, my "love handles" would hide it! :p:p :rolleyes:

That's why I have tattoos!!! None can be seen except when I wear a bathing suit. I've been thinking lately about getting another one (It'll be the 5th) with RB Casey's picture with the birth and death years underneath.

Did it hurt when they did your nose???

Queen of Poop
05-02-2005, 11:42 AM
Your piercings look great!! For you belly button, try to keep it sweat free, that will go a long way to helping it heal faster. It took me 8 months to get mine to heal, that was 5 years ago. Love your nose piercing, it's exactly what I want to do. Did it hurt much to have it done?

05-02-2005, 12:15 PM
Thanks for the advice on the belly button piercing. I'm hearing this from everyone I tell about it. I'll be sure and keep using my seawater spray they sold me at the shop. :)

No, the nose didn't hurt AT ALL!! I was shocked! For all that are wanting it, go for it!! :)

05-02-2005, 01:33 PM
Wow :) Those both piercing look really great on you :)

Felicia's Mom
05-02-2005, 05:44 PM
Those might look better if I was younger.

05-02-2005, 08:51 PM
you can't get prettier, my dear!

I thought of getting a navel but I thought about when I become 40 or having a child... :eek:

yes, I can take it off but I'll always annoy my child how I miss my navel! :D

05-03-2005, 12:18 AM
Kelly, they both look great on you.:) I used to have my navel pierced but it started bothering me a lot and it also started getting infected so I decided to take it out. The piercer told me to use bactine and to wash it with dial antibacterial soap when I showered. Isure hope that you won't have any problems.

05-03-2005, 01:54 AM
EVERY person I talk to says the same thing...the bellybutton piercing gets infected. Ick...I'm going to be EXTRA good, I don't need any extra pain in my stomach area! ;)

They are doing really well so far! Cross your fingers this continues! :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-03-2005, 05:41 AM
Kelly they look so cute!!!

I got my nose pierced last year on March 31... the next day.... everyone at work thouth it was an April fools day joke.

You got yours done on the right side?? I did too.

I LOVE IT.... :D

05-03-2005, 08:20 AM
I love the nose one! You must be a brave person, to have done that? lol I got my upper lip pierced once, swore I'd never ever do another facial piercing ever again! :o

05-04-2005, 06:23 PM
Hey Kelly, you look awesome with those piercings! Like everyone says, you have the right nose and face for it. I had my belly button pierced a few years back but unfortunately like so many others, mine became infected too and out it came. We're probably scaring you off, aren't we ?? ;) Hopefully you will have nooooo problems with yours! So I've just stuck with the 5 ear holes instead and a buncha tattoos.

05-04-2005, 08:10 PM
ha ha...I keep saying that everyone I talked to had theirs get infected and removed!!

So far so good. Its healing and its a tiny bit red, but I think that's part of the healing process.


05-04-2005, 10:22 PM
Very nice Kelly!!! You'll have to make sure to show off that belly button one at the BBQ.;)

05-05-2005, 01:23 AM
Originally posted by slick
Very nice Kelly!!! You'll have to make sure to show off that belly button one at the BBQ.;)
Uh oh!!! ;)

Lets just hope I'll still have it in...I don't want it to get infected...ick!! :(