View Full Version : Daisy: Added To "SICK" List

Desert Arabian
05-04-2004, 07:04 PM

Daisy is also added to the ill list along with Oscar and Chloe. Daisy lost an incredible amount of weight in the past two days, her hair is raised, she staggers when she walks- tripping herself- she can't keep her balance, she can't hold her food to eat, she can barely walk, she looks like $%@&- plain and simple. She's still drinking and eating (it's just harder for her), I also saw her giving herself a face bath after she ate. I called the vet, she has an appointment at 9:30, I really hope it's with Dr. Fellenz!

Oscar has still never recovered since his first visit to the vet, he is still skinny and still has rather shallow breathing- other than that he is normal. Chloe has a mammary tumor in her armpit.

Daisy has gotten so sick so fast I have had to time to react. One day she was just fine and the next day it looked like she was getting ready to go to the bridge.

I tell ya, I am so sick and tired of dealing with sick rats, they are sick CONSTANTLY! Fred, Phoebe and Suzie are the only rats I have owned who have NEVER gotten sick before *bangs on every wooden object on Earth". Oreo, Skittles, Nugget, Sweet Pea, Punkin, Peanut, Chloe, Daisy, Oscar, and Violette- have all been sick one or more times. It's insane. I can't deal with it anymore. The prices vets are asking for such a little short lived creature is even more insane- $650 to remove a tumor on a 1/2 pound animal. I mean, $150-$250 would be a little more understandable but $650!!!!

Sorry this turned into a wee-rant, it's just to frustrating when my rats get sick. My babies are sick so much, it's so hard to enjoy the joy of rat ownership when you are constantly at the vets office paying insane bills for these little guys. :(

Please wish Daisy a fast recovery and good visit at the vet- hopefully the illness is something treatable. :( I'm so worried. :(

:( :( :( :(

05-04-2004, 11:53 PM
Poor Daisy. :( Hopefully she'll be just fine. Keep us updated! I'm sorry your ratties get sick so much. :(:(

05-05-2004, 12:07 AM
Daisy seemed OK when I was there! Oh no! :( Poor baby. I will definitely pray for Daisy, Oscar and Chloe. I'm so sorry, Laura.
It's not fair!!! :(:(:(

Desert Arabian
05-05-2004, 11:31 AM
Well, the vet appointment went well. Daisy has head tilt extremely bad, she can barely hold her head up, she practically drags it on the ground when she walks. The vet checked her over real good and said it is most likely an inner ear infection. She injected her with antibiotics to give her a kick start, she is badly dehydrated too. She has to take .50 liquid baytril once a day.

I did not get Dr. Fellenz this time, I got Dr. Anderson- who I HATE with all my heart- the lady does nothing as far as care goes. She takes about two seconds to look over the rat and say "Oh it's this...". Dr. Fellenz took 45 minutes to really look over Oscar and Violette and talk to us about multiple different things. He really cares about his patients, Dr. Anderson doesn't. Also, Dr. Anderson gave us this really disgusting smelly baytril- it makes ME want to gag. Dr. Fellenz gives us cherry flavored baytril so it is easier on the rats to take.

We are going to be making an appointment for Chloe sometime soon to get her tumor looked at and most likely have surgery to get it removed. This time I will make sure the appointment is with Dr. Fellenz!

Hopefully Daisy will get better, Dr. Anderson said if she doesn't get better it means she has some kind of brain issue- like a tumor. :( Let's hope it's not that!

Kate, I know, she was just fine when you were over. She got really ill looking on Sunday- she looked near death- that's why it frightened me so bad that she got so ill so fast.

Well, I am happy to know that at least 2 pet talk members care about Daisy. :)

05-05-2004, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover

Hopefully Daisy will get better, Dr. Anderson said if she doesn't get better it means she has some kind of brain issue- like a tumor. :( Let's hope it's not that!


Please read the above link for information on this. You may also want to check out their neurological information as well just in case. Most likely her ear infection is due to Myco. Has she had any outbreaks before? I am sorry to hear she is not doing well. :( I am surprised they did not put her on any anti-inflammatories.


Desert Arabian
05-05-2004, 12:37 PM
I do not think it is MYCO. She has never had an outbreak before, this is the first time she has ever had to go to the vet.

05-05-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
I do not think it is MYCO. She has never had an outbreak before, this is the first time she has ever had to go to the vet.

It could still very well be Myco. Not all rats show symptoms all the time, and some do. Bandit and Wrinkles have constant flareups, however some rats never experience problems until they become stressed. Since almost every pet rat carries it, it could have been something very minor that triggered it.

Desert Arabian
05-05-2004, 02:57 PM
Well, she is progressing a little bit- she held a gerber treat in her hands and didn't loose her balance like she did before. Now, I just hope she keeps progressing in the right direction quickly.

05-05-2004, 03:34 PM
Oh I am so glad to hear there is some kind of improvement, you are having a rough time of it with your ratties, it is very stressful for you,I really sincerely hope Daisy recovers well, thinking of her and you and all your ratties, and wishing them speedy recovery's and continued good health.

05-05-2004, 10:22 PM
I'm glad to hear that Daisy is starting to respond to the meds already. Poor little baby. :(
I know what you mean about uncaring vets - I often wonder why certain vets I've met ever went into the field in the first place as they don't work well with animals or people! Definitely make sure you get Dr. Fellenz for the eval of Chloe's tumor!
Maybe you could mix the baytril with a liquidy treat to make it easier to take? Some yogurt or something? You might want to ask Dr. Fellenz about this first because mixing it might have some effect on it's properties. I have no clue. Just a possibility. :o
Daisy, Oscar and Chloe will continue to be in my prayers!!!

05-05-2004, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Kater

Maybe you could mix the baytril with a liquidy treat to make it easier to take? Some yogurt or something? You might want to ask Dr. Fellenz about this first because mixing it might have some effect on it's properties.

It usually comes pre mixed in syrup so it's easier for a rat to take as Baytril has a horrible taste to it and comes in an alcohol base. Most people mix it with some baby ceral, or inject a little amount into some yogurt or bread. :)

05-05-2004, 10:35 PM
I hope she will continue to improve YLL. I'm sorry I didn't post a response earlier, but I had no medical advice to add, but it doesn't mean I wasn't thinking of Daisy.

05-05-2004, 10:46 PM
I hope Daisy continues to get better.

05-05-2004, 11:36 PM
I hope Daisy gets better soon, I am sorry to hear you have had so much bad luck with those sweet little ratties. Sometimes it just seems like it never stops, when it rain, it pours..


05-06-2004, 12:51 AM
i'm so sorry your pets are sick and i truly hope they get better SOON

Desert Arabian
05-06-2004, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Kater
Maybe you could mix the baytril with a liquidy treat to make it easier to take? Some yogurt or something?

Yep, that's what I usually do except she can still smell the medication in the food and won't touch the food. :rolleyes: I usually try to mix it in really stinky (meat) babyfood that she usually loves to eat, but when Baytril is in it- she won't touch it. So, I just have to force her to take the meds. :(

Ugh, I can't get over the smell of this medication! It's TERRIBLE- it reminds me of the thrush medication one puts on horses hooves to treat thrush- it's soooooooo smelly! The last bottle we got smelled so good, because it was cherry flavored. BUT NO- Dr. Anderson would never give us the good stuff. :mad: Arg.

I will shoot myself before I will take Chloe to Dr. Anderson for her tumor removal!! :eek:

Thanks everyone for your kind words, I appreciate it a lot, it makes me feel better. :)

05-06-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Yep, that's what I usually do except she can still smell the medication in the food and won't touch the food. :rolleyes: I usually try to mix it in really stinky (meat) babyfood that she usually loves to eat, but when Baytril is in it- she won't touch it. So, I just have to force her to take the meds. :(
Heehee. Too smart for her own good! :o