View Full Version : Preferred "kissy spot"

12-09-2003, 10:24 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but for me, I can't walk past Boomer without giving him a little smooch on my preferred smoochy spot. It's like it calls to me, begging for a little kiss. Does anyone else have a place on their kitties that just begs to be smooched? The picture below should illustrate what I mean:


12-09-2003, 10:26 PM
Hahaha! I love the arrow identifying the prime kissy spot.

My kissy spot for Boo is that little bump before his pink nose. The bridge, if you will. I'm surprised I haven't kissed it right off with all my affections. Good thing Boo is such a lovely boy about it all.

Bettie is not fond of having her face touched, so I often have to kiss the side of her belly. She loves it and immediately goes belly up! :D :D

12-09-2003, 10:46 PM
There is no preferred kissy spot around here. In this house, they get kissed all over, and I mean ALL OVER :D :D

12-09-2003, 10:51 PM
I like kissing paws!!! I also like your kissy spot :D I kiss bellys, too.

12-09-2003, 10:55 PM
I can only kiss Joey in the closet, so for her it is her head. Hoping for a change at some point.

The Bob is pretty much anywhere, he is a good sport about that. I will sometimes roll him over on his back and kiss his belly, it is so soft. I sometimes hum into his belly. He really seems to like that.:)

12-09-2003, 10:58 PM
Ripley has a zerbert spot. I blow on his belly and he loves it. Whenever he is on his back I'll say "Zerbert Time" and he waits for me to crawl over and blow on his belly. Strange cat.

If I ever tried that with Jazz or Scout I'm sure plastic surgery would be required.

12-09-2003, 11:47 PM
That is where Grover likes to be kissed too. Now Stubby, whole different story, he would probably eat my face off.

Sometimes Grover decides she wants to kiss back, and then she pounces me right on the lip, ouch! But she is my master, (or is it mistress?)I must abide and let her eat my lips right off my face. LOL. :)


12-10-2003, 07:05 AM
Rizzo gets kissed mostly where his head meets his neck, right behind his ears. He is soooo fuzzy and soft right there. This is ideal, because if he's not being HyperBoy, I can then lay my cheek on his furry little shoulders and listen to that enormous purr. *sigh* :)

12-10-2003, 07:17 AM
Tucker does not usually accept kisses, so any place that I can kiss without getting smacked if my preferred spot with her.

Tigger's spot is the top of her feet, she has such tiny little feet.

Smokey and Mystic is on the top of their head, just about the same spot as Boomer.

Abner is right on top of his nose, becasue he has that off-center flame that runs down his nose, that is what makes it irresistible.

12-10-2003, 09:55 AM
Kissy spots? I've never thought about it, but come to think of it, I do always kiss them in the same spot!

I am in love with Pouncer's sweet and fluffy tummy, and his forehead between the ears.

Allen gets to have me pick him up, and I put him kitty arms around my neck (like he's hugging me) and give him smooches all over his face. The whole time, he's not too happy, but puts up with it. I tell him that its his kitty duty for such a happy home. He tells me to get on with the indignity.

12-10-2003, 10:01 AM
I can't pass Hayley without kissing the top of her head.

12-10-2003, 10:23 AM
Joxer is my only kissy boy. Jan would hurt me and Sid, well, I've never tried it with Sid - I think he would be embarrased.

12-10-2003, 11:23 AM
Jocks head was always begging for a kiss and also his big fat belly cried out for me to make rude noises on it !! Since he went to rainbow bridge Bonnie is now starting to get used to head kisses, she would never let me do it before but I can't resist ;)

12-10-2003, 11:46 AM
Both of them: the tops of their heads - I love that little velvet patch between their ears AND their paws! There is something just so sweet about little kitty toes and Mishi's velvet paws. Mishi's belly; if I try that with Mitzi I'll get my head clawed off. Mishi's nose - it's SO big and kissable. Mishi's fluffy tail; Mitzi's fluffy white "locket" - so sweet and fluffy; Heck, I love to smooch them all over! :D

Edit: Forgot one spot -- their sweet little kitty lips! :)

Felicia's Mom
12-10-2003, 11:57 AM
Both of mine get kissed on their foreheads. I do it to Beau more often because he likes it better than Felicia does.

12-10-2003, 03:47 PM
Awww! What a cute thread! :)

Noah: the same spot as Boo, the bridge of his nose...and his forehead

Noel: hates kissies...

Basil: loves kisses anywhere. I love to kiss his head, his belly and his paws.

Olivia: I kiss her side when she's sleeping on the couch, but she's a lot like Noel in that she could do without kissies.

Micah: Just like my Basie Bee...love kisses on his forhead though.

Hermie: If we kiss Hermie's forehead, she'll headbutt us. :)

Phoebe: forehead and paws

Emma/Samson: He (yep, HE!!!) loves his paws kissed. He's a lot like Micah in he loves to be kissed anywhere. :)

12-11-2003, 01:37 AM
Briggsy gets smooches everywhere...except her belly. I would be shredded if I got my face that close to her soft underbelly. LOVE to kiss her face, neck, body, pawsies - you name it. AND she lets me nibble on her ears :D That last surprises the heck out of me, but since she allows me to do it, I just nibble away like crazy!!!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-11-2003, 10:27 AM
If I must smooch Peanut - which of course I must - she prefers it right in the middle of her head, just like Boomer. :D

Tubby, on the other hand, prefers that I don't smooch him at all, but again, since I must, he puts up with it where ever. <valley girl tone here> :D

Edwina's Secretary
12-11-2003, 10:42 AM
Regrettably, this is something I cannot do. (Allergies.) But my husband likes to hold Edwina up on top of his head and smooch her belly. The look on her face is priceless. He also kisses the top of her head when he leaves for work in the morning.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-11-2003, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
But my husband likes to hold Edwina up on top of his head and smooch her belly. The look on her face is priceless.

I believe we need a picture of this! Sounds too cute. :D

12-11-2003, 02:40 PM
What a funny thread! I'd have to say top of the head for both kitties, but come to think of it it's rarely just one kiss, it's a bunch of smooches in a row, which I think they only tolerate, if I do it a second too long they get all whiny.

On a side note, my brother trained Azriel to kiss him when she was younger. It was the cutest thing, he'd show her a treat, put it behind his back, and she'd jump up and put her nose on his mouth, and then he'd give her the treat. Sometimes she'd even put her forepaws on the sides of his face when she did it. She did it to me a couple of times, but she mostly associated him with it. Now I think she's forgotten how to do it since he moved out. Quite a bummer, as it was fairly entertaining to show to people who were meeting them for the first time.

12-11-2003, 02:54 PM
Filou: the forehead, the nosie -where the fur is so short, and his sides when he is wiggling away;)

Tigris: all that plus the belly plus all 4 paws:D

But: Filou kisses me, Tigris not:D

12-11-2003, 11:29 PM
Grover likes to give me the kissys on my nose, and my eyes and my lips. She hold my nose in her paws and just starts licking away, I just love it when she does that.
