View Full Version : Doritos come down under....

03-16-2010, 04:20 PM
A random thread, but i have often heard of Doritos on american television especially as bad food on Oprah, and weight loss programmes, people saying i had to give up my doritos.

Well they have made it down under just now to our supermarkets, to me they look exactly like corn chips, so as i probably won't ever taste them, as i don't really want high fat food these days, wondering what you all have to say about Doritos.?

03-16-2010, 04:34 PM
A random thread, but i have often heard of Doritos on american television especially as bad food on Oprah, and weight loss programmes, people saying i had to give up my doritos.

Well they have made it down under just now to our supermarkets, to me they look exactly like corn chips, so as i probably won't ever taste them, as i don't really want high fat food these days, wondering what you all have to say about Doritos.?

Don't be scared.;)

Buy a small snack pack and have at it.

A few will not hurt you. The best way to eat them?

Cottage cheese, hot sauce, and olives?


03-16-2010, 05:22 PM
Doriiitoooos... mmhhh...

I like regular ones also with lemon juice(small green one as I know in the states that one is a lime;) and the big yellow one is the lemon and to us thatīs the lime.. lol).. aahh.. and with a cheese sandwich on the side.. or a burger..

ok.. now I need to get me some.. thanks ;)

Suki Wingy
03-16-2010, 05:26 PM
I love the cool ranch ones! The bags have different colors in the UK then they do in the US, did you know that?

03-16-2010, 05:35 PM
Doritos have been around for ages, I can't believe they didn't sell them down there until now :eek: They're basically flavored tortilla chips. I love the Cool Ranch, they're awesome! :love: I think they have some now that are baked, but they're probably still not very good for ya;)

03-16-2010, 05:43 PM
They may have changed the formula of the powdered "flavoring" on them for the NZ market ... They are corn chips, with different powdered, MSG-laden flavors - the original being a cheesy, tomato-y kind. And they leave bright orange powder on your fingers, and maybe face ...

I cannot eat them now, there's stuff in them I'm allergic to. Besides, I associate them with junior-high "dances" in my mind, so not terribly appealing!

03-16-2010, 06:11 PM
I love Doritos!! At family functions we always have a 5 layer dip and there had better be Doritos to eat with the dip, or else!!
I don't eat them too often though. But they are tasty. :)

03-16-2010, 08:57 PM
Yes well i figured they did not look any different to tortilla chips,so i won't be trying them, not a huge fan of corn chips or any kinda of chips,except hot ones,but hey thanks for the info.

03-16-2010, 09:12 PM
FYI doritito's do come in spicy flavors (here in the US, anyway)

03-16-2010, 09:25 PM
Doritos are good enough but classic lays are my downfall...I can't even keep them around without eating the whole bag.

03-16-2010, 09:30 PM
I miss the old Habenero Doritos! They've stopped selling them here now. They have changed the name to Toro Habenero but only sell those in heavily Spanish speaking populated areas. My dad has ordered me boxes of 10-20 bags at a time since nothing compares to them. L-O-V-E! We do have quite a few Spanish speaking areas here. I had my brother in law ask at one of the grocery stores to see if they could order some. They couldn't. I'm down to my last Habenero bag for now. I'm saving it for a special occasion.

03-16-2010, 10:41 PM
I love Doritos! Cool ranch are definately my favorite and the nacho ones are good too. I bought a bag of salsa verde ones before they were very spicy but I liked them. You could always get the plain ones and get some low fat chip dip to go with them. :) I dip mine in guacamole.

03-17-2010, 01:22 AM
Wow.....yer kiddin me. They only just arrived in NZ ??? We've had them here for ages and ages. All the supermarkets sell them.
They're great.....yummy.

03-17-2010, 07:02 AM
I loved the spicy ones at one time but as w/everything else I love, I eat them until I can't stand the sight of them any more. Haven't had any in years. If you're anything like me and can't stop eating something that you really love and you're on a weight loss regimen, stay away from them but if you can snack and control yourself, go for it. They come in lots of yummy flavors.

03-17-2010, 08:27 AM
I like the "touch of lime" flavor with a chunky salsa. Very yummy.

I'm not crazy about all the other flavors though, they often give me heartburn!

03-17-2010, 09:52 AM
My wife loves these plan with salsa, or the many flavors. Whatever she eats Koko wants a bite also. I had to put Koko on a corn free diet and it was well into her "Corn free" diet, to cut down on skin allergies, that I realize these snacks were just pure corn. Now my wife has to go into the bedroom if she eats Doritos because Koko expects her share. Once the Doritos were out of sight her skin allergies finally cleared up. Now we read the ingredients on everything my wife eats, for Koko sake.

03-17-2010, 09:59 AM
My wife loves these plan with salsa, or the many flavors. Whatever she eats Koko wants a bite also. I had to put Koko on a corn free diet and it was well into her "Corn free" diet, to cut down on skin allergies, that I realize these snacks were just pure corn. Now my wife has to go into the bedroom if she eats Doritos because Koko expects her share. Once the Doritos were out of sight her skin allergies finally cleared up. Now we read the ingredients on everything my wife eats, for Koko sake.
This is off topic, IF you can find AVODERM dog food-it is kinda pricey- Try it!
IT really does work for pet skin problems.:)




03-17-2010, 10:26 AM
I like them occasionally. The problem with them for me anyway, is that I continue to taste them for hours after I have eaten the last bite. :eek:

03-17-2010, 10:51 AM
I LOVE the nacho cheese flavored Doritos. We usually buy them a couple times a year when we have a party.

Here's the Wikipedia page for Doritos if you want to know a little more about them- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doritos

03-17-2010, 11:55 AM
I love the ranch and buffalo ranch and taco flavors. Nacho cheese is only good if you eat them with cottage cheese. Just eat them as part of a healthy diet and don't eat an entire bag every day and you will be fine.

03-17-2010, 01:11 PM
Hmm, years ago they changed the shape of the chips to have more rounded corners-people, me included, punched holes into their mouths because if the 'sharp' corners.


03-17-2010, 09:21 PM
Well guess who had an almost empty bag of Doritos in her school bag, yep Melissa had purchased a Salsa flavoured packet so i pinched one, i have to say i was hugely disappointed, they taste exactly the same as any of our brands of corn chips, in fact that is just what they are, is Dorito a brand name then?

I can certainly live without them for sure lol.

Wom stop showing off, we all know that Aussie is a much bigger country than NZ, so of course you get all the good stuff long before we do, well some of it anyhow,and yes you are better at cricket than we are, i admit it reluctantly.

Hey matey they are talking about making NZ an Australian State, over my dead body i say lol, yep i know way off topic here, i think i might have to eat a whole packet of Doritos if that happens.:D:D:D

03-17-2010, 09:33 PM
Gosh, I love Doritos. The original nacho cheese ones with salsa are the beeest. :love:

03-18-2010, 02:03 AM
Wom stop showing off, we all know that Aussie is a much bigger country than NZ, so of course you get all the good stuff long before we do, well some of it anyhow,and yes you are better at cricket than we are, i admit it reluctantly.

Has Coca Cola arrived there yet ???? :D:D

03-18-2010, 02:07 AM
Hey matey they are talking about making NZ an Australian State, over my dead body i say lol, yep i know way off topic here, i think i might have to eat a whole packet of Doritos if that happens.:D:D:D

Oh you have to be kidding !!!!!
Our beautiful country will be overtaken by bungie jumpers, sheepherders and flightless birds ???? Not to mention our cricket team...a few Kiwis on the team and we wouldn't be able to win against Fiji even if the wind was in our favour. :D
God love a duck.....where did you hear that ????

03-18-2010, 02:12 PM
I love Doritos! They aren't the healthiest thing in the world but they are sooo good :D

03-18-2010, 02:15 PM
Yes, Carole, Doritos is a brand name.

03-18-2010, 06:27 PM
Thanks Karen, so here is me thinking something new down under, just plain old corn chips duh.

Wom behave yourself, really, lol, it was on the news, however they did a survey and not many Aussies or Kiwis were up for the idea, not surprising, however i must admit i would not mind some of the benefits of becoming an Aussie State, better health care, for one and you are a much richer country than our's, better wages ,yeah i could go on and on, but i would hate to loose my identity as a kiwi.

Oh come on you could do with a few of our cricket boys, we are pretty good at it, just not as good as you guys YET, your day will come.:D

03-18-2010, 06:51 PM
Thanks Karen, so here is me thinking something new down under, just plain old corn chips duh.

Wom behave yourself, really, lol, it was on the news, however they did a survey and not many Aussies or Kiwis were up for the idea, not surprising, however i must admit i would not mind some of the benefits of becoming an Aussie State, better health care, for one and you are a much richer country than our's, better wages ,yeah i could go on and on, but i would hate to loose my identity as a kiwi.

Oh come on you could do with a few of our cricket boys, we are pretty good at it, just not as good as you guys YET, your day will come.:D

Hmmmm....nope never heard anything about it up here in Redneckville. I guess they leave us country bumpkins to our cows and pigs, and never let us know of stuff like that.
I think tho, that the main issue with you all would be that you would lose your identity as you've said. But yeah, I think the plus's economically would be good for you all.
Well mate, we have to beat you at something !!!!! You beat us at footy a few times.:D

03-18-2010, 10:00 PM
Yes those All Blacks are hard to beat, you know we could both benefit from our countries becoming one i guess, but i would feel strange becoming an australian,don't really want that, it will never happen wom, don't worry lol.:):D

03-19-2010, 12:25 AM
Gosh, I love Doritos. The original nacho cheese ones with salsa are the beeest. :love:
I agree.:) I just happen to have a bag of them at home.

03-19-2010, 05:09 AM
it will never happen wom, don't worry lol.:):D

But.....it's not really a good idea is it ??? I mean, if it did happen, all the Maori's would leave to live at Bondi Beach...:D

03-19-2010, 11:27 AM
Love the Cool Ranch doritios! I admit, I don't eat it a lot since I cut back on "junk food"...