View Full Version : Why oh why did I go to PetSmart?

10-02-2009, 12:52 PM
Because I needed filters for the Fur Posse's fountains, that's why. What I didn't need to do was walk by the adoption center. There were two adult cats there, one Calico and one Tuxie. The Calico looked nothing like my RB Puddy. This one is a big girl and a short hair. But she's a Calico. I adore Calicos. The Tuxie looked a lot like my RB Peeka. I don't know if this one is male or female but it had a sweet, feminine face so I'll say that it was probably female. Anyhow, their little faces are haunting me. There were two orange kittens there, too, but they were sound asleep, secure that they'll be adopted because they're cute little kittens. The adults had that "look" on their faces, that hopeless look as if to say "Yes, walk on by. I know, I'm too old for you". That isn't it at all. If I'd ever take in another cat, it would be an adult, probably a senior. But I just can't take in any more cats. It just isn't in the budget. I wish I would've had more sense than to walk by that adoption center. I can't get their faces out of my mind. :(

10-02-2009, 01:05 PM
I just wait until they show up at my back door.;)

10-02-2009, 01:11 PM
I totally understand. I keep FAR away from the cat adoption area. Usually I only go near it when I take Zoee in for grooming, which I haven't done since getting Taggart (almost a year). Since I groom her myself.

IF I ever get another cat (after my loaner cat is gone) I wanted to get an adult. But with the way Paizly is acting with G right now I might not be able to get another cat AT ALL. :( Of course G torments her too. :rolleyes:

10-02-2009, 01:35 PM
Been there/done that - feel your pain.

I've done the same thing on a couple of occasions. The last time I fell madly in love with a long haired orange and white that was a special needs cat. He/she had been found as a stray - full of buckshot. The vet got most of it out, but there was still some in one leg and she had a bad limp because of it, and would surely develop arthritis as a result too. This was the sweetest cat - I actually cried when I went out to my car because I couldn't bring her home, and went back several days in a row - just to visit. But I knew she would be okay since she was there from a local rescue group, and they would keep her if nobody took her.

I just don't go to Petsmart anymore since I've stopped taking the dogs to be groomed there. There is another huge pet supply store closer to me, that if I need anything, I just go there now. They don't have an adoption center, so I'm safe. :D

Laura's Babies
10-02-2009, 02:51 PM
I feel you pain! I was in PetSmart too, yesterday and had to go look... What did I see? :eek: She looked like Giz's sister. Same colors, same long, tall lean body and long fur.. I can't tell you how hard it was to walk away and leave her there.. I just want to CRY! :(

10-02-2009, 03:22 PM
I have that same feelong when I go by an adoption center, and these Little Faces are staring at you with such longing in thier eyes.
And you can tell the ones who have been there a while as they just lie there sad, while the New Arrivals try and get your attention.:eek:
Hey look me over Mister , Im a Good Cat REALLY!!!
Psst over here , over here.
And you leave and they sit down, and soon they dont bother to get up.:(
Its the so called Guardians who should be in cages , not The Poor Animals.:mad:

10-02-2009, 04:04 PM
You and me, too, Mary....:(

I always see a potential adoptable kitty there and it breaks my heart to leave them. My husband says that our guys wouldn't get along with another cat; yes, I know it's hard getting them acclimated to each other, but when we were first married, we did it all the time!

He brought home Mikey, I rescued Puddy, then we adopted 2 sisters, then the fish store kitty and one night he brought home Buzzy. We had 7 at one time!

Maybe I should remind him of those days..............:confused::confused:

There were some small skirmishes, but all in all they lived together peacefully.

I guess I need to put my foot down!;)

10-02-2009, 05:19 PM
It breaks my heart to see older cats be passed over. I know exactly how you feel, Mary.

I've been a bucket of tears since losing Mollie Rose and those 2 precious 4 day old babies.

I've got a friend in rescue who has five 8 week old kittens, 3 torties. She's trying to convince me to take one of the torties. Right now I don't think I can take in another cat. And if I did, it would be a senior, definitely a senior.

My nerves are way to raw to think about another mouth to feed. I definitely understand where you're coming from Mary. That's why I don't go to the Humane Society. It's too heartbreaking.

Prairie Purrs
10-02-2009, 06:05 PM
Same story here--even the same reason for visiting Petsmart (fountain filters).

There were quite a few kittens in the adoption area (including a pair of crazy orangies who were engaged in a bout of wrestlemania). But the handsome adult tuxie in the corner cage who never took his eyes off me, that's the one it really hurt to leave behind. Sadly, adopting another wouldn't be the right move financially or otherwise just now.

10-02-2009, 07:14 PM
Mary!! I know exactly how you are feeling!!! Instead, I make a donation OR sponsor a cat. I sponsor Hootz at Tabby's Place....I cannot adopt her, but at least I am helping a bit....

10-02-2009, 07:58 PM
I still shop at PetsMart, but only on certain days. Dog adoption groups
show their dogs on Saturdays so I hate to go then. I really have been
tempted, so I don't go then unless it's an emergency.:p I love seeing the
kitties too, but I'm responsible for far to many already.

I like to shop at PetsMart to show my support for their helping animal rescue

10-02-2009, 08:33 PM
Yup, been in the same boat, Mary. I can't look, not at adoption places, not on craiglist, no way no how. It hurts too much, realizing how huge the homeless animal issue is. (sorry, bad grammar)

Tora Oni
10-02-2009, 10:29 PM
Yeah that is kinda how I feel, also why I would love to do fostering so much. I would feel like I'm offering room that shelter may not be able to offer. I know how that pull on your heart string when you want to say yes to them but you know you just can't for some reason are another but it hurts that you can't have a win win situation. :(

10-03-2009, 07:19 AM
I would love to have a kitten, too, besides another senior kitty but given my age, it just isn't a good idea. I'm not ancient by any stretch but my cats have lived a long time (Pidge is now 21 and Boo is 18). I'd be into my 80's if a new kitten lived as long and seeing that I live alone, taking in any more cats, kittens at least, isn't practical. Plus I have relative calm in my home; everyone gets along w/everyone else. If pee wars started, I'd not be happy. However, I know that I will one day take in a senior cat. Just not now. And I'm a failure at fostering. I have 6 "fosters" right now. ;)

10-03-2009, 08:07 AM
Plus I have relative calm in my home; everyone gets along w/everyone else. If pee wars started, I'd not be happy. However, I know that I will one day take in a senior cat. Just not now. And I'm a failure at fostering.

That is also one of the main reasons I haven't taken in anymore. Buddy is finally comfortable here and all my cats are content and happy with the pecking order. Besides, if by chance an emergency foster situation should come up (like the two newborns that unfortunately, didn't make it), I'll have the space for "just one more".

Oh yeah, and I've also failed Fostering 101 in the past. As you always told me, ya gotta know when to say, "I'd love to but I can't".

10-03-2009, 11:35 AM
One of the reasons I never "adopted" a kitty is that I knew that one day a kitty or two would show up on my doorstep. I wanted to be able to take kitteh in and not feel overburdened.

As y'all know, recently LJ showed up and all seem to get along or at least tolerate each other. Today LJ and Spunky (feeling better) were playing footsie from both sides of a door. It's a start. We do have a stinnk contest going. The one that creates the stinkiest poop, wins.

I do see the critters at PetSmart and feel sad to see them stuck in cages, but I also know they are safer there than on the streets.

10-03-2009, 03:34 PM
I went by PetsMart today , and I was so HAPPY!!:):):)
And Older Owesome Orange Cat was being taken home!!!
He was a Mackeral Tabby with Target Markings on his side, and his New Family had a shopping cart full of goodies for thier New Companion whose name was...
I gave them a 15% off discount coupon that I had extra to help Michael the Marvellous on his way!!!
We all had smiles on Our Faces!!

10-03-2009, 03:50 PM
Way to go Gary. I love happy endings, or in this case, a new beginning! :D

10-03-2009, 05:12 PM
Sign me up for this club, too! When I go to Petsmart, I go directly to the cat section, take a detour through the dog section to the cash register so as not to pass the adoptable kitties. I feel bad when I can't bring them all home!

10-03-2009, 10:37 PM
"They don't have an adoption center, so I'm safe. "

I totally understand this statement but it's important to support companies that support adoptions. I realize that Pet Smart is merely increasing their clientel by offering adoptions but at least they are offering square footage of retail space to help the poor babies :( I do avoid the area because it breaks my heart but I would prefer my $$ going there than elsewhere.