02-12-2007, 04:27 PM
The email looks legit too. Here is part of it:

"My name is (removed), and I am a Casting Producer for ABC's Wife Swap. For our third season, we are currently looking to feature a family of dog breeders. I came across your contact information from Next Day Pets. As an animal lover myself, I think America could really benefit from seeing a family that is devoted to animals. Hollywood sometimes can make dogs seem like purse accessories, but anyone who has owned a pet knows it’s a lot more work! Our show is fun for the whole family and an overall unique experience!

Any person who refers a featured family receives a $1,000 referral award. If your family is not interested or ineligible, feel free to recommend as many families as you’d like.

In order to apply for the show, families must have two parents and at least one child between the ages of 6-18 still living at home.

Families selected to appear on the show receive $20,000 from ABC Television.

Wife Swap is the series where two moms switch houses for six days and live in the shoes of the other woman. It’s a great experience for any open-minded family! "

They give several contact info and links to the actual sites. I of course would never consider it. With my disablity there is NO WAY I could. Even though 20,000 would be a nice chunk of change. I do enjoy watching th eshow though. All I could say is wow. I did respond asking them what info I need to be able to refer a family. Maybe I can refer someone.
Nicole & Sheena

02-12-2007, 04:38 PM
Wow!!! That's so cool!!! I'd apply for everything. But I don't want to. lol, Jenny is wayyyyyyyyyy too easy. Everyone is like modle citizen. ESPECIALLY Jenny. :p

02-12-2007, 04:52 PM
A legit casting call would NEVER come by email.

Did the email address you by name? Did it arrive in your regular folder or bulk folder?

Call your local TV station that carries the show and tell them about the email. They will be VERY interested.

This is on the ABC site: http://abc.go.com/site/casting.html#theswap

See if the info there matches what you have.

02-12-2007, 05:02 PM
Yup the contact info matches. They gave me several contact info emails and a couple of phone numbers and addy's. All the email contacts have the last part of @rdfusa.com. Some places do do the initial contact by email. I was contacted by the Dr. Phil show once by email and that later prooved to be legit. I think feeler emails like this to see if there is interest do happen. All the links they gave have checked out as well. But you do have to check them out. There are a lot of fakers out there.
Nicole & Sheena

02-12-2007, 05:12 PM
A legit casting call would NEVER come by email.

Did the email address you by name? Did it arrive in your regular folder or bulk folder?

Call your local TV station that carries the show and tell them about the email. They will be VERY interested.

This is on the ABC site: http://abc.go.com/site/casting.html#theswap

See if the info there matches what you have.
I AGREE- and I am hiding my website off of google search.. lol..

02-12-2007, 05:26 PM
I got a reply back. I had also sent them the idea of maybe featuring a family that works in rescue or as fosters but they sent back a good response as to why they can't.

"Hi Nicole,

Thanks for the emails. Unfortunately, we are not able to film in Canada so that does disqualify you. If you’d like to recommend a family, please talk to them first.

In regards to foster dogs—yes, we have thought of that idea. We are not opposed to going down that road; however there are some obvious red flags. Foster dogs often have troubled backgrounds as you know. Gaining a rescue dog’s trust can take time and effort. How would a house full of foster dogs react to their human mother leaving and having a new human mom for a week? Would they trust her immediately? Would she be capable of handling the animals appropriately? What would happen if one of the animals attacked a crew member?

As with all families with animals, we take them on a case by case basis. We are open to all sorts of different dog-related families, but I would hate to pursue a family with foster dogs, and then not be able to feature them because production thought it was too much of a liability. Most people assume that people who work in reality television are out to exploit families—but as I mentioned in my first email, I am a HUGE animal lover. I consider animals as members of the family. Unless all family members are on board and excited, I would hate to put an animal in an uncomfortable environment for ten days for the sake of television.

Thanks again for your emails!"

Makes a lot of sense.
Nicole & Sheena

02-12-2007, 05:31 PM
Nicole darling ---- if you mention my name, I am coming to canada to find you.. roflmbo... lol. ( yes honey- it was a joke- you know me.. lol.. )

02-12-2007, 05:37 PM
I have not refered anyone and defiantely would not without the persons permission first. But yes I know you are just joking. :D
Nicole & Sheena

02-12-2007, 06:08 PM
They contacted us too last year. Hubby didn't want to do it because he said he'd kill the woman who tried to remove ANY of the cats and tried to stop all sports activities in the home. I'd like to think he was more concerned about the cats' welfare than sports but I think they tie with sports! LOL

Laura's Babies
02-12-2007, 06:55 PM
I would have to kill anyone coming in my house and throwing out my cats too.. To me they seem to pick the extreem on both ends to match up. Like I love cats, the would pick someone who hated cats to send to my house.

I wouldn't qualify either, not married, no kids that age and I just wouldn't want some one I never met LIVING in my house!

02-12-2007, 06:58 PM
hey- I just threw out my step daughter- a stranger is a piece of cake to toss out of the house on their ear uh butt.. lol..

02-12-2007, 07:41 PM
Maybe I'd get lucky and they send a neat freak to my house :D :rolleyes: my house could use a good cleaning :rolleyes:

critter crazy
02-12-2007, 07:49 PM
Maybe I'd get lucky and they send a neat freak to my house :D :rolleyes: my house could use a good cleaning :rolleyes:
oooo......me too!!!!! send a neat freak my way!!!!:D besides hubby always says he wants to trade me in on a newer model!:rolleyes:

02-12-2007, 08:34 PM
my hubby tries to be romantic by saying that the only way he'd trade me in would be for a newer model of myself :rolleyes: :D

02-12-2007, 11:44 PM
The one that was on the 15th of January was a girl that lives here in this town. She is the bodybuilder that switched places with a little person.

02-13-2007, 12:40 AM
i dont think i could handle that lol...did any one catch last weeks? Maybe it was just me but I honestly got a headache from just watching that lady she was so negative and RUDE i could hardly stand it!

02-13-2007, 10:55 AM
I saw the title to this thread, and all I could think of was there was going to be one HURTIN hubby.

I had no idea this was a show, not sure if I would allow family to take my place let alone a stranger......hehe. I will have to tune in to see what the draw would be ;)

02-13-2007, 08:04 PM
Don't go getting hyper anyone. Seems this has been circulating for some time now and it is a big hoax. Everything seems to pan out, but there are some real smart scammers out there. There's also a big hoax going around about a very dangerous virus going around, I fell for it until someone told me it was a hoax also. These things go around in circles.
As for Dr. Phil he works with something much more important than this junk.
I'm getting a liitle wiser since a few yrs back.