View Full Version : Results from our first Rally trial (*3 pics and a video*)

02-11-2007, 07:13 PM
Nova and I had our first rally trial this weekend. On Saturday we did pretty good, the errors we made were mostly my fault, except for the sloppy sits ;) Nova got 85/100 points and qualified for the first leg of her RN title. Here she is with her ribbon.

And here is the video of our run (click the picture).
http://labsandmutts.phanfare.com/show_image.aspx?album_id=191175&section_id=273109&hmi_id=12260596&image_version=12&rend=WEB (http://labsandmutts.phanfare.com/album/191175/273109/12260596)

Today wasn't as good - Nova was very inattentive of me and I could tell she'd rather have been doing something else. We still qualified, which was really all that I wanted, but I wish we could have done better. We got 81/100 points. Here she is with her ribbon.


So she has two legs, and needs one more for her title. We're traveling to Pensacola in a couple weeks to try and get the last leg, and I'll be taking Buck as well in hopes to get his first two legs. We also might be traveling to a dock dogs event this weekend, but we're not sure just yet.

02-11-2007, 07:18 PM
Way to go Nova and Sarah. The pics were great and I really enjoyed watching the video. You make me want to go and work with my girls.

Hugs to Nova for a job well done!

02-11-2007, 07:31 PM
AWESOME job, you two! And congrats on your 2/3 legs :D

Now, in Rally, are you allowed to see the course beforehand, or do you have to "sightread" it when you get into the ring? (like, in agility, the judge gives you a course map...does this happen in rally, too?)

02-11-2007, 07:33 PM
Thank you both!

Now, in Rally, are you allowed to see the course beforehand, or do you have to "sightread" it when you get into the ring? (like, in agility, the judge gives you a course map...does this happen in rally, too?)Yeah, you get a map and you are allowed to walk it a few times without the dog, just like agility :)

02-11-2007, 07:35 PM
What a good girl she is. :) The last two pictures are really neat, what a cool background.

I have to admit, not knowing anything about rally, I was quite confused when you said she had 2 legs. From what I saw, she had 4 completely fine legs when I met her. ;)

02-11-2007, 07:43 PM
I have to admit, not knowing anything about rally, I was quite confused when you said she had 2 legs. From what I saw, she had 4 completely fine legs when I met her. ;)

LOL! "legs" are the qualifying scores needed to complete a title ;)

And thanks for the info, Sarah! Rally might be something I try with Kayla sometime.

02-11-2007, 07:52 PM
I had figured that after reading on, but I had to make fun of myself anyways. :p ;)

02-11-2007, 08:01 PM
I have to admit, not knowing anything about rally, I was quite confused when you said she had 2 legs. From what I saw, she had 4 completely fine legs when I met her. ;)Oops, I guess I should have explained that better :o

And thanks for the info, Sarah! Rally might be something I try with Kayla sometime.Sure, no problem! To be honest, Nova and I haven't practiced in ... oh, say, a year or so! I only practiced with her the two nights before the show, but other than that, we haven't done anything really since rally class last year :p And actually, I just started teaching Buck tonight some of the things he'd need to know, and he picked it up really quick. The Novice class isn't too hard - though some of the exercises are somewhat hard and if you perform it incorrectly, you lose 10 points (which happened to me both days :o). When you get to the advanced class, the dog is off leash, so it is much harder.

Toby's my baby
02-11-2007, 08:02 PM
Great job! Good luck getting your last leg, I'm sure you both will do great!

02-11-2007, 08:07 PM
Way to go Nova!
I like those last 2 pictures, I'll watch the video in a bit :)

02-11-2007, 08:09 PM
Congradulations Nova! You did awesome! And made your human very proud:D What a beautiful hard earned ribbon.

Suki Wingy
02-11-2007, 08:14 PM
She looks so happy when she grabbed the lead in her mouth! Good Job Nova! This looks like something that Niņo could do because he'd stay on lead the whole time.

02-11-2007, 08:16 PM
That is wonderful, you must be so pleased! Watching the video, I felt like Nova was saying, "give me something hard, this is too easy!" Ha ha.

Keep us posted how the two dogs - and you - progress!!!

02-11-2007, 09:27 PM
Congrats! :D Visa and Solo have their first trial next month. :eek: Is that AKC rally? It looks alot like CKC rally, which I'm hoping to start soon. We're doing CARO rally right now which is very hard, the courses are all over the place rather than in straight lines. Hopefully my guys will Q like Nova did! Pretty rosette, too! Love the green.

02-11-2007, 09:34 PM
Hey, qualifying is a greyt accomplishment in itself! Very cool video. I enjoyed watching that alot and it makes for a greyt educational video for those who don't know what Rally-O is :) I might have to borrow that one day ;)

02-11-2007, 10:14 PM
Congrats! Rally is so much fun! She did really well this weekend. My first rally trial is in May.

02-12-2007, 12:01 AM
Congrats!! It's always such a rush to get those first legs and title on a dog *which is upcoming soon!). You guys look like you're doing very well! I'll look forward to hearing about your Advanced and Excellent titles as well. The rosette looked beautiful on Nova!!

It seems like lots of us were out this weekend showing our dogs. My shameless brag for the weekend is from a NADAC show. Aslan (sheltie) got three new titles (EJC, OCC and TG-N). He got eight qualifying ribbons and seven first place ribbons. Jericho (sheltie), my mostly deaf boy, was entered in a few runs. He's just starting out again after a two a dn a half year break. He didn't qualify, but he had some great runs and earned second and third place ribbons. We came home with 20 ribbons!! :eek: You get a lot of runs in NADAC!!

02-12-2007, 12:13 AM
Congratulations to you and Nova! She looks very proud of herself. :) I watched the video, very cool, that looks like something Nebo could do, I think I'll try to see if they have anything like that around here.

finn's mom
02-12-2007, 01:09 AM
Wow, great work! That video is fantastic!

02-12-2007, 11:27 AM
Way to go!!!

Dock Dog event... yeah yeah!!! You should go!! :D

02-12-2007, 01:48 PM
Thanks everyone :D I'm proud of her. I'm actually heading out in a minute to get supplies to make a display board for all of our ribbons and awards (only four so far, but hopefully more to come ;)).

Is that AKC rally? It looks alot like CKC rally, which I'm hoping to start soon. We're doing CARO rally right now which is very hard, the courses are all over the place rather than in straight lines. Hopefully my guys will Q like Nova did! Pretty rosette, too! Love the green.
Yep, it's AKC. I know CKC is using the rules and stuff from AKC, so they are probably very similar. What is CARO?

We decided to forgo the dock dogs competition because I'd rather save the gas money, hotel money, and entry fees for a show where we could earn titles (selfish, I know :o). Also, it isn't actually dock dogs that's putting it on, it's Ultimate Air Dogs, and I want to stick to dock dogs if I'm going to travel 3+ hours for an event. Dock Dogs should be coming back our way in a few months. Until then I've got obedience, rally, and conformation shows coming up. Actually, I decided to drive 3 hours north this Sunday for a UKC conformation show. It will be Buck and I's first conformation show. Then in March we have an AKC rally show, then a UKC obedience show for both Buck and Nova. And then a show in April and one in May as well, but I'm not positive yet if I'm going to those.

It seems like lots of us were out this weekend showing our dogs. My shameless brag for the weekend is from a NADAC show. Aslan (sheltie) got three new titles (EJC, OCC and TG-N). He got eight qualifying ribbons and seven first place ribbons. Jericho (sheltie), my mostly deaf boy, was entered in a few runs. He's just starting out again after a two a dn a half year break. He didn't qualify, but he had some great runs and earned second and third place ribbons. We came home with 20 ribbons!! :eek: You get a lot of runs in NADAC!!
Wow, congrats!! That's very cool. This was my first show ever (unless if you count Dock Dogs and a small match I entered), but I've got quite a few coming up. My dad complains about the money but my mom and I always say that I could be out partying and doing drugs like most of my friends my age. ;) He prefers this instead, of course!

Congratulations to you and Nova! She looks very proud of herself. :) I watched the video, very cool, that looks like something Nebo could do, I think I'll try to see if they have anything like that around here.If he knows basic obedience then I'm sure he could do it. You can download the signs and explinations of the signs that are used in rally on the AKC website. You can look for shows on the AKC site, or go to infodog.com (http://infodog.com) or onofrio.com (http://www.onofrio.com/).

02-12-2007, 05:41 PM
GOOD GIRL, NOVA! Sarah, Nova is so well behaved! Congratulations to the both of you!

02-12-2007, 07:38 PM
What is CARO?

It's the Canadian Association of Rally-Obedience. It's different than CKC or AKC because past the novice level it has alot more agility combined into it. I think it's also harder but I've only seen a couple videos of CKC rally, and your's is the first I've seen on AKC.