View Full Version : Pitbulls ??Aggression, Fact or Not???

10-23-2006, 04:23 PM
I grew up with the breed because thats all my dad wanted. The only way he would buy them was if they were registered. The problem is . I want one but my hsband has bought into all of the media hype about them. I have tried to explain its all in how they are raised but he is petrified. I was hoping that if he saw some positive responses on here it would help.. I would appreciate any responses.

10-23-2006, 05:29 PM
Have him play around on this site for a while http://www.understand-a-bull.com/BSL/AboutBSL.htm the "all dogs bite" page is an interesting one.

10-23-2006, 05:47 PM
Hi Heather,

My name is Donna I own a pit bull, pit mix and and a ACD mix, all females and they got along great. I believe a lot of how a pit bull will turn out is how they are raised. Ebony (my pit bull) is a big old love bug. She absolutely loves anyone she meets. She is not dog aggressive at all towards my other two dogs. I started taking her out and about around people and other dogs when she was a pup we go out walking around other dogs all the time she does fine around them. My mom was the exact same was as your husband is, she bought into all the media hype, she was scared to death of pit bulls. Ebony has totally changed her mind about the breed. You really have to be top dog when you own a pittie and have the time to give them lots of exercise because they do have a ton of energy. Tell your husband if he would give a pittie a chance that he would love them and be hooked for life they are an amazing breed. Ebony had so much personality, she makes me laugh every day with her silly antics. What is it your husband is afraid of when it come to the pit bull? If I can help you with any more questions please ask. Show your husband these pictures. Ebony really is sweet as can be.




10-23-2006, 06:05 PM
Pit Bulls are completely misunderstood. Everyone thinks they're the big evil dogs that'll attack anything theysee. They won't. They only turn into that if they're trained for dog fighting[-gag-] And even then, they only do it becuase thats all they know to do! If they're not trained to fight, they're not going to!

have your husband read it! I think it explains everything very well.

10-23-2006, 06:50 PM
Welcome to PT! Pit Bulls are the sweetest dogs and people who say they arent are just I hate to say it but really stupid. Once I thought they were bad dogs and yes I am saying I was stupid when I thought that! They are really lovely dogs.

Suki Wingy
10-24-2006, 09:29 PM
The way my experience has shown, is breeding is a factor also, but the way you treat and raise a dog can ruine or help out the dog. For hundreds of years, both the breeds going into the American Pit bull Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terriers (bulldogs and terriers) were both bred very strictly for no human agression whatsoever and also for a strong loyalty and trust in humans, because if you had to go in the ring, you couldn't have the dog turn on you. Any dog showing dog-on-human agression was culled out of breeding. When pit fighting was outlawed 150 or so years ago, almost all dogs were bred out of dog-on-dog agression. That's hundreds of years away from agression on humans and 150 years breeding out of dog agression. All of the Am Staffs I've met were outgoing yet very attached to their handlers. I reccomend this site:

10-28-2006, 07:45 AM
Well I delayed posting this, but I will. I am not looking for a reply just something for you to consider..
I have a dear friend that lives in the same county as I that was a skilled trainer. She had lots of titles in obedience, therapy dogs, showed etc. Well she got this pit puppy from a excellent show kennel ( not fighting kennel- a real breeder..) For over a year, the dog ( female spayed) excelled in anything she taught the dog. I dont care for pits, but I must admit, the dog was amazing. Calm quiet docile, and obedient. Got her CD in just the 3 trials required, quickly went to CDX..
One day, she was out in the yard working when this lady walked by with another spayed female dog. Just walking along.. No big deal.. When her dog went after the the womans dog and when the woman tried to rescue her dog from the attack, she was attacked as well.. They did a autopsy on her dog, as it was forced to be put down for the attack, found nothing in the brain to indicate a illness or nothing.
The result- my friend is in jail for the attack. She was sued by the lady that her dog attacked, and because she couldnt work- she lost her house to forclosure.. Her life is ruined at this stage, she is still in jail, and depressed and on suicide watch.
I never EVER would have thought for a second her dog was capable of this- but since then, our county has put a ban on pit bulls in the town limits and if you have one in the county it has to be registered with the police department..
I think the problem here is the denial in the club of the breeds. These breeds were bred for centeries for one reason- to attack and mame another dog. The clubs denial in trying to do something = like temperment testing and maybe even trying to breed to more docile dogs is the source. ( this is just my opinion..) but until the breed clubs ( american staffy etc) accept that there is a problem, nothing is going to be done.
Even the bull dog, meant originally to bait bulls, has made the change to a docile sweet loving dog.. The same, IN my opinion, needs to take place here as well.
This dear friend of mine, skilled trainer, proof in the pudding of training her dogs successfully.. all she has said week after week after week- was " I thought I was the one person that could handle this breed.."

Suki Wingy
10-28-2006, 09:14 PM
borzoimom, there are several strains that are breeding out dog on dog agression.

10-28-2006, 10:31 PM
These breeds were bred for centeries for one reason- to attack and mame another dog.
Actually this is a myth -- pit bulls were not originally bred to fight dogs. They were originally bred as ratters and as time grew on they were bred to bait bulls. Pit bulls, like other terriers, were bred to bite their prey and then hold on, because if they let go they run the risk of their prey killing them (even rats!). It wasn't until long after that dog fighting became popular, and since pit bulls were bred to hold on to save their own lives, they were an easy target.

It sounds to me that your friend's dog was over-guarding her property from another dog -- not an uncommon trait in any breed. Obviously she hadn't had any problems at dog shows and obedience trials -- it wasn't until a dog was near her property that an issue arose. Now whether or not dogs had been on her property before and she was fine, and this was just a strange fluke -- well it could mean anything. Perhaps she was "breedist" towards a certain breed of dog, the other dog showed signs of aggression, etc -- I wouldn't, personally, think that a few dogs over a hundred years ago, hundreds of pedigree generations ago would influence the present dog enough to suddenly change the dog's behaviour, especially since we've all taken a look at the changes that went though several other breeds once show breeders got a hold of the working dogs -- great danes are no longer the courageous boar hunters that they once were, boxers are no longer the ferocious dog fighters they once were, etc. Yet for some reason people still refuse to believe that a purpose fullfilled over 100 years ago in the pit bull no longer has an affect on current behaviour and temperament today.

Not arguing, hope I didn't offend -- just my opinion. :) I had a pit bull when I was little and though he was a grumpy boy as he got older, the worst he did to me was cut my lip with a wag of his tail. Nowadays it's easy to find a pit bull that isn't dog or people aggressive -- you just have to know what you're looking for, and you have to do your research. I would run from a Belgian before I ran from a pit bull lol.

10-28-2006, 10:39 PM
Everybreed has its agressive side..
Ever heard of PREY DRIVE??
Depends on how strong it is in each dog and how the owner determines whether it is a good trait or a bad trait.
In Pit Bulls, it depends on what you want the dog for, ie.. dog sports, weight pull, agility, agil-lure, or just a good working dog.
In a Border Collie, a cattle dog, agility, protection
In a Chiauhau(spelling) lap biter, ankle biter, pinkie biter, sorry, they weight pull, agility, or just be a good watch dog.
So pick your breed and choose the drive they have and be careful on how it is determined at "agressive behavior" instead of "breed characteristic"

You tell me below which dog you would be more scared of???
Most DOG people will probably be right!!

10-28-2006, 10:45 PM
Actually this is a myth -- pit bulls were not originally bred to fight dogs. They were originally bred as ratters and as time grew on they were bred to bait bulls. Pit bulls, like other terriers, were bred to bite their prey and then hold on, because if they let go they run the risk of their prey killing them (even rats!). It wasn't until long after that dog fighting became popular, and since pit bulls were bred to hold on to save their own lives, they were an easy target.

It sounds to me that your friend's dog was over-guarding her property from another dog -- not an uncommon trait in any breed. Obviously she hadn't had any problems at dog shows and obedience trials -- it wasn't until a dog was near her property that an issue arose. Now whether or not dogs had been on her property before and she was fine, and this was just a strange fluke -- well it could mean anything. Perhaps she was "breedist" towards a certain breed of dog, the other dog showed signs of aggression, etc -- I wouldn't, personally, think that a few dogs over a hundred years ago, hundreds of pedigree generations ago would influence the present dog enough to suddenly change the dog's behaviour, especially since we've all taken a look at the changes that went though several other breeds once show breeders got a hold of the working dogs -- great danes are no longer the courageous boar hunters that they once were, boxers are no longer the ferocious dog fighters they once were, etc. Yet for some reason people still refuse to believe that a purpose fullfilled over 100 years ago in the pit bull no longer has an affect on current behaviour and temperament today.

Not arguing, hope I didn't offend -- just my opinion. :) I had a pit bull when I was little and though he was a grumpy boy as he got older, the worst he did to me was cut my lip with a wag of his tail. Nowadays it's easy to find a pit bull that isn't dog or people aggressive -- you just have to know what you're looking for, and you have to do your research. I would run from a Belgian before I ran from a pit bull lol.

My aunt is a Malinois breeder/owner and the other has Belgians and I don't walk in her yard until she says its okay!!
And I agree with you 100%
The dog was protecting her from something. Even my AST, who didn't bark until she was 2yrs, just about jumped out of her skin and let a robber know he didn't belong this past summer!!!

10-28-2006, 11:01 PM
Sorry, the fact of the matter is that PIT bulls were bred to fight in PITS - hence the name. HOWEVER - one of the most important requirements of early breedings was that no matter how DOG aggressive a fighter was - being people friendly was a must. The original breeders and fighters prized their dogs highly and took care of any injuries that the dog aquired in the pit and took the dogs home to live with the family. Dogs that won in the pit were often shot if they were aggressive toward people.

I know several pit bull owners and while their dogs are friendly - not one of them is willing to consider that their dog will not attack another dog. They train their dogs daily and monitor their dogs closely. They never, EVER leave their dogs unattended with another dog. EVER.

Heather - if your husband doesn't want the breed, you might look at another breed.

10-28-2006, 11:23 PM
Sorry, the fact of the matter is that PIT bulls were bred to fight in PITS - hence the name.
Actually "pit bull" was not a term recognised until they started fighting them, which happened several decades after the birth of the breed. They were originally called "Staffordshire bull baiters," which also gave way to the AKC's changing of the American pit bull terrier's name to Staffordshire bull terrier.

Oh, and I'm in complete agreement -- people-agressive dogs were culled by death. These were family dogs that slept in the children's beds.

10-28-2006, 11:34 PM
If you really want to do some history,

You can try:
white terrier
Irish staff
bully baiter
Irish white terrier

No matter what you want to call them, and what people think of them, the Pit Bull will always get a bad rap
I have had up to 40 at one time in the past 10 years. 4 fights EVER.
ALL DOGS SHOULD BE MONITORED if they have any drive.
I can't leave my Aussies alone together.
My Border Collies are fine.
My 3 year male and my 6 year old male are fine and the are OMG, PIT BULLS!!! Bred for SHOW and NOT FIGHTING. My 6 year old has high prey drive but my 3 year old does not. But they have been raised togother in an environment that has no high risk elements. I AM ALPHA.
The only one who is bossy, by mouth, is my unsure Aussie. Lack of social skills by first owner. I have only had her a few months.
My AST is so social she would invite everyone to a sleepover. And bake cookies..
So think what you, but don't judge ye who he have not met.
I have not judged you.
Black, white, red, or based on the religion or nationality you are.
Of course I have not met you either ;)

10-28-2006, 11:39 PM
These were family dogs that slept in the children's beds.
Still are...http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

10-28-2006, 11:47 PM
What a beautiful dog, I love the colour. :) Do you show your dogs?

10-29-2006, 08:48 AM
I used to.. I am "Dog Show Free" for almost a year now.;) :eek:
I have shown dogs for over 25 years now and miss it, but not the politics.:mad:
I have a daughter with severe special need, so we are taking time off.:)
My white headed male is a UKCGrand and the blue tri just needs his last major to finish.
And thank you very much for the compliment.:D
The blue tri, Trace, is going to live with his cousin in Texas. So we will miss him ALLOT.:(

10-29-2006, 12:16 PM
I personally LOVE the breed! I hope to have one someday rescued of course and I am learning more about them by coming across them at the shelter where I volunteer. :) here's some positive pit bull stories that are true. :) have your husband look at it.


10-29-2006, 01:32 PM
My husband is slowly coming around . My grandmother showed him pics of her RB pit sassy. She was a huge baby . My grandmother had her when i was a little girl and the pics are of me using her as a pillow and reading a book. That picture shocked him. He prefers cockerspaniels.I have nothing against the , but that is not my breed of choice. My father took him to my cousins house and she hs three kids and two pit bulls . They were all playing in the yard together. Because of all of this he is willing to possibly look into the breed.

Love That Collie
10-29-2006, 06:16 PM
Well I delayed posting this, but I will. I am not looking for a reply just something for you to consider..
I have a dear friend that lives in the same county as I that was a skilled trainer. She had lots of titles in obedience, therapy dogs, showed etc. Well she got this pit puppy from a excellent show kennel ( not fighting kennel- a real breeder..) For over a year, the dog ( female spayed) excelled in anything she taught the dog. I dont care for pits, but I must admit, the dog was amazing. Calm quiet docile, and obedient. Got her CD in just the 3 trials required, quickly went to CDX..
One day, she was out in the yard working when this lady walked by with another spayed female dog. Just walking along.. No big deal.. When her dog went after the the womans dog and when the woman tried to rescue her dog from the attack, she was attacked as well.. They did a autopsy on her dog, as it was forced to be put down for the attack, found nothing in the brain to indicate a illness or nothing. "

Sounds similiar to the case I investigated a few years ago and wrote about in a previous post except the owner didn't go to jail and the dog attacked a child that it knew, next door neighbor, so not even a stranger walking by. I agree with a lot of what you say. And it will take many years for the breeders to remedy this if it can be remedied in this (U.S.) country. My groomer even owns a Pit Bull and she cannot bring the dog onto her business property due to the insurance liability because the insurance in this state will not cover this breed in the event of injury to others. Her homeowners insurance will not cover her in case of liability if something should happen involving her pet.

10-29-2006, 06:25 PM
Sounds similiar to the case I investigated a few years ago and wrote about in a previous post except the owner didn't go to jail and the dog attacked a child that it knew, next door neighbor, so not even a stranger walking by. I agree with a lot of what you say. And it will take many years for the breeders to remedy this if it can be remedied in this (U.S.) country. My groomer even owns a Pit Bull and she cannot bring the dog onto her business property due to the insurance liability because the insurance in this state will not cover this breed in the event of injury to others. Her homeowners insurance will not cover her in case of liability if something should happen involving her pet.

There are allot of business' across the country that are not allowing Pit Bulls or breeds of similiar looks in their establishments due to insurance liabiltiy.
Even with my dogs being Therapy Dogs, I have run into a problem here and there. I have to carry PROOF they are INSURED..
And still they cringe at them coming in.
It boils down to "dog ownership responsibility"...sad so many are not

Love That Collie
10-29-2006, 06:31 PM
There are allot of business' across the country that are not allowing Pit Bulls or breeds of similiar looks in their establishments due to insurance liabiltiy.
Even with my dogs being Therapy Dogs, I have run into a problem here and there. I have to carry PROOF they are INSURED..
And still they cringe at them coming in.
It boils down to "dog ownership responsibility"...sad so many are not

You are kidding yourself if you believe that. That is not all it "boils" down to.

Suki Wingy
10-29-2006, 08:14 PM
dogluver4life, you have a blue tan point!?! My favorite color! Did you show him/her? I don't understand why tris are looked down upon.

10-29-2006, 09:05 PM
You are kidding yourself if you believe that. That is not all it "boils" down to.


10-29-2006, 09:07 PM
dogluver4life, you have a blue tan point!?! My favorite color! Did you show him/her? I don't understand why tris are looked down upon.

tri is a color patern, not a color like red, blue, black. It is like brindle and merle...
I have always loved tri's too..:D

Oh yea, yes I did show him 3 shows= 2 majors 110 points
Just needs 1 major to finish. Just haven't done it.

10-30-2006, 06:01 AM
i love pit bulls, first time i met one i thought my friend was kidding ( the wirery little dog jumping all around the living room with a diaper on couldn't possibly be a pit bull, lol)

too bad that the only people around here allowed to have them are criminals and drug dealers, thanks to bsl.

10-30-2006, 07:13 AM
Sounds similiar to the case I investigated a few years ago and wrote about in a previous post except the owner didn't go to jail and the dog attacked a child that it knew, next door neighbor, so not even a stranger walking by. I agree with a lot of what you say. And it will take many years for the breeders to remedy this if it can be remedied in this (U.S.) country. My groomer even owns a Pit Bull and she cannot bring the dog onto her business property due to the insurance liability because the insurance in this state will not cover this breed in the event of injury to others. Her homeowners insurance will not cover her in case of liability if something should happen involving her pet.
Yea you cant have a pit in the city, and this is a small town. And outside in the county, you have a permit at the sheriffs office. I saw a American Staffy at a dog show, walk out of the ring after taking the breed, and jump at a cocker spaniel with all the mode of pure attack. Shocked EVERYONE including the judge that had just placed him up. He lost his breed position, and of course points. I heard the judge say " I just had my hands on the dog.." he said as you could see he was visibly shaken badly.. And this wasnt a badly bred dog etc- scary to say the least..

Suki Wingy
10-30-2006, 10:56 AM
he has 110 points, so you show UKC then, right? Imagine if he was AKC as an Am Staff, they'd just about excuse him from the ring. :rolleyes: And thanks for informing me on the genetics! I love genetics but I'm only really studdied in horse and Dalmatian genetics right now.

10-31-2006, 03:41 PM
he has 110 points, so you show UKC then, right? Imagine if he was AKC as an Am Staff, they'd just about excuse him from the ring. :rolleyes: And thanks for informing me on the genetics! I love genetics but I'm only really studdied in horse and Dalmatian genetics right now.

I show both AKC and UKC, but my blue tri is only UKC reg.
I have shown black tri's AKC and major pointed them too.
But, the competition did not like it all!
I love genetics as well..Showed Paint horse for a few years, so you can imagin.
Dogs for 26+ and I have made it a point to learn as much as I can....

Love That Collie
10-31-2006, 05:53 PM

10-31-2006, 06:05 PM
Jealousy is an ugly thing...
Have a Happy Halloween.....
My dogs and I are going Trick or Treating with the neighborhood kids and my daughter.

Love That Collie
11-01-2006, 06:16 PM
Jealousy is an ugly thing...
Have a Happy Halloween.....
My dogs and I are going Trick or Treating with the neighborhood kids and my daughter.

Prayers be with you..............

11-01-2006, 09:03 PM
Sorry, the fact of the matter is that PIT bulls were bred to fight in PITS - hence the name. Suggestion , do more research thats not true at all.

LovethatCollie everyone on PT knows how you feel about Pit Bulls we dont
need your sarcasum here nor do we want it. Im pretty sure OP asked for
POSITIVE outlooks on pits so I think that excludes your thoughts.
I presonally think if you cant love all animals you dont belong on PT.. thats
just my opinion.The only time you come on PT is to put down Pit Bulls.

You are kidding yourself if you believe that. That is not all it "boils" down to.
Yes it is. The breed is a amazing breed. Before all these idiots started
fighting them they looked after the kids and were Americas number
one family dog.Its ALL about the ownership. Prayers for YOU and that
you get the help you need.

I think you have been provided with alot of good advice and sites.
Maybe take your husband to some dog shows and show him how nice
Pitties can be and get him to talk to some handlers and breeders.
Theres also a movie about Pits in the movie stores called "Off the Chain"
It shows how good the breed is:)


11-02-2006, 10:34 AM
LovethatCollie everyone on PT knows how you feel about Pit Bulls we dont
need your sarcasum here nor do we want it. Im pretty sure OP asked for
POSITIVE outlooks on pits so I think that excludes your thoughts.
I presonally think if you cant love all animals you dont belong on PT.. thats
just my opinion.The only time you come on PT is to put down Pit Bulls.

Very well put buttercup! I was thinking what to post to love that collie you said everything I wanted to. There is a lot of POSITIVE things about pit bulls love that collie is never going to see that IMHO anyway. :(

11-02-2006, 12:07 PM
I'm with you, buttercup and Donna.

love that collie,

you have already said what you wanted to say about pit bulls, there is no need to go on about how you feel about them.

11-02-2006, 01:17 PM
Thank You everyone For the "Positive" thoughts and info. My husband is actually willing to look into puppies that my dads baby is having . His biggest worry was about the kids , but my dad showed him some home videos of us with his registered pit Harley. My husband was blown away. I had forgotten all about those videos.The puppies are due next week so fingers crossed everyone. Thank you all again . I will keep everyone posted.:D

11-02-2006, 01:34 PM
They are a great breed with a shaded back ground.
Yes they did fight them back in the day,but not the way you see them fight today.
UKC use to hold fights and you could obtain titles .There were rules and rarely did a dog die.
We have quite a few APBT living here and know lots of people with children who own this breed.
They are great family pets(not very good watch dogs).

11-02-2006, 02:26 PM
Thank You everyone For the "Positive" thoughts and info. My husband is actually willing to look into puppies that my dads baby is having . His biggest worry was about the kids , but my dad showed him some home videos of us with his registered pit Harley. My husband was blown away. I had forgotten all about those videos.The puppies are due next week so fingers crossed everyone. Thank you all again . I will keep everyone posted.:DI hope you keep us updated with pictures:D
Good luck I hope you get a Pittie.

Love That Collie
11-04-2006, 08:49 AM
buttercup.....when you've lived more and seen more than your 16 years
has allowed then lecture.

Most PB owners have their "eyes wide shut" concerning this. Constructive criticism is a virtue and if anyone cannot accept contructive criticism that's the "eyes wide shut" and sarcasm has never been first from me, only when directed at me is it returned.

11-04-2006, 12:17 PM
Well I delayed posting this, but I will. I am not looking for a reply just something for you to consider..
I have a dear friend that lives in the same county as I that was a skilled trainer. She had lots of titles in obedience, therapy dogs, showed etc. Well she got this pit puppy from a excellent show kennel ( not fighting kennel- a real breeder..) For over a year, the dog ( female spayed) excelled in anything she taught the dog. I dont care for pits, but I must admit, the dog was amazing. Calm quiet docile, and obedient. Got her CD in just the 3 trials required, quickly went to CDX..
One day, she was out in the yard working when this lady walked by with another spayed female dog. Just walking along.. No big deal.. When her dog went after the the womans dog and when the woman tried to rescue her dog from the attack, she was attacked as well.. They did a autopsy on her dog, as it was forced to be put down for the attack, found nothing in the brain to indicate a illness or nothing.
The result- my friend is in jail for the attack. She was sued by the lady that her dog attacked, and because she couldnt work- she lost her house to forclosure.. Her life is ruined at this stage, she is still in jail, and depressed and on suicide watch.
I never EVER would have thought for a second her dog was capable of this- but since then, our county has put a ban on pit bulls in the town limits and if you have one in the county it has to be registered with the police department..
I think the problem here is the denial in the club of the breeds. These breeds were bred for centeries for one reason- to attack and mame another dog. The clubs denial in trying to do something = like temperment testing and maybe even trying to breed to more docile dogs is the source. ( this is just my opinion..) but until the breed clubs ( american staffy etc) accept that there is a problem, nothing is going to be done.
Even the bull dog, meant originally to bait bulls, has made the change to a docile sweet loving dog.. The same, IN my opinion, needs to take place here as well.
This dear friend of mine, skilled trainer, proof in the pudding of training her dogs successfully.. all she has said week after week after week- was " I thought I was the one person that could handle this breed.."
While I agree we dont need the sarcasium- I think anyone needs to re read this- its true.. People need to understand- this trait can show up, out of no where and for little reason.. Please understand what you are getting into here...***** AND MAKE SURE you have insurance for liablity with the dog..***

11-04-2006, 03:01 PM
buttercup.....when you've lived more and seen more than your 16 years
has allowed then lecture.

Most PB owners have their "eyes wide shut" concerning this. Constructive criticism is a virtue and if anyone cannot accept contructive criticism that's the "eyes wide shut" and sarcasm has never been first from me, only when directed at me is it returned.
Ya Im 16 and already know alot more about Pit Bulls then you.
Just because your older dosent mean you know more. Obviously.
Maximus and Ebony are two perfect examples of two amazing PitBulls
Maximus even has a little baby to care for now
Im sure if a Collie attacked someone it would be "oh no they must have
provoked it some how" But if it was a Pitty to you it would right away be thats dog is a prime example of how terrible the breed is put it to sleep.Theres Pit Bulls that are pulled OUT of the ring because they are too freindly and dont want to fight.Even the people ho fight Pitties say they are the sweetest dogs. Do you know how much training and abuse gose into making a fighting dog?
No didnty think so.
Until you know all your facts dont shut this magnifisent breed down.

Oh no look at Maximus mauling his poor baby:rolleyes:

11-04-2006, 03:03 PM
I own a pit mix...he is the sweetest thing ever! Tell your hubby to check out the internet and he will see...as long as you raise them to be nice, they are nice. They are one of the best breeds out there. Good luck.

11-04-2006, 03:17 PM
Ya Im 16 and already know alot more about Pit Bulls then you.
Just because your older dosent mean you know more. Obviously.
Maximus and Ebony are two perfect examples of two amazing PitBulls
Maximus even has a little baby to care for now
Im sure if a Collie attacked someone it would be "oh no they must have
provoked it some how" But if it was a Pitty to you it would right away be thats dog is a prime example of how terrible the breed is put it to sleep.Theres Pit Bulls that are pulled OUT of the ring because they are too freindly and dont want to fight.Even the people ho fight Pitties say they are the sweetest dogs. Do you know how much training and abuse gose into making a fighting dog?
No didnty think so.
Until you know all your facts dont shut this magnifisent breed down.
Oh no look at Maximus mauling his poor baby:rolleyes:
** Honey- I agree this previous response to you from another poster was out of line and rude, but please understand- some of us have seen things we wished we had not.. And the consequences can be awful. My friends life is basically ruined.
Anyone should have dog insurance, but especially this one. Maybe a mix is a good idea...

11-04-2006, 03:18 PM
by the way- I am looking at the dogs head posture= the dogs jaws are locked, eyes are fixed, ears up and stare intense.. Please move the baby..

11-04-2006, 03:45 PM
Some good reads on the breed.

11-04-2006, 03:49 PM
those are rescue operations and trying to place dogs... I am sorry- after what my friend that went through, as a skilled trainer, wonderful dog I met many times before, to have this happen, I would never risk it... I flat out cant afford to loose my house, the insurance ( if I could get it) etc on this.. Its just not worth it to me.. Not when soooooooo many breeds dont have this problem or even the little rescue in a pound- just not worth it to me.. There is something that snaps in this breed, and you dont know if its your dog, or whatever, but its not worth the stress to me at all..
** btw- I call everyone honey- I am southern.... ***

11-04-2006, 03:58 PM
by the way- I am looking at the dogs head posture= the dogs jaws are locked, eyes are fixed, ears up and stare intense.. Please move the baby..

Sheesh! The lady that owns Maximus had him around that baby many, many times the baby is her sisters. Maximus loved the little guy. He is a mix btw. pit bull, lab. Does THAT make you feel any better?

As far as a pit bulls mind snapping that's a total myth. I'm sorry for what happened to your friend but her dogs mind didn't snap. Was the dog in a fenced yard? Did he jump the fence to get to the ladies dog?

11-04-2006, 03:59 PM
Borzoimom, Maximus is looking at the child with curiosity. You can tell he is not going to attack him. My crew (who are not Pitbulls, but two happen to be 'dangerous' breeds) all look the exact same way when they're around babies.

Anyway, everything positive that I would've said about the breed has already been said. I love Pitbulls. I've never in my life met a more friendly, outgoing, smiley breed. They're an absolute joy to be around. I've met my fair share of Pitbulls, and only one was aggressive. Pits are very abundant in my neighbourhood and I'm constantly encountering them. I find it extremely sad when pitbull owners are surprised at the fact that I don't run in fear from their dogs when they sniff me, wag their tail at me, look at me, etc. An owner should never have to feel surprised at someone liking their dog. I go through the same thing as amny Pit owners do when I'm out with Morgan or Winston (a Rottweiler and a Doberman). Pitbulls were bred for dog aggression a long time ago, and yes, some are still dog aggressive...but breeders are striving to get rid of that. They were never, ever meant for human aggression. I think pits make one of the best family breeds around. They're truly an awesome breed in all aspects. I don't think anyone should fear them more than they fear a Golden Retriever, a Poodle, a Greyhound, or any other breeds people love for their friendly and/or gentle natures. I've been bitten by dogs before, but those were individual dogs (and no, they were not Pits) whom I blame the bite on either myself or the owner. I never blame an entire breed for one dog's actions.

11-04-2006, 04:05 PM
I am only looking at the posture- .. Experience tells me so... And there was no evidence of a "snap" in my friends dog- it just did what it was supposed to do- get into a dog fight- then attacked the lady when she tried to stop it.
We have had 5 pit bull deaths in our county alone in the last year.. A older woman and her little dog, a man attacked by his dogs in his home, a boy at a bus stop etc etc.. They are banned here in the city and have to be registerd by the PD in the whole county area.
I see no "raised eyebrow" on curious- that is not what I am seeing as a ex police dog trainer.. not at all.. that is not what I see.. Please move the baby..

11-04-2006, 04:12 PM
get into a dog fight- then attacked the lady when she tried to stop it.
Well obviously shes bound to get bit then.
Just a thought but with all the stupid people in the world today I wouldnt
be surprised if those dogs that "attacked" the people in your community
were from BYB's, people who fight dogs and sell the pups in the paper
and people who didnt care to train them.

11-04-2006, 04:15 PM
She was trying to save her pet in a death hold with another dog- wouldnt you? Now dog owner of the pit is in jail ... Do what you all wish, but its not worth the risk to me when sooooooo many other pets need a home..

11-04-2006, 04:19 PM
Soooooo many GOOD pit bulls need homes also. I would get another one in a heartbeat. Ebony will be 2 in March I've had NO problems with her at all. She lives with 2 other female dogs she doesn't attack them. I'm sure we will all be ok in our household.

11-04-2006, 04:20 PM
Soooooo many GOOD pit bulls need homes also. I would get another one in a heartbeat. Ebony will be 2 in March I've had NO problems with her at all. She lives with 2 other female dogs she doesn't attack them. I'm sure we will all be ok in our household.
I hope so.. I have said all I am going too here.. Its a endless debate but I appreciate your posts but nothing would change my mind. I am just more poliet about it.. lol.. take care..

11-04-2006, 04:32 PM
Lots of breeds end up in the spotlight.For a while it was GSD,Dobermans,Rottweilers and APBT's.It's not the breeds fault it is owned and bred by people with no thought to a standard.
I have Rottweilers and APBT's and they love everyone.
Come to this house and expect to get licked to death.

11-04-2006, 04:35 PM
German shepherds, rottis, and dobermans main purpose was to serve and be guard dogs- this is not the same thing.. not at all.. I had all but the rottie in earlier years but they are guard dogs and socialization and training does it. This is not the same- not at all.. Just like the bull dog was once considered aggressive until the club took hold to change the breed, this wont happen until the clubs do the same thing here... You take care.. moving on now..

11-04-2006, 04:43 PM
And one more thing- I trained rotts for years in my second profession, and they are wonderful with good genetics and trained. My only complaint with a rottie is the cancer incidence in the breed.. its pretty high- but that is a "' my heart issue" and not the dog... Cancer is wide spread in the breed..

11-04-2006, 04:44 PM
German shepherds, rottis, and dobermans main purpose was to serve and be guard dogs- ..
and in being guard dogs they bite people.APBT ares not to be people aggressive at all.
Bad breeders bring this out in the breed.

11-04-2006, 04:48 PM
and in being guard dogs they bite people.APBT ares not to be people aggressive at all.
Bad breeders bring this out in the breed.
I wish we could.. then the breed would stand a chance...

11-04-2006, 04:52 PM
My concern I see here is this- even a collie can bite but there is a difference from a bit to going " to the death " mentality in a fight.. A pit wont give up in pain- period.. I have seen some poor pits used as the " chew up dog" that just makes you sick... Its like the breed doesnt know how to quit in a fight when even a rottie or shepherd will.
ONe of my shepherds I bred got a Hero award from the SFPD as he took a bullet to defend his family- but he wasnt the fighter- the intruder was... There is a HUGE difference here... Axel almost died to protect his family, verses this we have had in this part of virginia for years, where for no reason provoked, these breeds are not just biting or attacking but KILLING pets, and people in their path.. For no reason..

11-06-2006, 10:06 AM
I am just now seeing this. I can't believe there are dog lovers that still feel this way about pit bulls. Reminds me of what african americans went through in american history. Talk about prejudice.

Maximus is not looking at the baby that way...sorry you have it completely wrong. I am sickened to read this garbage.

11-06-2006, 10:22 AM
I hear you casey- but the fact is- this is a dog that wont even be used by a police department. The reason- they cant control the release in a bite ( hold) and may not direct to the person sent for.
I trained dogs as my second profession for 20 years- they would not use a pitt.. The reason- they can not get the dog to release a bite, and can not insure the dog will only go who they are sent for and not bite their handler on the release.. I am sorry- but its true- they will not even use the dogs for police work.
I proudly trained shepherds for police work- this is the same dogs that would go lay with my child and come into the house with other dogs- but they knew who was in control, and I never EVER worried they understood who had control.. You dont have this with this breed- even rejected by alllllllllll the police departments for this reason- THEY CANT CONTROL THE BITE, THE RELEASE of the bite, or who the "suspect is" in the dogs mind...

11-06-2006, 10:26 AM
I am not going to argue with you but I completely disagree with you and hope all the people that have come here from the other board don't hate pitties.

11-06-2006, 10:31 AM
I am not going to argue with you but I completely disagree with you and hope all the people that have come here from the other board don't hate pitties.
I am just saying- just like I have to watch my borzois in the event of cats and small dogs for the chase reflex- this dog will attack out of NOWHERE and you cant stop it.... cant.. that is a awful burdon to me.
All my dogs are insured- when I had shepherds that were police dogs, I was insured including house checks, but it protected my financial interests-.. The agencies know- this is NOT reliable breed- and it doesnt just bite- it maims, kills with such visciousness its like the dog becomes possessed... A mix of pit would better than a "pure bred" even then- its a serious problem.. Think about this- if the police departments wont use them because they are unpredicable- what does that tell you? It means- you can not get these breeds off of an attack- PERIOD.. I am sorry but my life style, the lives of my other dogs, the life of my children ( grown) and grandchildren is not WORTH one single LIFE CHANGING EVENT... Its not worth it when soooooooooo many other pets in shelters need a home- this is not worth it...

11-06-2006, 10:38 AM
by the way- I am looking at the dogs head posture= the dogs jaws are locked, eyes are fixed, ears up and stare intense.. Please move the baby..

Sorry but anyone that got that from the picture just doesn't have my respect on this matter...ears up? Are we looking at the same picture?????

And by the way I am 45 so you can't use the age thing with me that you pulled on buttercup.

11-06-2006, 10:40 AM
I am southern- we call everyone honey or sugarpie= it is NOT reference of age. I am also 46 years old as well, and would think nothing of it.. sorry If I offeneded.. I am southern... That is how we talk... yes ma'am... btw- many think our accent means we are stupid- we are not... lol..

11-06-2006, 10:48 AM
I hear you casey- but the fact is- this is a dog that wont even be used by a police department.

Not true. Here are some links showing pit bulls working for the police....





11-06-2006, 10:52 AM
Let me give you an example- we were at a dog show recently to show my two younger ones. This lady had a champion chihuahua, and said to her husband " oh wow!!! take a picture of the big the dog and ( whats his name).. zubin - at over 36 at the shoulder raised his ears ( borzoi for hunt) but I had him on a tight lead.. anyway her husband took a picture with holding the 5 pound chi, and then we stopped. She put the dog down and the chi started dancing around- I saw zubins ears go up ( hunt and chase in borzoi language) and I grabbed him at the muzzle as he tried to take off.. Now mind you- zubin was fine when the dog was held- not so when the dog attempted to run... Its my breed- I know for God sake if they will chase a white plastic bag, anything small will trigger... I accept that- I dont have cats anymore, would love a toy but know that wont work as an accident waiting to happen..
I know my heart - my dogs are my heart and soul but I accept that my dogs will chase- including bears... ( no kidding) if it runs... This is the same thing here only more serious= these dogs mame, and I would rather not worry when a dog i had caused greatttttttttt pain or death.. I just have to keep my big guys from chasing bags- this COULD BE a human life or someones treasured pet.
We had 5 deaths in this county with trained pitts even therapy dogs.. I am sorry= the breeds are past their point of usefulness..
Now we have 45 dogs in our local shelter- please adopt one ... PLEASE...

11-06-2006, 10:54 AM
Yeah jadapit, I know they are used for this, I just don't have the energy to argue with ignorance....

by the way there are many people killed by dogs that are not pitbulls...I wish people would get their facts straight.

11-06-2006, 10:55 AM
you believe what you want- pray you have good insurance and have a nice day.. I know otherwise... take care..

11-06-2006, 11:00 AM
sure we won't confuse you with the facts, you obviously have made up your mind.

11-06-2006, 11:11 AM
I hear you casey- but the fact is- this is a dog that wont even be used by a police department. The reason- they cant control the release in a bite ( hold) and may not direct to the person sent for.
I trained dogs as my second profession for 20 years- they would not use a pitt.. The reason- they can not get the dog to release a bite, and can not insure the dog will only go who they are sent for and not bite their handler on the release.. I am sorry- but its true- they will not even use the dogs for police work.
I proudly trained shepherds for police work- this is the same dogs that would go lay with my child and come into the house with other dogs- but they knew who was in control, and I never EVER worried they understood who had control.. You dont have this with this breed- even rejected by alllllllllll the police departments for this reason- THEY CANT CONTROL THE BITE, THE RELEASE of the bite, or who the "suspect is" in the dogs mind...
This is really off base.
I know of alot of SchH titled dogs.
here is a place that uses Pit bulls(but not as biting dog)
heres pit bulls doing French ring sport

11-06-2006, 11:59 AM
I think if you got a Pit Bull puppy, your husband would feel more confident in how it will grow up acting/reacting to situations (kids, other pets). If you take it to obedience school & socialize it from baby to adulthood (in a positive way), there shouldn't be any problems with it.

The only dog that ever bit me was a stinking poodle (who, by the way, I'll be walking this Thursday afternoon - God help me). ;)

11-06-2006, 12:11 PM
by the way there are many people killed by dogs that are not pitbulls...I wish people would get their facts straight.

Here are the dogs bites reported so far this year.Like Caseysmom says it's not just pit bulls


11-06-2006, 12:13 PM
I think if you got a Pit Bull puppy, your husband would feel more confident in how it will grow up acting/reacting to situations (kids, other pets). If you take it to obedience school & socialize it from baby to adulthood (in a positive way), there shouldn't be any problems with it.

The only dog that ever bit me was a stinking poodle (who, by the way, I'll be walking this Thursday afternoon - God help me). ;)
WOULDNT OWN ONE not after seeing what happened to my friend- and- I live outside of the Nations Captital- if they wont use a pitt in their top forces, I wouldnt use one either... BTW_ even DC has a ban on pits.. .. and so do we now and I live in the mountains of virginia..
go ahead- get a pitt.. I dare ya- get the insurance, the renters rights etc or the liscense you need for our counties, etc and you live it.. NOt me.. noooooooooooooo way...

11-06-2006, 12:21 PM
go ahead- get a pitt.. I dare ya- get the insurance, the renters rights etc or the liscense you need for our counties, etc and you live it.. NOt me.. noooooooooooooo way...

You are coming off as a very hateful human being. There are a lot of people that have been members here for a long time that have pits, those pits are loved members of our community. Please don't come here and insult our family members.

11-06-2006, 12:25 PM
You are coming off as a very hateful human being. There are a lot of people that have been members here for a long time that have pits, those pits are loved members of our community. Please don't come here and insult our family members.

Thank you so much for saying this!

Borzoimom's mom how would you like it if a bunch of us were to bash the breed you love like your doing the pit bull?

11-06-2006, 12:25 PM
You are coming off as a very hateful human being. There are a lot of people that have been members here for a long time that have pits, those pits are loved members of our community. Please don't come here and insult our family members.

I'm with you caseysmom and back you up 100%. Pit bulls are one the best dogs out there and I wish some people could see that. :(


I know you wouldn't like us bashing the breed you love so much, not that we would do that. but we all know how you feel about pit bulls now and please there is NO need to go on about it.

11-06-2006, 12:28 PM
You are coming off as a very hateful human being. There are a lot of people that have been members here for a long time that have pits, those pits are loved members of our community. Please don't come here and insult our family members.
I understand that- I am just saying to someone that wanted to know facts, when the first few pages were the positive- there is a negative to any breed, and this one is hard to insure. Its not about money= its about your right to have your life- you need on guard with one alllllllllllllllllll the time.. This does bite " like a stinking poodle" ( as someone said) - this breed will maim..
YOu do what you want- I wouldnt have it. I have seen to much and didnt ask to see it to start with... I knew the dog that distroyed my friends life- you didnt, I knew the man that was killed in his house by his 3 pitts- YOU DIDNT... This is not a typcial snappy breed- it can be a killer and strong enough in jaw pressure to do it..
My point is- you need to hear both sides of the story before doing this.... Take it for what it is worth, but when even the miliatary and top police departments in the nation wont use the breed, that tells me an awful lot! Seriously - it does- and I posted as to why....

11-06-2006, 12:31 PM

11-06-2006, 12:32 PM
I understand that- I am just saying to someone that wanted to know facts, when the first few pages were the positive- there is a negative to any breed, and this one is hard to insure. Its not about money= its about your right to have your life- you need on guard with one alllllllllllllllllll the time.. This does bite " like a stinking poodle" ( as someone said) - this breed will maim..
YOu do what you want- I wouldnt have it. I have seen to much and didnt ask to see it to start with... I knew the dog that distroyed my friends life- you didnt, I knew the man that was killed in his house by his 3 pitts- YOU DIDNT... This is not a typcial snappy breed- it can be a killer and strong enough in jaw pressure to do it..
My point is- you need to hear both sides of the story before doing this.... Take it for what it is worth, but when even the miliatary and top police departments in the nation wont use the breed, that tells me an awful lot! Seriously - it does- and I posted as to why....

YOU are entitled to your own opinion and so am I. I like Pit Bulls. I even like STINKING poodles (including the one that bit me).

11-06-2006, 12:33 PM
Thank you so much for saying this!

Borzoimom's mom how would you like it if a bunch of us were to bash the breed you love like your doing the pit bull?

Give your girls a big hug for me, I would trust your girls with my life. I need to stay out of this thread it is too upsetting.

11-06-2006, 12:33 PM
If you like them then why are you being so negative about them?! :confused:

11-06-2006, 12:33 PM
Give your girls a big hug for me, I would trust your girls with my life. I need to stay out of this thread it is too upsetting.

so would I. give them a big hug for me, too, Donna. :) I do, too caseysmom. I just hate when people bash a breed that we come to know and love. and some people are so blind to see how truly great pit bulls are. :(

11-06-2006, 12:36 PM
Give your girls a big hug for me, I would trust your girls with my life. I need to stay out of this thread it is too upsetting.
I am not bashing anyone- I am telling you all what my experience was, and what you need in order to protect yourself financially etc.. You do what you want.. Its not worth the risk to me.. My friend is in jail, lost her house, her job etc for a wonderful well trained dog...

11-06-2006, 12:39 PM
You ladies could trust my fur kids with your life. I will give them all a hug for you two. I'm done with this thread also we aren't going to get anywhere anyway. I'm almost in tears it is very upsetting to have a breed you love with all your heart bashed over and over again.... :(

11-06-2006, 12:40 PM
Oy vay....should I just start another thread? Call it an anti-poodle one? If you read my first thread, I called the poodle who bit me, a STINKING poodle. And yes, this poodle stunk...for biting me. My second thread was a JOKE on my first one...using the wood STINKING. Got it? Good. Let's stay on the subject at hand - pit bulls.

Still love Pit Bulls .....and I still love (non-stinking) poodles too.

11-06-2006, 12:42 PM
You ladies could trust my fur kids with your life. I will give them all a hug for you two. I'm done with this thread also we aren't going to get anywhere anyway. I'm almost in tears it is very upsetting to have a breed you love with all your heart bashed over and over again.... :(
How do you think I feel? I visit my friend every tuesday IN JAIL..... She is on suicide watch btw.. I am nottttttttt kidding... One afternoon changed her life totally... This is awful. Someone needs to tell the bad side of this- maybe if nothing else for someone to do something. ... And the gentlemen that was killed in his own house when he tried to feed his dogs.. Can you imagine? This wasnt a trailer park type of dog- this was a member of the communittee chewed to shreds... by his own dogs...

11-06-2006, 12:44 PM
can you please just stop?! we already know how you feel. there's no need to go on about it. :(

11-06-2006, 12:48 PM
do what you want... its very worrisome to me... Too much has happened in this little one area in a matter of a year.. Its terrifying. ...

11-06-2006, 12:50 PM
Hi. I don't normally come over to the dog side too much; right now I am owned by 7 cats and that keeps me busy. I have owned dogs, in the past, just not currently. I owned dogs in the 50 to 60 pounds range.

I was a bit surprised to see so many of you refering to pitbulls as a breed? I thought it is / was a use or purpose, like sight hounds, scent hounds, shepherds and so forth. I thought 'pitbull' could refer to any number of breeds or mixes of those breeds. Including, but not limited, to boxer, bulldogs, mastiffs (American and English, bull mastiff) and so on. If the dog came from a line which, at one time, had been bred to fight in the pits, then it could inherit those tendencies. Over time, those become more diluted from responsible breeders who are following AKC guidelines, and getting the breed back to a friendly - or friendlier - personality. So if you get a breed of dog that was once used in that line (legal or illegal, that is not my point here), and if the breeder has history on file, you have a better idea of the chances of that particular dog having those tendencies, right?

At least, that is what I thought. I don't think the AKC recognizes a breed as "pitbull," but I am not sure. Of course, there are plenty of rare breeds not recognized by AKC. But I am not sure pitbull is one of those, either.

I have known rotties that were big mushy droolers all their lives, and I have known a rottie that I wouldn't turn my back on. Part of it is the way the owner trains the dog, some of it is in the genes.

Well, as I said at the start, I don't have a lot of dog knowledge. Maybe someone here has more and /or different ideas.

11-06-2006, 12:52 PM
Noteworthy candidate definitions for Troll and their defects:

Someone who makes deliberately inflammatory remarks with the malicious aim of creating unconstructive argument.

Follows from definition above, but is less general.

Somebody who states their viewpoint over and over.

Somebody looking to start an argument.

11-06-2006, 12:56 PM
How do you think I feel? I visit my friend every tuesday IN JAIL..... She is on suicide watch btw.. I am nottttttttt kidding... One afternoon changed her life totally... This is awful. Someone needs to tell the bad side of this- maybe if nothing else for someone to do something. ... And the gentlemen that was killed in his own house when he tried to feed his dogs.. Can you imagine? This wasnt a trailer park type of dog- this was a member of the communittee chewed to shreds... by his own dogs...

I honestly dont understand why your friend's in jail? They usually do take the dog but not the human to jail. Why isnt anyone bailing her out??? The bail cant be that high. I asked you this before but you never answered me. Was your friends pit bull in a fenced yard? I have no idea why the mans three dogs killed him. That is awful. Sooooo many times when it comes to a pit bull attack there are two sides to the story we never hear the whole truth if its up to the media.

You have told your side of the story over and over we get it but it still doesn't chande my mind about the breed. I can find you horror stories about other dogs that have attacked and yes even killed people. I have a neighbor that owned an Akita he attacked a couple of people. Does that make me hate the Akita? No. A family rottie in our area attacked one of its family members (a little girl) a week or so ago. Do I hate rotties now? No. I dont think anyone should ever hate a dog because of its breed. I'm really done with this thread now. You take care....

11-06-2006, 01:06 PM
At least, that is what I thought. I don't think the AKC recognizes a breed as "pitbull," but I am not sure. Of course, there are plenty of rare breeds not recognized by AKC. But I am not sure pitbull is one of those, either..
UKC and ADBA do/
American Pit Bull Terriers were around why before AKC got a hold of them and changed the name To American Staffordshire Terrier

11-06-2006, 01:08 PM
I honestly dont understand why your friend's in jail? They usually do take the dog but not the human to jail. Why isnt anyone bailing her out??? The bail cant be that high. I asked you this before but you never answered me. Was your friends pit bull in a fenced yard? I have no idea why the mans three dogs killed him. That is awful. Sooooo many times when it comes to a pit bull attack there are two sides to the story we never hear the whole truth if its up to the media.

You have told your side of the story over and over we get it but it still doesn't chande my mind about the breed. I can find you horror stories about other dogs that have attacked and yes even killed people. I have a neighbor that owned an Akita he attacked a couple of people. Does that make me hate the Akita? No. A family rottie in our area attacked one of its family members (a little girl) a week or so ago. Do I hate rotties now? No. I dont think anyone should ever hate a dog because of its breed. I'm really done with this thread now. You take care....
The bail was set at 50 grand, and it was also considered attempted homocide because the woman almost died. Then the insurance got involved with this- and criminal assalt charges because of the type of breed, and although we all showed up to say what a wonderful dog this was, with obedience titles etc he said it was criminal assult. The whole thing just snow balled! Then they did a neocropsy on the dog to prove that the dog must have been sick - nope... its was awful! Then a few miles down the road, this man that was a deacon in the whole town church was mauled to death by his dogs at feeding time.. nooooooooo one has a clue about that one.. Soooo the county banned all of the pit breeds within the city limits and the county if you register the dogs with the PD... Theeeennnn 6 months before allllllll of this, a member of our county was attached, elderly woman and she and her little shitzu were killed.. Soooooooooooooooooo ( sigh..) the county has had enough.... Alllllllllll of the incidents none of the attacks made any sense at all as far as being predictable. Even the older woman that was killed- the dogs did get loose once in a while, but they always went to play with the kids in the playground at the elementary school- that one day they didnt..
I am sorry= I am looking for answers as much as everyone else is= only in mind to explain why this happens??? I mean I know other breeds attack too- but not with the seriouseness of these attacks.. I mean out of NOOOOOOOOO WHERE..
Answer me this- what do I tell my friend when she keeps asking me " Michelle- why???? why???? Ssoooooooooooooo trained...= why?? why???"- I feel soooooooo stupid saying its Gods will and I dont know the answer.. Just once I want to give her answer.. Especially when the medical tests on the dog came back the dog was totally healthy....

11-06-2006, 01:13 PM
She lost her house because she was in jail, and couldnt work and the house forclosed- then the lawsuits came in and stopped the forclosure for a better sale- so after it was done- it barely paid off the mortagage but she still owes a ton of money in the law suit for the attack and pain and suffereing which of course- incures interest etc...

11-06-2006, 01:19 PM
Which county in Virginia is this?

11-06-2006, 01:20 PM
I reread this thread before it went astray.
If your friend was traing and obtained a CD and CDX on this dog.It was not a pit bull.....It was an American Staffordshire Terrier.

11-06-2006, 01:24 PM
Everyone Please Stop!!!!

I only started this thread to give my husband some insight. Not to start arguements. I personally love the breed.Everyone has their opinions .. Fine! When I sarted tyhis I wnted positive insights. I know the bad and the good . I wanted my husband to hear some good points . all you ever hear on TV is the bad. I am tired of it. We do not have a breed ban where I live , I know the insurance. My dad has one. I am etting a puppy from him . I know the parents of the puppies. I would trust my kids with them 100%. And trust me, my children try my patience so you know what these dogs go through. But they love my children.I am so sorry that this turned into an arguement. I am sorry that your friend is in jail, I really am. But like everyone here is saying , there are two sides to every story. Again I am sorry this turned the way it did.:(

11-06-2006, 01:24 PM
I reread this thread before it went astray.
If your friend was traing and obtained a CD and CDX on this dog.It was not a pit bull.....It was an American Staffordshire Terrier.
That is correct.. But the judge lumped them in the same catagory- and the other two deaths were also American Staffy's also... Is one breed more problematic than the others? Like I know bull terriers and bull dogs are doll babies... I wish I had answers to my questions..

11-06-2006, 01:28 PM
Which county did this ban happen in?

11-06-2006, 01:38 PM
Everyone Please Stop!!!!

I only started this thread to give my husband some insight. Not to start arguements. I personally love the breed.Everyone has their opinions .. Fine! When I sarted tyhis I wnted positive insights. I know the bad and the good . I wanted my husband to hear some good points . all you ever hear on TV is the bad. I am tired of it. We do not have a breed ban where I live , I know the insurance. My dad has one. I am etting a puppy from him . I know the parents of the puppies. I would trust my kids with them 100%. And trust me, my children try my patience so you know what these dogs go through. But they love my children.I am so sorry that this turned into an arguement. I am sorry that your friend is in jail, I really am. But like everyone here is saying , there are two sides to every story. Again I am sorry this turned the way it did.:(

It's NOT your fault! there's just some people on here that have to be negative about them. :rolleyes:


now for a positive thing.. :D

you would seriously love this girl at the shelter where I volunteer. :)

she's a sweetie. :) her name is Te Koa and she is 8 months old now.


11-06-2006, 01:46 PM
all breeds- you have to know both sides of the details here.. Better to know than not and have something happen.... Just like people that get sighthounds that have cats, if they arent told they will chase cats, a problem can occur... Doing the same thing here...

11-06-2006, 01:47 PM
First off ....sorry for the outburst.:o She is beautiful. How old is she?? I hate how people get them and then decide they dont want them. Thats how I got my five month old kitty. Someone threw her away in a dumpster when she was just two months old. Where are you located??

11-06-2006, 01:47 PM
Which county were you referring to borzoimom?

11-06-2006, 01:48 PM
my hound gets along GREAT with my cats!

he would never harm them. guess what he was doing when I went into my parent's bedroom to get the dog dishes? he was snuggling with Miagi.

11-06-2006, 01:50 PM
First off ....sorry for the outburst.:o She is beautiful. How old is she?? I hate how people get them and then decide they dont want them. Thats how I got my five month old kitty. Someone threw her away in a dumpster when she was just two months old. Where are you located??

don't be sorry! If this was my thread..I'd be upset too turning the way it did.

she's 8 months old. She's been with us since she was 6 months. oh my God!! what is wrong with people? throwing them in the dumpster?! :mad: how Te Koa came to the shelter is was she's been in before and this lady's son owned her and she didn't want anything to do with her because she's a pit bull! :mad: I live in Butte, Montana. I am not sure how close that is to you.

11-06-2006, 01:54 PM
What complete idiotic garbage this new person has started in this thread. Absolute rubbish and it sickens me that they call themselves dog lovers.

Look at my Shepherd/Pit Bull about to kill baby Ashley!

He's SO vicious. He's going to kiss her to DEATH.

11-06-2006, 01:54 PM
Which county were you referring to borzoimom?

Is this in Spotsylvania? I tried to look it up and something came up with Spotsylvania?

11-06-2006, 01:56 PM
I am sorry but I have read everything you have said about pitbulls not knowing when to release their bite. Tht is not always true. My dad had a pitbull that was his baby. We had someone break into our house when I was about eight years old . The person broke in through my bedroom window. Harley was sleeping in my bed. She knocked the guy down and held him there. But she never broke the skin.As soon as I got my dad. All he had to say was come.She let go immediatly.She went and sat by him like it was no big deal.He wasnt a professional trainer or anything. She was just a very well trained baby..

11-06-2006, 01:56 PM
What complete idiotic garbage this new person has started in this thread. Absolute rubbish and it sickens me that they call themselves dog lovers.

same here.

11-06-2006, 01:59 PM
don't be sorry! If this was my thread..I'd be upset too turning the way it did.

she's 8 months old. She's been with us since she was 6 months. oh my God!! what is wrong with people? throwing them in the dumpster?! :mad: how Te Koa came to the shelter is was she's been in before and this lady's son owned her and she didn't want anything to do with her because she's a pit bull! :mad: I live in Butte, Montana. I am not sure how close that is to you.

Thank You . I live in South Texas. That is quite a distance. But she is gorgeous.

11-06-2006, 02:01 PM
This is what I found. I've deleted the dog owners name to protect her privacy. Not sure if this is your friend. But please believe me, I am sorry for what happened to her. My heart goes out to her & her family (and the victims too). I can see your side of the argument.

But in my own opinion, and I know you disagree with it, Pit Bulls are good dogs. I don't know why your friends dogs attacked and we'll probably never know. I wish I knew what you could tell your friend. But it seems like she has someone who supports her & is there for her.

A Spotsylvania County grand jury indicted a woman in the March 8 death of a neighbor who was mauled by three pit bulls. The neighbor, Dorothy Sullivan, 82, was walking her Shih Tzu when the attack occurred. It took officials four days to identify the pit bulls' owner, who is charged with involuntary manslaughter. Lisa A. Bacon (NYT)

Lisa Bacon is the reporters name.

11-06-2006, 02:07 PM
What an irresponsible pet owner, letting her dogs roam the neighborhood. If she allowed this she deserves to be in jail, there were other reports of the dogs being aggressive, they don't sound like well cared for dogs to me.

11-06-2006, 02:09 PM
here's a positive pit bull story that the family pit bull saved a teenager from being kidnapped this summer.


11-06-2006, 02:11 PM
Oh wow wow wow wow wow.

Let me say I LOVE Pitties. I would have a hundred pitties in my puppy and beginner classes and never blink and eye or worry for my safety, my pup's or any of my parent's safety. I have only been bitten by one breed in my classes.... 4 times in 6 months by 4 different dogs of the same breed... each of them were less than 5 pounds full grown.

I can't believe that in this day and age people are still listening to the hoopla about pitties. Bozoi, it sounds to me like there's a bad blood line in your area. I live in Pennsylvania right near the "famous" Lancaster puppy mills. About 90% of the GSDs I see coming from there have aggression issues. No kidding. I usually recommend people interested in them to look elsewhere and bring the puppies here.... and when they do, its amazing the difference in the pup. It sounds like the breeders and that particular bloodline should be banned not the dog.

Here's a picture of my mean pittie mix dog (she's also part mastiff and German shepherd -- oh no! :eek: ). Ears forward, stare intent. Is she about to attack? No, she's begging for a treat

11-06-2006, 02:12 PM
Oh wow wow wow wow wow.

Let me say I LOVE Pitties. I would have a hundred pitties in my puppy and beginner classes and never blink and eye or worry for my safety, my pup's or any of my parent's safety. I have only been bitten by one breed in my classes.... 4 times in 6 months by 4 different dogs of the same breed... each of them were less than 5 pounds full grown.

I can't believe that in this day and age people are still listening to the hoopla about pitties. Bozoi, it sounds to me like there's a bad blood line in your area. I live in Pennsylvania right near the "famous" Lancaster puppy mills. About 90% of the GSDs I see coming from there have aggression issues. No kidding. I usually recommend people interested in them to look elsewhere and bring the puppies here.... and when they do, its amazing the difference in the pup. It sounds like the breeders and that particular bloodline should be banned not the dog.

Here's a picture of my mean pittie mix dog (she's also part mastiff and German shepherd -- oh no! :eek: ). Ears forward, stare intent. Is she about to attack? No, she's begging for a treat

she's gorgeous, Kim! :D

Suki Wingy
11-06-2006, 02:16 PM
I would like to say- can this thread be closed please? She and her bf/ husband(?) KNEW the bad, she wanted to show him the god side. Sounds like the OP wants this thread to be closed, she wanted good, you gave her bad.

BTW- a golden retriever did this to my pit bull mix. I stll like goldens.

11-06-2006, 02:18 PM
Here is my pit mix hope she doesn't hurt her little brother


11-06-2006, 02:19 PM
here she goes:


11-06-2006, 02:23 PM
I dont mind the positive at all if we can keep the negetive to a minimum it would be wonderful. I just read about borzoimoms friend . I am sorry about what happened to her but if she let her dogs run loose like that , then she was asking for problems. That was neglecting her resposibilities. Here where I live your dogs have to be kept in fenced yard. And if not in that yard then on a leash. Its funny how the dogs were loose on several occasions. I am sorry about your friend.

11-06-2006, 02:26 PM
[QUOTE=caseysmom]Which county were you referring to borzoimom?
There were 3 all in the same area of the blue ridge. ttp://www.wboc.com/Global/story.asp?S=4697743 thats the first one, here is the second one ( keep in mind all in a 20 miles radius but same area of the blue ridge county) http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geusaDlk9FUBwAdfNXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE3MnJrbDV tBGNvbG8DZQRsA1dTMQRwb3MDMwRzZWMDc3IEdnRpZANFMjYyX zEwMA--/SIG=1258pnf7t/EXP=1162930179/**http%3a//www.wjla.com/news/stories/0506/326586.html , and my friends was in the local page and its archived but they said they would send it to me on email.
All this in a 40 mile blue ridge range and all the counties banned pits this past summer because of it. It mentions 4 breeds or mixes there of..

11-06-2006, 02:30 PM
I dont mind the positive at all if we can keep the negetive to a minimum it would be wonderful. I just read about borzoimoms friend . I am sorry about what happened to her but if she let her dogs run loose like that , then she was asking for problems. That was neglecting her resposibilities. Here where I live your dogs have to be kept in fenced yard. And if not in that yard then on a leash. Its funny how the dogs were loose on several occasions. I am sorry about your friend.

I'm sorry about her friend also its a very sad thing that didn't have to happen. Ebony is NEVER allowed out of the fence unless I'm with her then she's on a leash. I do let her off at the ball field to play with her frisbee she has really good recall also, the field is fenced in.

Lol, caseysmom, Casey is adorable looks like my house. ;)

11-06-2006, 02:35 PM

Casey is adorable!! :D

11-06-2006, 02:35 PM
I'm sorry about her friend also its a very sad thing that didn't have to happen. Ebony is NEVER allowed out of the fence unless I'm with her then she's on a leash. I do let her off at the ball field to play with her frisbee she has really good recall also, the field is fenced in.

Lol, caseysmom, Casey is adorable looks like my house. ;)
I am sorry for her too. I few years back a friend of mine for a borzoi because she loved buddy. She didnt have any cats at the time.
anyway- one day she rescued a cat.. I was like ohoh.. uhhhhhhhh christian- this is worrying me- she said ohhhhhhhhhhh nooooo Brandy is fine... I still thought ohhhhhhhhhh noooooooo but I wasnt there and figured things well could be okay... Two weeks later I got a phone call with tears- caller id or not- I knew who it was- the dog ran the cat down in the yard.... I fought saying 'well sighthounds cant be with cats- few are cat safe- instead just listened to her sobbing telling me about her cat she had worked sooooooooooooo hard to save...
I feel the same way now. I figured if anyone knew about how to handle a dog, it would have been my friend. Even met the dog several times, got angry with her when they wouldnt let it join the therapy groups because of the breed etc etc.. Then this.. And allllllllll she does is sit and ask why ... why...

11-06-2006, 02:40 PM
I know I keep asking you this but was your friends pittie in a fence yard when this happened?

11-06-2006, 02:41 PM
The article clearly says the dogs roamed the neighborhood.


once again pitties are paying the price for stupid people.

11-06-2006, 02:43 PM
During the trial, witnesses testified that Large's pit bulls menaced the neighborhood. Animal control officers had taken two of the dogs away in 2004 after they were accused of killing a kitten.

At one point, Large had 13 pit bulls living in her doublewide trailer, a detective testified.

11-06-2006, 02:45 PM
I am sorry for her, but her dogs hould not have been loose. I have two cats and they dont even go outside without a leash. Like I tell my children , Pets are a resposibility that they have to accept if they want them. Then they have to respect them and what they are capable of. My oldest daughter is eight. She is very smart. She has actually looked into the pros and cons on the internet and everything. She overheard me and her dad talking about the breed and couldn't understand why he didn't like them.She knows that every dog large or small can be aggressive. It doesnt matter on the breed, There isn't one out there that is documented as non biting. Pitties are just in the media more. And the only reason that is , is because irresponsible owners give thema bad name. Now, if an eight year old can understand that ,then why cant everyone else.:( :confused:

11-06-2006, 02:46 PM
The article clearly says the dogs roamed the neighborhood.


once again pitties are paying the price for stupid people.

I think her friend that had the pit bull was out doing yard work when a lady and her dog walked by. The pit bull went after the dog, the lady tried to break them up and she was bit by the pit bull. I'm pretty sure the lady wasn't killed. I keep wondering if the pittie was out in the yard with the owner without being fenced? I'm getting so confused on which lady is her friend...

11-06-2006, 02:47 PM
During the trial, witnesses testified that Large's pit bulls menaced the neighborhood. Animal control officers had taken two of the dogs away in 2004 after they were accused of killing a kitten.

At one point, Large had 13 pit bulls living in her doublewide trailer, a detective testified.

I read the same thing. How can it not be her fault?? If she was a trainer she should have known better.

11-06-2006, 02:49 PM
At one point, Large had 13 pit bulls living in her doublewide trailer, a detective testified.

Good grief! Why would anyone have that many pit bulls at once? I imagine there was a lot of inbreeding going on and the blood lines could be awful. That right there is asking for trouble. In the end it's almost always the owners fault when these awful attacks happen. Like you said "stupid owners" then the pit bulls are hated and pay the price. :(

11-06-2006, 02:49 PM
The jury also learned that Large had two prior felony convictions--for a hit-and-run in Caroline County in 1999 and aggravated sexual battery involving a 12-year-old boy in Spotsylvania the previous year

11-06-2006, 02:50 PM
I am sorry for her too. I few years back a friend of mine for a borzoi because she loved buddy. She didnt have any cats at the time.
anyway- one day she rescued a cat.. I was like ohoh.. uhhhhhhhh christian- this is worrying me- she said ohhhhhhhhhhh nooooo Brandy is fine... I still thought ohhhhhhhhhh noooooooo but I wasnt there and figured things well could be okay... Two weeks later I got a phone call with tears- caller id or not- I knew who it was- the dog ran the cat down in the yard.... I fought saying 'well sighthounds cant be with cats- few are cat safe- instead just listened to her sobbing telling me about her cat she had worked sooooooooooooo hard to save...
I feel the same way now. I figured if anyone knew about how to handle a dog, it would have been my friend. Even met the dog several times, got angry with her when they wouldnt let it join the therapy groups because of the breed etc etc.. Then this.. And allllllllll she does is sit and ask why ... why...

not ALL hounds eat cats. :rolleyes:

oh yeah, be scared. my dog is gonna eat my cats alright.. :rolleyes:
with Tiger..

with Miagi..

AND he was cuddling with Miagi earlier. I trust him with my cats and I doubt he'd ever kill them. He shows NO interest in killing them and he NEVER will!

11-06-2006, 02:53 PM
The lady died protecting her dog. That is something I can see myself doing. I just pray to God that I don't ever have to be in that situation with any type of dog. That poor lady and that poor little dog. May they rest in peace. :(

11-06-2006, 02:55 PM
The jury also learned that Large had two prior felony convictions--for a hit-and-run in Caroline County in 1999 and aggravated sexual battery involving a 12-year-old boy in Spotsylvania the previous year

Real nice responsible person there. There always seems to be two sides to a story when it comes to pit bulls and their owners. There are a LOT of people in this world that have NO business owning the breed period..... People like this person IS the reason they are being banned.

11-06-2006, 02:58 PM
its just sad- and what do I tell my friend? ... I hate to say this, but I was blown away. I thought you know the lady did something to the dog- I am afraid not...
Our area has been boomed with these accounts. I am soooooooooo glad I live on a mountain, with noooooooooooooo neighbors for miles.. etc etc.. Maybe you guys could send her cards? If I ask her and she said okay, would you???? she realllllllly feels awful like this is alllllllllll her fault. I reallly dont believe it is... Mention nothing of how good the breed is- just support for her.. Would you?? ( if she says okay...)

11-06-2006, 03:03 PM
No thanks, I think she deserves to be in jail.

11-06-2006, 03:06 PM
No thanks, I think she deserves to be in jail.
She didnt do anything wrong. I couldnt find her story. She was a top trainer with top dogs in obedience etc. She had nothing to do with the other two stories- hers was just the last in a bad series. She was a devote member of our church, married etc. Had her dogs in social work etc... How can you say she deserves to be in jail? Her dog attacked someone going over a fence for no reason? A wonderful outstanding person... she isnt one of those two I posted- those were the two that broke the camels back. ... How can you say that? Lovely lady...

11-06-2006, 03:08 PM
I know I keep asking you this but was your friends pittie in a fence yard when this happened?
Yes- the dog went over a 4 foot high fence.. never did it before but did.. She was in the yard gardening her flowers..

11-06-2006, 03:10 PM
The article clearly says the dogs roamed the neighborhood.


once again pitties are paying the price for stupid people.
Thats not my friend- those were the other two stories that finalized the banning of pit type in this county and area..
I am waiting for the local paper to send me the link. It was archived. I will have it soon.

11-06-2006, 03:27 PM
I think that an entire breed should not be penalized for the acts of a few dogs -- and yes, I say few, because the media tends to analyze only the attacks of a few different breeds and either does not write about the others, or does not mention the breed. It took me ages to find out what breed mauled it's owner so bad she needed a face transplant -- it was her pet labrador retriever. If it was a pit bull, every article would say so right in the headline.

Pit bulls are starting to go out anyways. Now we have cane corsos and fila mastiffs. They will always retain someowhat of a reputation, but maybe they will get some of the good back, like the German shepherds did. Let's not forget that several other breeds have had this happen before -- we go through it every decade. We had the German shepherd dog, the doberman, the rottweiler -- now we have the pit bull. Is it purely coincedence that at the time there was a string of attacks a bunch of lowlifes were suddenly owning them? I think not! Nobody sets out to make a bad breed. People ruin breeds. That's all there is to it. And in this society, it is all too easy to ruin something good.

I had an American pit bull terrier when I was five. He was a lovely dog. He grew old, died at 15 of cancer. Never once did he harm a soul.

As screwed up as my breed is, I hope I never have to hear falsities about it like some of the "facts" that are being stated. Yes, alot of Belgians are "spooky," "freaky," "shy-sharp.".....But not all of them are, and mine certainly aren't.

11-06-2006, 03:29 PM
People dont understand my breed either. They dont fawn over people and they call them stuck up.. But they arent.. They just know who mom is...

11-06-2006, 03:43 PM
Borziomom I thought you said you were done with this thread like 3 pages back. Why are you still posting?

If you dont like Pit Bulls stay away from the Pit Bull related threads, we dont need another ILOVETHATCOLLIE on here one is enough. Your not going to change our minds because we know the truth sadly you dont so keep your
negative thoughts to yourslef PT is a positive place.

Im sure alot of people right now would like to bash Borzois to let you know how it feels to have only negative thoughts being thrown at you about a breed you love,but on here we keep our mean comments to ourselves.

Obviously your friend wasnt a responsible owner if she had only a four foot fence. If she had researched the breed like your supposed to BEFORE you get a dog she would know how high Pit Bulls can jump, especially when they are jumping up for the spring pole. Maybe her dog smelled another dog in heat and thats why he jumped the fence. Either way tis her fault.
Donna is just a perfect example of what a Pit Bull owner should be and if they were all like her there would be no stupid BSL towards these dogs.
Look how high this Pitty can jump for the Spring Pole

You said how Pitties dont release there grip..wich wouldnt you be classifying that as "Lock jaw"? because that isnt true at all. Its a myth. Yes they have stronger jaws but they just like EVERY dog can be trained to release. I have watched shows where police officers have said they would choose a Pit Bull as a dog for the squad over a German Sheperd because they are more loyal and sweet etc.

Moral of this thread, keep your comments about Pit Bulls to yourself unless they are positive.

11-06-2006, 03:45 PM
I never said I dont like pits. I am looking for answers just like you are.. I want answers- why is a totally normal pet and trained like my friends dog, why does this happen??? I am looking for answers just like you.
I am still waiting for the link from our local paper on my friends... YOu read this it will make you cry...

11-06-2006, 03:50 PM
some dogs aren't wired right due to bad breeding and it could have been that. I don't know I just think there is more to this story..

11-06-2006, 03:51 PM
Brozoimom, there are no answers. Without a necropsy, and a more complete understanding of the canine brain than we currently have, we will never know.

11-06-2006, 03:58 PM
Brozoimom, there are no answers. Without a necropsy, and a more complete understanding of the canine brain than we currently have, we will never know.
The necropsy showed nothing. I just wish I knew. I have to go see her tomorrow.. I am trying to help but I have nooooooooooo answers.. I mean she was like one of the top trainers in our area- ... I just dont understand.. I just dont..

11-06-2006, 04:12 PM
I know I keep asking you this but was your friends pittie in a fence yard when this happened?
yes went over a 4 foot fence.. never did it before..

11-06-2006, 04:14 PM
Maybe the dog was inbred

11-06-2006, 04:23 PM
Maybe the dog was inbred

no... she wasnt.. She was out of the one of the top showing breeders, had the best puppyhood, and treasured as a member of a household ...
I thought there must have been a brain shunt or something- but nothing came back...

11-06-2006, 04:28 PM
well I guess we'll never know. I just seriously think there is more to this story, but that's just me.
I am afraid not. Even the dog she attacked was not an intact dog.. None of this made any sense... None of it...

11-06-2006, 07:05 PM
Pitbulls ??Aggression, Fact or Not???
I grew up with the breed because thats all my dad wanted. The only way he would buy them was if they were registered. The problem is . I want one but my hsband has bought into all of the media hype about them. I have tried to explain its all in how they are raised but he is petrified. I was hoping that if he saw some positive responses on here it would help.. I would appreciate any responses.
OK here's my two cents and I'm afraid it isn't on the positive note. Steele my Blue Merle Collie has a brother named Remington. Obviously brothers Remington Steele. Now you know where he gets his name. Anyhow, Remi lived in a house hold with multiple dogs and one was a Pit. The loving family pet Pittbull we are accustomed too. But one day in the back yard for no reason the pit snapped and literally tore off the bottom jaw of Remi. Yes this beautiful collie had to be put down. Farse? or uncontrollable aggression?
No one knows. The friendly family Pit was then removed from the house hold.
It's not that just this breed can snap, but its the power of the bite and the passion of this breed to hold onto and finish what he started till the very end resulting in the worst of injuries or death.
I know people who have pits, I give them hugs and belly rubs like any other dog, but I will never ever have one in my house hold just for the reason of the POSSIBILITY of this breed snapping. The last thing I would want to do is to intervene while this Pit is having a death grip on a nother dog for it to turn on me or my kids.
This is my point of view.

11-06-2006, 07:11 PM
Thats my point- my friends dog wasnt from a trailer park or badly raised or socialized badly etc- in fact highly trained - had two obedience titles- a Cd and CDX and yet one day for noooooooooooooooooo reason jumped a fence in a place she was use to seeing other dogs and attacked terribly a spayed dog, and then turned on the owner that tried to save her dog.. Something is not right here in the brains of these dogs... Even noooooooooo pd in a concentrated area will use these breeds in PD because they can not NOT GET THE DOG to stop an attack... Its like- once the attack starts, they can not stop... Something is wrong here- and it scares me... I knew my friends dog, even tried to help her get the dog passed into therapy work when they said the breed was not accepted- only to have it COME BACK MY FACE that the breeds are not reliable enough... I hate to admit this- but they were right... Once a "pit " starts a fight , it will finish and the jaw pressure is deadly... totally.. deadly...

11-06-2006, 07:29 PM
[QUOTE=MajesticCollies] Remi lived in a house hold with multiple dogs and one was a Pit. The loving family pet Pittbull we are accustomed too. But one day in the back yard for no reason the pit snapped and literally tore off the bottom jaw of Remi.

The breed can be dog aggressive.Even in a home where two dogs get along for a long time,it can happen.They should never be left alone with any dog.It is the way they are and people who don't know this should not own them.Those are the people who think this would never happen to my dog.They grew up together.(dogs don't think like that)

but its the power of the bite and the passion of this breed to hold onto and finish what he started till the very end resulting in the worst of injuries or death.

APBT don't have any more pressure in their bite then any other big dog.

11-06-2006, 07:32 PM
Thats my point- my friends dog wasnt from a trailer park or badly raised or socialized badly etc- in fact highly trained - had two obedience titles- a Cd and CDX and yet one day for noooooooooooooooooo reason jumped a fence in a place she was use to seeing other dogs and attacked terribly a spayed dog, and then turned on the owner that tried to save her dog.. Something is not right here in the brains of these dogs... Even noooooooooo pd in a concentrated area will use these breeds in PD because they can not NOT GET THE DOG to stop an attack... Its like- once the attack starts, they can not stop... Something is wrong here- and it scares me... I knew my friends dog, even tried to help her get the dog passed into therapy work when they said the breed was not accepted- only to have it COME BACK MY FACE that the breeds are not reliable enough... I hate to admit this- but they were right... Once a "pit " starts a fight , it will finish and the jaw pressure is deadly... totally.. deadly...

Again your friends dog was not as APBT but and Am.Staff.This thread is about APBT's.
Your friend must not have known about the breed and it's standard or she would have known that they can be dog aggressive.I watch my dogs all the time and don't let strange dogs near them.It is better toooooooo be safe then sorry.If your friend know what she was doing it might not have happened.

11-06-2006, 07:35 PM
*nods nods* I agree with rutylr on everything!

11-06-2006, 07:35 PM
MY FRIEND knew exactly and was out to prove them wrong... you want her mail address at the jail???? IN MY MIND totally qualified to take on a breed that had or could have issues- totally... noooooooooooooo kidding..
Look- I am not bashing the breeds- i am saying you better have things in place- insurance, etc to cover yourself.. this is very very very serious....

11-06-2006, 07:39 PM
rutylr[QUOTE=MajesticCollies] Remi lived in a house hold with multiple dogs and one was a Pit. The loving family pet Pittbull we are accustomed too. But one day in the back yard for no reason the pit snapped and literally tore off the bottom jaw of Remi.

The breed can be dog aggressive.Even in a home where two dogs get along for a long time,it can happen.They should never be left alone with any dog.It is the way they are and people who don't know this should not own them.Those are the people who think this would never happen to my dog.They grew up together.(dogs don't think like that)

So Basically you are saying the Pitbull is DANGEROUS to have in your house. who would want a dog that you could not trust if you leave them alone?

11-06-2006, 07:45 PM
Its not worth it to me... I saw the cost emotionally and money- its not worth it.. something is in the brain that is not a physical fault that the dog wont stop until it kills... Its JUST NOT WORTH it to me... just not....
Now you pit lovers- what should I say to my friend tomorrow??? This was a properly raised dog, wonderful- the " snap" is not even the brain- its like instinct as the two vets that exaimed the body... etc with allllllllllll the tests paid for by the state..... Its like living with a wild animal- you JUST NEVER know ever ever ever... Its in there... you just never know when the dragon will rear its head... and you need to know that... dont come back later and tell us stories of problems with this- you brought it on yourself.. YOU DID it- you took the breed in... YOU DID IT...

Suki Wingy
11-06-2006, 07:52 PM
Thanks, so when my dog attacks me I'll know It's was all MY FAULT. Even though he's give his life for me and vice versa. Looks like I'll be needing the ignore feature.

11-06-2006, 07:54 PM
Looks like I'll be needing the ignore feature.

same here. :rolleyes: I think this thread has gone way TOO far and needs to be closed! I am seriously SO sick of people bashing pit bulls here left and right and couldn't give a damn if they are good dogs. :mad:

11-06-2006, 07:56 PM
do you see the picture of my daughter with the shepherd? She was like 5 but the dog was a top notch PD SCH 111 police dog.. the difference- I knew that dog knew when to bite= i could control the dog- you can NOT controll any of the pit breeds- can NOT.. BELIEVE IT OR NOT bash me if you want but if I save one life in a person from having this bomb in their household- I will... YOU CAN NOT CONTROL a pitt breed short of keeping it leashed at alllllllll times with nooooooooooooo other dogs in your house.. I am sorry- but over 30 years of training dogs, 20 in police work and you can NOT control a pit breed... PERIOD... and please do not come back and tell us stories of who maimed who for life... doesnt fly with me.. and I quit here on this topic PERIOD...

11-06-2006, 07:59 PM
:rolleyes: I am not going to post anymore on this thread. it's just too upsetting and needs to be closed. :(

11-06-2006, 08:02 PM
Borzoimom, OK we get it, you don't like pit bulls. I'm sorry about what happened to your friend, but campaigning against all pit bulls is not going to change the past. You know what you should do with your dislike of pit bulls? Don't ever get one. The end. :rolleyes:

If you support breed specific legislation like the banning of pit bulls you are just opening the door to banning of many other breeds (which has already happened in some places) and eventually possible restrictions like this on ALL dogs.

I've worked at a grooming salon for over 4 years and we did have one pretty bad incident with a pittie, but I don't hold that against all pits. The worst bites I have received working there were from 2 poodles and a cat and I don't blame all poodles and cats for that either, that would be ridiculous.

ALL dogs are capable of biting, that is how they defend themselves. Some dogs just have a much higher tolerance level of what will push them to react and bite.

I personally would not get a pit bull, they are just not the breed for me, but I do not have any problems with responsible people having them and I think they can be great dogs. I have a siberian husky and I've had many people take one look at him and think he is a vicious dog, and it hurts to have people feel that way about your beloved pet. Your comments are hurtful (especially what you wrote about Maximus...I hope his "mom" doesn't see that), you've said waaaay more than your 2 cents.

Just adding one more thing........the most unpredictable and out of control dog I have ever met was an ex-police trained german shepherd. He would attack without warning or reason. I am not trying to say anything bad about GSDs, just that any dog, reguardless of breed, can have "issues" not just pit bulls.

This thread needs to be closed IMO.

11-06-2006, 08:04 PM
THIS IS THE PICTURE OF my daughter with a highly trained police dog- the differece- the dog knew- .... pits dont... you can NOT STOP a pit in an attack period and it scares me to death to see pictures of pits with babies so go on a pit denial forum cause it scares me...

11-06-2006, 08:08 PM
Its not that I dont like pits... They scare me- I mean perfectly normal dogs attack and leave people DEAD.. its the jaw pressure and the lack of stopping an attack. If the clubs did something like temperment testing or something, it would work out- but they act like duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there is not problem, your call is important to us- please continue to hold mentality, the poor breeds will get NOOOOOOOOOOO WHERE in modern civilization...

11-06-2006, 08:10 PM

and I quit here on this topic PERIOD...

11-06-2006, 08:13 PM
and I quit here on this topic PERIOD...
I wonder how many more times this is going to be said before this actually happens...:rolleyes:

I think this is pretty sad for a thread to turn like this all over a breed when she asked for POSITIVE things in the first place.

11-06-2006, 08:28 PM
We get quite alot of pitties in at my work. We've never had an issue with any of them -- they are some of the easiest breeds to control in the grooming parlor. We've gotten an influx of young pit bulls, under a year, who were not taught to behave during a groom session (as they aren't a breed that needs alot of grooming). Some of them will try to nip at your fingers when you clip the nails (in a puppy way). A firm "no" is all that is needed for them. Their ears go back, they get a sad look on their face, and they try very hard to give extra kisses. They are a terrier, will always hold terrier traits, yet I find them to be very eager to please. The only issue we had with a bully breed was an amstaff that was severely abused in it's irst home and was terrified of everything. For the first groom it needed to be muzzled and watched carefully for old dog fits. After the first groom it was fine, no more muzzle, still quite scared but more trusting

I've worked around dogs my entire life, and I work around them professionally now. Rarely do I meet such happy, carefree dogs who can give you a good whack with their tail but otherwise leave you with only kisses. I owned a pit bull, some of my friends own or owned pit bulls -- very sweet, loving, family dogs. They were the #1 family dog in North America for a number of yars, nicknamed the nanny dog. No one can tell me that they upheld that reputation for so long and are still "killers." I don't believe it.

The only breed that has ever "attacked" me (as in not just a bite, an actual trying to kill me, viciously going for me) is the golden retriever. And not just one -- several of them. Yet everyone will says that goldens make the best family dogs ever. I think the best thing is to ignore the exceptions and focus on the breed and how the breed should be as a whole. A GOOD example of a pit bull does not attack.

I think that pit bulls for dummies is a very good book -- it explains the myths. For instance, pit bulls do not have a higher pressure bite per square inch than other breeds. In fact, in a study, they found German shepherds to have the strongest bite.

As for protection trained pit bulls, I find them to be much more stable than most the other breeds. 99% of schutzhund, french ring, etc dogs find it to be a game. The 1% of them that think of it as serious work are all quite dangerous in my opinion, but I've met police pit bulls and I've found them to be very stable dogs. The police GSDs I've met have scared the cr*p out of me -- one of them tried to attack me while I was just standing there not even looking at it, and the only one I found to be non-dog aggressive was 5 months old. Haven't met a police trained Belgian yet, but I imagine it would be alot worse. Alot of police departments would consider a pit bull before they would consider a Belgian, if they know dogs well enough.

I also think this thread should be closed. It makes me unhappy to think that my pit bull went his entire 15 years without biting anyone, and he is being blamed for the actions of some dogs.

11-06-2006, 08:46 PM
Borzoimom is not bashing the dog itself, she is truly concerned with your, your family's and loved ones' safety. Can you all not see that she is trying to educate and protect people here? What would she possibly gain by trying to pick on a particular breed of dog? She has not said anything rude or spiteful or sarcastic to any one here, but she has been disrespected by many "bull-headed" people on this thread. How dare anyone imply that because she is "new" to PT, that she doesn't have a right to express herself. She is obviously a "dog-lover" as she has posted on many other threads here and offered her help and kindness. I pray to God that none of you have to experience the very thing that she and Tim both are trying to educate you about. She has not suggested that any one put their beloved pet to sleep because it is a pit bull, she is simply sharing some horrific experiences she knows of and trying to prevent further ones from happening. The polite and adult thing to do would be to thank her for her advice / warning and move on instead of being hateful.

11-06-2006, 08:51 PM
Kim, Who is Tim?

11-06-2006, 08:54 PM
Kim, Who is Tim?

Majestic Collies ... isn't his name Tim?

11-06-2006, 08:58 PM
I don't think anyone is being hateful, Kim. we are just sick of people bashing pit bulls left and right, that's all.

11-06-2006, 09:00 PM
Kim, I didn't even realize Tim had posted...sorry Tim.

11-06-2006, 09:00 PM
Borzoimom leads the post cout in this thread with 45 replies, I think she has "warned" us all enough.

11-06-2006, 09:04 PM
To generalize about any breed is pointless! All pitts are not perfect pets any more than all chihauha's are perfect pets. All pitts are not vicious any more than all chihauha's are ankle biters.

The most important thing when choosing any specific breed is to educate yourself on that breed and it's quirks and needs.

A pitt puppy wouldn't be ideal for a granny with a walker and a chi wouldn't be ideal for someone that hopes to jog 5 miles a day with their dog. ;)

11-06-2006, 09:11 PM
as for ths story of the Pittie that attacked a dog and the dogs owner? ok first off this was the owners fault, I dont care how good of a trainer you are, SHE is the one who left the dog loose in an unfenced yard and did not hold her dog when the other passed. Happy is incredably well trained, I can call her away from anything, and I can have her loose in my front yard with me.... HOWEVER I always keep a look out and I ALWAYS take her collar when I see someone weather they have a dog or not walking by, and they always thank me for it too. if the other dog displayed anything even so much as staring at the pittie, this could have set the dog off(ANY dog off not just a pit) a Pit is a terrier, terriers hold on tight, they were bred too, the the other dogs owner interfered the pit obviously attacked her, I know the same thing that happend with a JRT, the jack got in a fight with another dog, the guy stepped in and the JRT got his thumb, injured it quite badly. when a dog is in fight mode you NEVER stick your hands into it, thats just flat out stupidity. this trainer may have thought she could handle a pit, but going by her actions that led to this attack, she clearly did NOT understand basic bahviour.

11-06-2006, 09:53 PM
Kim, she may be trying to "warn" us but someone with such minute knowledge of the breed should NOT open their mouths on the subject. It is very obvious borzoimom knows nothing about this breed.

All quotes from borzoimom...

by the way- I am looking at the dogs head posture= the dogs jaws are locked, eyes are fixed, ears up and stare intense.. Please move the baby..

Yeah, great! Go ahead and pick apart photos of another PT member's beloved dog. What sort of heartless person are you?

this is NOT reliable breed- and it doesnt just bite- it maims, kills with such visciousness its like the dog becomes possessed... A mix of pit would better than a "pure bred" even then- its a serious problem..

People have owned perfectly sound Pit Bulls for years and years. They can be a serious problem to an ignorant person such as yourself. However, a person experienced with the breed will not have a problem with human aggression. Animal aggression, sure, it can happen in any dog even with the best trainer. However, HUMAN AGGRESSION AND ANIMAL AGGRESSION ARE TWO COMPLETE OPPOSITES.

Now you pit lovers- what should I say to my friend tomorrow??? This was a properly raised dog, wonderful- the " snap" is not even the brain- its like instinct as the two vets that exaimed the body... etc with allllllllllll the tests paid for by the state..... Its like living with a wild animal- you JUST NEVER know ever ever ever... Its in there... you just never know when the dragon will rear its head... and you need to know that... dont come back later and tell us stories of problems with this- you brought it on yourself.. YOU DID it- you took the breed in... YOU DID IT...

What should you say to your friend? Who knows - she's your friend we do not know this lady or this situation.

HOWEVER, home completey rude, ignorant, and heartless of you to say "don't come back later and tell us stories of problems..." Especially on a board you JUST joined. You do NOT even know half of the members here and you're certainly not putting down a good foot here. Many of us own Pit Bulls, Pit Bulls mixes, or hope to own the breed in the feature - again all of these dogs are perfectly sound.

WHATEVER HONEY, just whatever. Educate yourself before you open your mouth.

11-06-2006, 10:05 PM
Yeah when she started saying maximus was in attack mode thats when I lost it.

I get protective of my friends, I consider Jadapit my friend and her girls are like my own...

11-06-2006, 10:08 PM
Yeah when she started saying maximus was in attack mode thats when I lost it.

I get protective of my friends, I consider Jadapit my friend and her girls are like my own...

same here.

11-07-2006, 01:28 AM
ok I know this may be a bad analogy but bare with me :D
planes, trains, automobiles - all transportation

poodles, pits, labs etc.. - all dogs

hundreds of car accidents a day - do we see it on tv?
plane crash - "we interupt this program", "tragedy", No survivors....

dog bites happen every day - goldens, chi's, labs, poodles..etc
pit bites - make the news

all kinds of breeds have "attacked" - why does only one make the news, slow news day, Media manipulation, "K-9 Profiling"...just think on it...

11-07-2006, 01:40 AM
I hear you casey- but the fact is- this is a dog that wont even be used by a police department.

Not true. Here are some links showing pit bulls working for the police....





hot dog!!!! :D

Awesome, Thanks for the info/links

Please note quote below taken from one above site re Breed Specific Leg. See my thread "Restricted/Banned Breeds Borzoi St. Bernard...." re: BSL

Breed Specific Legislation Puts Neville in Danger
On August 25th 2005 Canada in their great wisdom passed a BSL law in Ontario banning American Pit Bull Terriers. This law put Neville in danger. Gerogina shelter in Ontario is where Neville was placed.

11-07-2006, 05:45 AM
[QUOTE] rutylr

So Basically you are saying the Pitbull is DANGEROUS to have in your house. who would want a dog that you could not trust if you leave them alone?

Pit Bulls like so many other breeds can be dog aggressive.People must know their breed before obtaining one.

11-07-2006, 06:15 AM

Pit Bulls like so many other breeds can be dog aggressive.People must know their breed before obtaining one.
I agree- and very well.. We reallllllllllllly point out the possibility ( strong at that) that a sighthound will chase something small. When I had shepherds I stressed getting the pup out more so to socilalize so they do not become territorial- its just like you said- "People MUST know their breed before obtaining one"...

11-07-2006, 06:24 AM
Borzoimom is not bashing the dog itself, she is truly concerned with your, your family's and loved ones' safety. Can you all not see that she is trying to educate and protect people here? What would she possibly gain by trying to pick on a particular breed of dog? She has not said anything rude or spiteful or sarcastic to any one here, but she has been disrespected by many "bull-headed" people on this thread. How dare anyone imply that because she is "new" to PT, that she doesn't have a right to express herself. She is obviously a "dog-lover" as she has posted on many other threads here and offered her help and kindness. I pray to God that none of you have to experience the very thing that she and Tim both are trying to educate you about. She has not suggested that any one put their beloved pet to sleep because it is a pit bull, she is simply sharing some horrific experiences she knows of and trying to prevent further ones from happening. The polite and adult thing to do would be to thank her for her advice / warning and move on instead of being hateful.
WHY THANK YOU! That is exactly what I am trying to say...
In most areas, " when you cant say something nice, dont say nothing at all" does not apply in the pet area. Half the dogs that end up in shelters were taken originally by well meaning, but un knowing owners. Like the one that gets a saint bernard, with no clue this can really up a 150 pound dog. Or get a collie because it looks like lassie- no clue that (rough) coat takes daily work and care in brushing. Or the one that gets a border collie with no realllll total idea this dog needs alot of stimulation and a job to do. Or a terrier unknown they can be barkers.... Even my own breed- I could not own a cat with my older one in my life- I love cats! But I know the limitiations here... This actually the first time in my life I havent had a cat.
YOur words of kindness, obviously totally understanding the intent in my posts has me touched.. THANK YOU!

11-07-2006, 06:35 AM
There she gose again not sticking to her word of not replying tot his thread anymore.

I think I need to start tallying this up and see when she finally stops.

11-07-2006, 07:09 AM
There she gose again not sticking to her word of not replying tot his thread anymore.

I think I need to start tallying this up and see when she finally stops.
I have the right to post as much as I want too. And only come back because of comments such as the above. Everyone has a right to opinion and a right to change their mind - at least here in the US... Where do you live? And if you want to see who you are talking to- here is a picture of me and hottie taking in the basement when it was under construction- ( you will notice who is sitting on the floor...) Sorry the glasses are ascue, but I was laughing as I needed to move the couch he was resting on..

11-07-2006, 07:27 AM
yes, you do but you keep on saying you aren't coming back to this thread and you keep coming back. ;)
yea I changed my mind- ... Here is food for thought.. -
I have a very dear friend that I have known since highschool ( thats uh over 32 years people..) anyway- from time we were younger, she never came over my house. We always stood outside to talk. The reason- my mother had cavaliers. She was afraid of dogs. If we did the sleep over routine- it was always at her house. Later as adults- she never came to my house- I had shepherds and beligiums and collies.. When we moved here- and where we live in like a ski resort in views etc- she only came once but I had to put my dogs up, and she spent the whole time jumping at any bang like any second the dogs would get out.. To me this fear is not logical- but I can understand it- she was bit in the face by a dog when she was 3 years old.
My point is- to her its a real fear. I have one here. And its not about the breed- its about how people feel after something happens. I can not get my friend to stop blaming herself for what happens. The guilt is overwhelming to her. ( would have, should haves- are running rampant..) It even caused a divorce because of all this.. Decideing if a breed is right for you is one thing, the second one is having things in place to protect yourself. And I dont mean physically. I mean the emotional and financial responsibility. Because- the laws will not be on the pit owners side- it will be on the other party. Sad but true..
Get this one- I was out in the yard one day a few months back when a bobcat jumped out of a tree- now I doubt he would have attacked me- but we will never know- Femka got it in a second! So I, thinking I was doing the right thing to report an encounter with such a wild animal called the forrestry service to report it and have the bobcat tested for rabies. Do you know they gave us a 25 dollar fine for hunting wildlife off season???? Now tell me that makes sense- my dogs were on my land, and the cat jumped down at us and my dog went to protect me.. BUT THEY were not in hunting season at the time. I had to go to court, the judge kept asking me-- did you feel in danger at any time. I said " why would I feel in danger? I had 4 borzois in the yard?" .. He asked me again. I looked at him confused like what is wrong with this guy- didnt he hear my response- finally time 3 I said " yes- I guess so- it was a bobcat".. He said ' THATS ALL I NEEDED TO HEAR- citation dismissed. ( bang with the gavel..)..

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-07-2006, 08:11 AM
I only want to reply to say there is a consiquence anytime you own any pet. ANY PET!! Whatever pet you choose... i hope you choose it for life and are willing to take whatever steps are necessary to keep your pet happy and safe. If you choose a pet with a reputation... do what is necessary to prove doubters wrong.. when you neglect your responsabilities to your pet... you will more than likely pay some price for that.

As far as my response to the original thread...........

The only pit bull i've ever met is named Ice...
here she is sittin in the back seat of my car
and here she is giving me a kissy

Ice lives with a weiner dog named Angel and a kitty. I remember when they got the kitty would run and play and Ice would chase her and nuzzle her.. It would scare me ... not because Ice is a pit... but because she is a dog.. and the kitty is well.. a kitty! Happy to say Ice is doing good.. weiner dog is good and kitty is getting big and doing good. And i want to say Ice is the absolute sweetest dog i have ever met in my life!! I would looove to have her as my own dog!

I can't say much as far as if you should get a pit bull or not... because i believe only responsable people should own dogs (i'm not saying you are not responsable... i don't know you)... I can only say I BELIEVE the outcome of dog behaviours are susceptible to thier owners.

every breed has their horror stories!! i've been attacked by miniature chihuahuas before!!!! :D

11-07-2006, 08:35 AM

That was very well said.

11-07-2006, 11:54 AM
I agree with everone here. You should only own animals if you want to accept the responsibility of your animals actions and other peoples. I preach to my children about responsibility all of the time. I know the breed having been around nothing but from the time I was an infant. I am not worried , it was my husband. I am not afraid of the breed. They can be the most loving of animals and the greatest of protectors. I am sorry but I dont believe they can just snap, there has to be something to trigger it. THANK YOU everyone for all of the info.

11-07-2006, 01:48 PM
as long as you are satisified.
Anytime we make a decission, we have to know allll sides of something before we take the "plunge"... Good luck..

11-07-2006, 01:54 PM
I am sorry but I dont believe they can just snap, there has to be something to trigger it.

And this is VERY true.
To the untrained eye it may seem there was nothing to trigger an attack. Every single dog gives out some sort of warning, wether it be vocal, posture, or looks. An experienced dog owner will know when their animal is upset or bothered by something and can correct it before anything happens.

Something that doesn't seem reasonable to attack/bite/bark over may look completely different from a dog's point of view.

11-07-2006, 02:00 PM
And this is VERY true.
To the untrained eye it may seem there was nothing to trigger an attack. Every single dog gives out some sort of warning, wether it be vocal, posture, or looks. An experienced dog owner will know when their animal is upset or bothered by something and can correct it before anything happens.

Something that doesn't seem reasonable to attack/bite/bark over may look completely different from a dog's point of view.

EXACTLY!! I can read my dogs body language like a book that includes my pit bull.

Heather, I'm truly sorry this thread went where it did. You and your family are going to make wonderful, responsible pit bull owners. I hope you come back to share pictures and stories when you get the new baby.

11-07-2006, 02:12 PM
I have one problem with the stuff borzoimom was saying.... I was just reading o another thread and she made references to the show " dog whisperer". If she has seen this then she has to have seen and heard how he talks about pitties. He hardly ever has one of them on a leash. I dont understand her. He has all of his dogs in one pen and they are fine. She confuses me.....:confused:

11-07-2006, 02:15 PM

I showed my dad a pic of your ebony and he fel in love. He said that he now wants me to look for one with similiar markings and colors. She is a beauty.

11-07-2006, 02:18 PM
Cesar adores the pit bulls. He has taken ex fighting dogs then rehabilitated them to live in his pack. He uses Daddy (pit) all the time to help with problem dogs. What do you think of this borzoimom? That dog have NEVER went at or hurt one single dog not ever.....

11-07-2006, 02:20 PM

I showed my dad a pic of your ebony and he fel in love. He said that he now wants me to look for one with similiar markings and colors. She is a beauty.LOL aww that cause shes just soo cute:)

11-07-2006, 02:21 PM
Cesar adores the pit bulls. He has taken ex fighting dogs then rehabilitated them to live in his pack. He uses Daddy (pit) all the time to help with problem dogs. What do you think of this borzoimom? That dog have NEVER went at or hurt one single dog not ever.....

Thank you!! I dont understand how she cant see that they can do and be good . He makes people look at all of the breeds differently. As my husband said, she is only going to believe what she wants so there is no point in trying to change that.

11-07-2006, 02:22 PM

I showed my dad a pic of your ebony and he fel in love. He said that he now wants me to look for one with similiar markings and colors. She is a beauty.

Oh, how sweet! Thank your dad for me would you? Thank you also, I think she's beautiful too. My son gave her to us. She was his dog but his job didn't allow him to spend the time with her like he should. Also, he lives in Aurora Colorado they did a ban on pit bulls. You were allowed to keep one if you owned them before the ban.

My son saw both her parents. Mom was all white, dad was black. So she is both colors. :)

11-07-2006, 02:27 PM
How is your son jadapit ;)

11-07-2006, 02:33 PM
Lol! He is fine. :) Brian is the baby he is the one I posted a picture of. Our oldest son is who we got Ebony from.

11-08-2006, 10:44 PM
As a volunteer learning behavior & training in shelters, early on I got bit by each dachshund, and cocker spaniel. They were fear bites. Left at shelter by their owners, scared & alone.It seems the small dogs were popular at doing this, because a few other volunteers had been bit by, chi's, poodles, and dachsys as well. These were dogs that had been released for adoption. The largest population we had of course were pit bulls/pit mixes, and they were usually there for many months before being adopted. None that were released for adoption ever bit anyone while I was there. However our shelter had animal investigators, and we had pitties confiscated from fighting rings, BUT even these were friendly and loving dogs to the human staff caring for them, the problem was with dog to dog aggression.

I love dogs - period - so I love pitties and I believe people are responsible for the problems that are showing up in them or any other breed. The puppy mills and back yard breeders - people who don't know or care for anything but the money- are messing up the breed and giving it the bad rap.

11-08-2006, 10:50 PM
I have volunteered at a shelter 30 minutes away and now volunteer at the one locally. :) I have never been bit seriously by a dog, ever. The worst one was just a puppy nip, but it wasn't serious. I have fallen in love with all the pitties there and of course every dog and cat there. :) how could you not? :D of course there's some I get a little bit frusturated with as puppies jumping on you..but they don't know any better and I wouldn't hate them just because they jump on you. they just require special attention and a little love and care goes a long way imo. :)
there's a beautiful shepherd mix pup at the shelter named Kubota and I doubt he has had any special attention in his life. He has real insecurity issues. :( He is constantly jumping on you to feel safe and to feel secure. I don't mind it, because he requires special attention and is just a total and complete love bug. :)

11-09-2006, 02:29 PM
How do you think I feel? I visit my friend every tuesday IN JAIL..... She is on suicide watch btw.. I am nottttttttt kidding... One afternoon changed her life totally... This is awful. Someone needs to tell the bad side of this- maybe if nothing else for someone to do something. ... And the gentlemen that was killed in his own house when he tried to feed his dogs.. Can you imagine? This wasnt a trailer park type of dog- this was a member of the communittee chewed to shreds... by his own dogs...

Would you explain WHY your friend is in jail? Not because of a dog bite, surely.....

11-09-2006, 02:40 PM
She is in jail because number one- there was a regulartion all pitt types had to be leashed in public- ( the dog went over the fence), for killing property ( the ladies dog) and unable to pay the fine, and reckless endangerment on the owner ( she was bitten pretty badly, had a heart condtion and also suffered another heart attack during the attack) .