Pet of the Day
BackBack November 19, 2020

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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Peter CottonTail the Rabbit, the Pet of the Day
Name: Peter CottonTail
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Rabbit
Home: Calumet, Michigan, USA
   This is my bunny Peter CottonTail. He now about six years old. He lives in Calumet Michigan,. He does not do tricks or anything, but he will freak out and run away from anyone he does not know. This is smart, as of course in the wild nearly everyone regards rabbits as prey. He does not bite. He tends to get along with his seven other brothers and sisters. He may look like a wild rabit, with his golden agouti coloring, but he is a pet bunny for sure.

     He does not get along with his mom Rebecca, though. Peter CottonTail will sometimes let us pet him when he is in a good mood. When he is in a bad mood he goes under the shelter they live in, so we know he wants to be left alone then. He will only eat carrots, lettuce, celery, and normal bunny food. He is the smart bunny. Everyone in my family loves him .

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