Pet of the Day
BackBack August 20, 2020

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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Garfield the Mouse, the Pet of the Day <
Name: Garfield
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Mouse
Home: Arizona, USA
   I love my mouse very much. She is special in many different ways, ways I cannot explain. She hasn't really done anything special, but she is still special to me. I got her from my science teacher right before Christmas. Garfield's sister died a couple months after I got them, but Garfield has seemed to live with it.

     Garfield is friendly, and does not bite. She only nipped me once when I was giving her a treat and she missed the treat and got my finger. She does not like to be picked up, but once her feet settle onto my hand, she seems happy. I love her very much.

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