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Thread: My cat scratches the mirror every night

  1. #1

    My cat scratches the mirror every night

    I've had two cats at the same time, who never got along for thirteen years. They both lived long lives, 18 and 19 years. Now I have adopted a cat that I knew had feline leukemia from birth. They told me she had a life expectancy of two years, but she looks great and will be 5 years old in March. I didn't want to get another cat because of her disease. I didn't want the heartbreak of losing two young cats and can't afford the vet bills right now. But now for months she sits and stares a long time at herself in the mirror every night. Then she scratches at the mirror and tries to figure out a way inside it. She keeps going nose to nose with herself in the mirror. I've never had a cat do this and since it is every night, I think she may be lonely for another cat. Has anyone else seen this behavior? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Once in a while, I have had a cat do this...I think THEY think they are looking at another cat - and are trying to get to it!

    Wait to hear from others...but I think it shows she is extra intelligent.

    Glad to hear she is so healthy and almost 5! What a wonderful meowmie you are!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Huntsville, Alabama
    From personal experience, I don't believe it means they are lonely for companionship. I have two cats and they BOTH stand at the mirror on their hindfeet and just go at it. Dresser and bathroom. I am constantly wiping kitty paw prints off my mirrors. LOL
    Naranj's and P.K.'s Momma

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I will never forget the first time Boo was her reflection in the mirror!!! It was like WHOA, WHO IS THIS??? It is good to know that your kitty beat the odds and is living a good life!!!
    Nine is Fine!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    Giz was funnier than the Blue Collar Comedy Tour when she first discovered the kitty in the morror. She pawed at it, hissed at it, slapped at it... backed away and dove for it then she KNEW she had it cornered when she ran behind it.... That was the funniest look on her face when she realized that somehow, it got away from her... I tired not to bust out laughing and distract her but it was hard!

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  6. #6
    Thanks for everyone's replies. I am glad to hear that other cats do this.

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