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Thread: Amazing animal encounters!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Amazing animal encounters!

    I was wondering what other encounters everyone has with animals. Like strays,wildlife,ect. NOT your pets. Mine are here:
    Well, we went on a vacation to the Florida Keys and had an awesome time! I went swimming with the dolphins with my sister. Their names were Nicky and Leo. Leo was a baby. The dolphins did a bunch of tricks. Like letting us "surf" with them! It was amazing and they were so sweet!
    Well, I had had a minor surgery and when I came home my mom saw a "cat" out the window. It was many colors. But it wasn't a cat! It was 5 kittens living under the shed. No mother at all. We bought cat food and fed them. It was so cute. They all sat in the huge plate! I befriended one of them. A VERY pretty little girl. We named her Lily. If you went outside she would run up to you and meow. So, we picked her up and loved her so much. The other cats didn't like humans. Except one of the others. He name was La De Da. Very funny name lol. We were going to keep one. Lily. But my dad hates cats so we couldn't. Well, my mom called the SPCA and they were taken to the shelter and adopted out.

  2. #2
    Rob & I were walking in the small bush in the City of Ottawa (Ontario/Canada). We were talking, giggling & not paying much attention, as it was the middle of the day & didn't expect to see anything animals.

    We went around the bend & walked a wee bit. Then I stopped & pointed to the deer that was maybe 20 feet away. Then Rob pointed to the deer that was laying down on the other side of the hill.

    It was really neat as we have never been that close to a wild deer (well as wild as the city deer get). We were there atleast 30 mins standing still & staring at them. It was funny cause the one that was standing was bobbing its head trying to see us. So every now & then we shuffled to get its attention so it would do the head bobbing heheh

    Then we decided it was best that they didn't just sit there as we have found headless deer before.. So I ran up to them barking & they didn't really run, it was more of a trot in annoyance

    I also had an unwanted encounter with a raccoon. Stupid thing, long story short, my friend & I were trapped & we cried murder. My dog opened the door to the camper & took after it. He was angry, jumpped on it, it ran up a tree, dog was still angry & somewhere in the forest in the middle of the night. We call the dog, he returnes, we praise & decide its best to go to bed.
    SO the stupid raccoons, once again steal the pail of dog food in the middle of the night & drag it into the swamp, where I have to go fetch it to feed the dog Stupid raccoons

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