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Thread: Scat mats for dogs?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Scat mats for dogs?

    Nova is getting really bad at jumping on the counters lately. Last night I was baking cookies and dog treats. I went to the bathroom to come back to one less Snickerdoodle Then, later on, I heard her jumping on the counter from the living room. I called her and could tell there was something in her mouth so I told her to drop it (both of which she did -- she minds very well!) and it was another Snickerdoodle I know the obvious thing to do is push everything back where she can't reach it -- but she can reach everywhere on the counter. We have tried pushing it back, it isn't enough. I mean, the other day my mom left a pan of bacon fat on the back of the stove after cooking. Nova must have been very quiet, because when she went in later it was all gone!

    Now, I'm wondering, do scat mats work for dogs? I can't catch her in the act every time so scolding her for it is going to take a looong time to enforce the rules. Is there anything else you'd suggest if not scat mats?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Or what about this? : Ssscat

    I know how it works, but how does it tell if it's a person or an animal? Anyone used it before?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    I've used both. The scatmat was originally for the cats as Onyx likes to pee on the counter, but it worked for the occasional counter surfing husky too!
    Then Onyx peed on the battery pack and that was the end of the scatmat!

    Right now I have the ssscat thingy. It's fabulous! Doesn't seem to bother the dogs much, but they know that the beeping sound means trouble! I have a friend who put three of them under her Christmas tree and her lab puppy won't go near the tree! It can't tell the difference between animal or human though. Any motion sets it off.
    If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you must find the courage to live it.
    --John Irving

  4. Never heard of them before.
    sounds like they work good though

  5. #5
    I've used the scat mat and it worked wonderfully. I got it to keep the cats off the counter and it worked great. Then when I got Nacey she learned how to jump onto the counter. I know that sounds odd, she's a 13lb. pug, but she loved to be on the counter and always seemed to find a way up onto them. I got the scat mat out and she quickly learned that counter tops were not a place she wanted to be. I think I kept the scat mat on the counter for about a week, just in case she tried to get up there, but after the first day or so I probably could have taken it off. She's never tried to get up there again.

    Another option (and probably a cheaper one) is to use Snappy Trainers. I've never used them, but they're supposed to work.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Northern California
    I used a different method (less pricy and more "hands-on" training, imo).

    I know Giselle is a certified counter-surfer and will steal anything so, being the evil mom I am, I set her up. I placed a handful of pennies in these shallow plastic cups and placed the cups on a paper plate. I took a durable doggie cookie and punched a hole in the middle and strung the cookie to the plate. I left the room, and Giselle completely fell for the trick. The minute I heard a splashing/thrashing noise, I came in and cleaned up the mess (be sure to pick up the cookie before the dog has a chance to recuperate and eat it). I didn't scold her or anything. The shock and fright of the pennies was enough punishment. After two more "mistakes", Giselle never counter surfed again. You should only set up this predicament when you can be there to train or, otherwise, the dog will recuperate from the shock and eat the cookie. When you're not going to be able to keep an eye on the dog, I'd suggest clearing EVERYTHING from the table and placing it in the fridge or in a cupboard or, better yet, you could even crate the pup. Good luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    our neighbor has them for her poodle mix and sibe but Niņo ran right through them several times.

    Niņo & Eliza

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Anything jumping in the air or falling to the ground is a toy to Nova This dog is afraid of nothing... except fireworks, and that is only if she is outside. But thanks anyway

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    You may want to try a X-Mat instead of a scat mat. It is a hard plastic 18 X 18 square (about the size of a couch cushion) with raised bumps. No electricity needed. You can place them on your counter top also.

    Follow this X-mat link to see the two kinds made. If you order them you may want to check out instead of the link because they have them for around $8.00 a piece.

    I use these to deter Dixie from getting on the couch when we are not home. She has nesting (rooting) instincts and has actually destroyed my previous couch. After placing them on the couch I purposely called her up so she could experience the result with me present. I can actually say she never tries to get on the couch anymore!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    San Diego
    I've used a scatmat before. We had a problem with our neighbors unfixed male cat trying to attack our females through the screen door so I put it on the front porch. Before we had Nikka she belonged to our neighbor and pretty much had the run of the neighborhood and would often come over to play. She did this once when we'd put the mat out. She came running over and the first we knew she was there I heard a horrible yelp and looked outside in time to see her running off. I felt horrible and went and got her from the neighbor. It took me a lot to get her on that front step again.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i say use both of them
    See ALL my pets here


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dixieland Dancer
    You may want to try a X-Mat instead of a scat mat. It is a hard plastic 18 X 18 square (about the size of a couch cushion) with raised bumps. No electricity needed. You can place them on your counter top also.
    I guess I should have looked it up before saying anything ... it was X-Mats I was thinking of But, now, what are scat mats? I didn't know they were electric. Do they shock? I'd never get anything to shock my dogs, I *hate* that.

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