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Thread: Talk is cheap...

  1. #1

    Talk is cheap...

    so they say...but to me it's worth a million dollars. I haven't been able to talk for two days now! It started with a sore throat Sunday, then sinus like symtoms and then my voice was just gone! It's happened before but usually only one day. Mind you I can whisper some, but I work in a noisy factory so no one can hear me.
    I'd just like to share the nice comments some of my co workers have said to me about it:
    So now maybe you'll have time to do some work?
    Sure has been quiet around here.
    What's the matter, are you too good to talk to us?
    Is this what your husband wished for earlier this week for his birthday?
    My foreman told me today he hopes it lasts until Christmas!
    Wed evening , when my voice was starting to fail, my dentist even thought it was funny! He says "yeah, sounds like a vacation if my wife lost her voice!"
    Now yesterday I saw the humor in all this, I can take a joke, but two days! I'm gonna explode if I don't talk soon!!!
    At least I can talk here on PT!
    Anyone else have this happen to them?
    Forever in my heart...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    I fail to se the humer ,I hate that my fmily knews not to even think things like that. Good luck honey I hope you at full volume so and fast . I know what its like not to express your self.
    I've been boo'dMerlin my angel

  3. #3
    that's rude. I am sorry but it is. It's not funny to lose your voice, I hope you get it back soon! ((((hugs))))
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  4. #4
    Thanks you two! I think my voice may be working on coming back! Like I said, I can see the humor the first day, I wasn't too worried and I do have reputation for being a blabbermouth. But today it was getting old trying to 'talk' to someone and you can't talk and I was starting to worry. If it's not back tomorrow, I will be really worried!
    And to top it off my floor leader put me on a job where I would have to do a lot of communicating.Of course everyone knew I couldn't talk but that didn't help when I needed to tell them something about a machine!
    Forever in my heart...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Whispering is suppose to make laryngitis worse so try to talk in a regular voice if you can. Hope you feel better.
    don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die....

    I have been frosted!

    Thanks Kfamr for the signature!

  6. Oh i agree.. very rude.
    even if they are just jokes.. id up crying becasue of it.
    im very sensitive

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Oh, dearie - I can top that. I once lost my voice just at the start of a one-week music camp. Where EVERYONE sings - try being the voiceless one then! It was misery (I love to sing, used to attempt to sing myself to sleep as a kid). I had to sit there and learn the parts while not being able to speak, never mind sing. Thanksfully, it came back by Thursday, and our performances where Friday and Saturday, but man, that was awful!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    Ugh! I hate losing my voice, and I feel for you! I hope it comes back soon!!

    On a side note, I have noticed two reactions when I lose my voice: either people talk louder than normal (like as if I can't hear or something) or else they whisper back to me. Just kind of funny

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Ap Jct Arizona
    OH you poor thing what awfully rude remarks, my daughter is exactly in the same position right this min, she cant talk and her is so sick..I feel so sorry for her..I did say ..well you talk quiter..(blush)sorry I did that..HOpe your up and going really soon

  10. #10
    It seems my voice is back, but not up to par yet. I don't work today so I'll try not to talk too much today. I feel bad for my furkids as they don't understand why I'm not talking to them all the time.
    Thanks for the replies, and yes it was funny, people would whipser back at me or talk real loud to me! lol
    Forever in my heart...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    OH Dear Yes! It has happened to me twice. Once when I worked as a switchboard . The people who knew me that called thought I had been fired and replaced with someone else!
    Hope it comes back completely!

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