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Thread: I might as well fall off a building

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    I might as well fall off a building

    I bruise myself up so much. I'm not anemic. I don't bruise easily. I seriously hurt myself through my own stupidity.

    POINT ONE: Last Sunday when I took Nova and Luka out to the 850 acres Nova decided to get in front of the car while I was driving (she was walking with the group). I had to get out, and while I was putting her in the car the door fell onto my leg. It got swollen to the size of a golf ball and I have a bruise at least 2 inches in diameter.

    POINT TWO: Yesterday (or the day before ... this past Sunday) I was giving a dog an injection at work. She moved, I poked myself. Hopefully none of it went into my system, but my finger really hurts.

    POINT THREE: A few weeks ago I was playing with two Labs at work. I bent down to pick up the toy and BAM! Golden's big, hard head slams right into my eye. I had a black eye for two weeks.

    POINT FOUR: Today I banged my head into the door while taking out the trash at work. Have no idea how that happened, but my head is really sore now.

    There are lots more, and it happens often. I am always scratched, bruised, bleeding, ... something! Something is always wrong, and it's usually because I don't pay enough attention. I also tend to scratch myself during my sleep and I often wake up with my face bleeding. I used to think it was Mandy, but she hasn't slept in the bed in months and it's still happening.

    So I'm sitting here, with my elbow on my bruised up knee, my sore finger, and my hurt head, trying to type. Not fun, but I'm pretty used to being beaten up by now.

    And this post was really pointless. Just thought I'd share. Say some prayers that my mind will start thinking more? Please? lol

  2. #2
    that's funny, my girlfriend is the exact same way. i think it's because she wants the attention a lot of the time though, lol. i'm the exact opposite though. i hardly ever get hurt...and if i do, i don't even notice it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    North Wales, UK.
    Awww, poor thing, you're very accident prone. No fun at all. {{hugs}}

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I notice it because I usually bang against something. Nova busted my lip open a couple days ago. None of it hurts badly, I'm just a little sore but I'm totally used to that by now ...

    And I definetly don't do it for attention lol. Because I don't really get any since it happens so often.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    I will cut or burn myself at work and not even realize it until later. But I use to bruise and not know where they came from. I have a sore knot on my leg right now and don't know how I got it, hurts like it is bruised but it isn't...

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Laura's Babies
    But I use to bruise and not know where they came from. I have a sore knot on my leg right now and don't know how I got it, hurts like it is bruised but it isn't...
    That also happens to me :/

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Ap Jct Arizona
    Well I sure feel for you, that must be terriable, all the time with the "accidents" HOpe things get better for you ,My stepmother has the same kind of luck..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    The other night I was letting the dogs in, and BAM! The door slams into my head. I started crying because it hurt so bad ... and I hardly ever cry. I was afraid my head would be swollen but I kept ice on it so it isn't swollen at all. I really do need to be more careful

  9. #9
    I feel your pain! I’m always banging/bruising/ myself. I have so many bruises, I don’t even know where I got half of them! I kid you not, I get my fingers slammed in the utensil drawer at least twice a week.

    Just today I was cleaning the birdcage. I had the door open to the cage and I was leaning down and taking out the wood shavings, I lifted my head up and I smashed it against the cage door. I’m shocked I didn’t crack my head open! I was bawling. It hurt so much!

  10. #10
    I forgot to mention before, another thing I do all the time is slice my fingers when I'm cutting things. I did it again today.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    LOL Glad to see I'm not alone! I'm with you on the cage thing -- at work I'll be cleaning a bottom cage and forget that I left the door for the one above open (or someone will open it while I'm cleaning the cage) and I bang my head into it. It's about 1/2 thick metal so it hurts bad!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    United States
    I use to be majorly accident-prone, but I'm getting better! Silly thing, but it was a daily ritual that I'd flip backwards in my computer chair. And it's one that rolls!!! Everyday, I'd lean back in it a bit too far and I'd flip over.. completely. At first, it hurt, but I got so use to it. LOL And I'll be on the phone with my friend and I randomly go "oww" and he use to ask what happened, but now he just goes "trip?" Of course, I can't sit still when I'm talking to someone.. and I don't look where I'm going, so I just trip and fall right on my face. Hehe, good thing I'm the only one around.

    As for you scratching your face while you're sleeping, I suggest mittens! Wear ones that won't come off with ease, or even gloves. They also do this with children who has Chicken Pox.

    I hope you start to snap out of it! It hurts to get bruised and smacked up for just acting like a fool. :P
    ~Sara, Daisy, Jessie, Jake, & Jackson

    <3 Gone but never forgotten <3
    {Benjamin, Russell, Chester, Dexter, George Harrison, & Leeroy} {O.D.} {Trey} {John-Paul & Earl}

  13. #13
    Silly thing, but it was a daily ritual that I'd flip backwards in my computer chair. And it's one that rolls!!!

    Ouch!!! Now thats one thing I haven't done before!

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