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Thread: Am I overreacting?

  1. #1

    Am I overreacting?

    About three blocks away from us, this RICH family has a beautiful Siberian Husky tied outside by a doghouse. Now... I've never seen him neglected as far as food and water goes, but isn't there a type of emotional neglect for a dog? I feel so bad for him. His name is Timber.

    For the last two years that I've lived here, I have NEVER, and I mean NEVER seen ANYONE interact with that dog. THey don't even play with him. Or take him for walks. He is NEVER in the house. NEVER!!!

    What's the point of having a beautiful dog like that if your not going to pay any attention to it?

    We walked by there yesterday with Zoe, and the two kids who live there came running up to Zoe. She immediately backed up AFRAID. She has NEVER done that to any other children, which really got me thinking.

    Timber was barking and barking at Zoe as if to say "Hey! Come play with me!" OF course Zoe just trotted on by like she couldn't be bothered. lol She sorta has an attitude like ... "I'm too good for you". LOL!

    I said "Aww.. Poor Timber."
    The girl said "We can't take him for walks because he pull us."
    THey have a freaking fenced in yard!! Why not let him run free!!!!!!
    Grrr... That just makes me so mad!!
    They were raking leaves yesterday and he wanted to play so badly.

    I want to go over there, untie him and bring him home!!!

    Am I just overreacting here?

    I mean... Dogs are VERY social animals...

    How would THEY feel if they were tied to stupid post and didn't have ANY companionship!!?!?!?!!?!?!

    It just makes me sick!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    Nope, it pisses me off too! I see it all the time. Within the past 3 years, this has become a dog neighborhood. There are a few families with multiple dogs who leave them out all the time. All they do is bark. Logan loves being outside and is rarely alone. I interact and play with her all the time. Maybe your neighbors think a Husky should always be outside because of the breed. People think like that. I agree with you. if you can't love and play and train and treat your pet like family, don't bother. I spent lots of money on a fence so Logan could run and be free because I was getting too ill to walk her everyday. But we take her practically everywhere. If I didn't have Logan inside and outside by my side 24/7, I'd go crazy.

    I've been Boooo'd!

  3. #3
    I agree!

    BTW, Logan is a very beautiful dog.

    I was going to adopt one who sorta looked just like him, I think they said he was an spaniel/Aussie mix. He had a thyroid problem, and was on meds. Which I didn't care about. But they said it would be about a month before he was adoptable.

    We just could'nt wait that long.

  4. #4
    Unfortunately, in most places, there's no law saying you have to love your dog. As long as it has food, water, shelter, medical care, and is not being abused....Is there anyway you can try to educate this family like maybe talking with the parents and helping the children learn how to walk the dog without him pulling? Or offer to walk the dog yourself and training him not to pull? Or asking them why the dog can't run loose in the fence at least part of the time? Some people just don't have a clue. Maybe you can help. If they aren't open to your help, there's probably not much can do. At least you can say you tried.
    Forever in my heart...

  5. Im with Chocolatepuppy.

    try to see if the people will allow you walk to the dog.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Gran Canaria, Spain
    Why don't you just ask them (the parents) if there is a reason he is always tied up? Then hint at the fact dogs need to interact and play.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Those people obviously didn't do any research on breeds when they got that husky. Of course he's going to pull. And, he probably jumps their fence too, and, gets out. Their intentions were probably initially good, but, the nature of the dog has beat them, and, they didn't figure into the formula that they would have to train this dog a lot. Huskies are notorious pullers and notorious for running off and not returning home. Training would make a huge difference, but, at this point, the owners probably don't even have any feelings either way towards the dog. The situation is sad, yes. But, there's not much you are going to be able to do, short of offering to pay for training for the dog. You could talk to them about it, and, they might be the exception to the rule as far as receptiveness. You never know, they might just listen. But, it's a risk most won't take...approaching strangers like that. I don't know, it's not a new situation unfortunately.

    And, as for the "point" of having a dog, there isn't one for a lot of people. I completely admire and respect people when they don't have pets, if they don't like them. But, there are a lot of unadmirable people that have them for no reason. Good luck with the situation. What you can do, though, is just set a good example and take good care of your dog.
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Ok, the thought of having your dog tied up all the time just infuriates me And to know it's a husky too They are such social dogs.

    I have a husky and she's one of the best dogs I've ever had. Yes, we
    did lots and lots of training, but isn't that how you end up with a
    good dog? You don't just tie them up and leave them. More than likely
    you won't be able to get through to your neighbors, but maybe you
    could nonchantly tell them that if he was trained he wouldn't pull (my
    Roxey doesn't pull)?

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  9. #9
    I'll try to talk to them. I was thinking about printing off some info on Huskies, and how they don't like to be alone. I'll let you know how it goes.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Ap Jct Arizona
    My nephews have 2 dogs next door tied up, they had a chow and coonhound tied up for 15 years till they died, I cried over those dogs, and these to,its makes me so sick. .THe pit would some times get lose and come over here, she is so sweet..and so is the rottie.. I go over n make sure they have food an water all the time, the usually do..but still..I would walk them, but dont know how aggressisve they would be with other dogs we might come across, and they drag me, Im not strong enought to hold them..I had to take leah back to the leash many times and belive me it was a reall tug of war she loves to play..ans so does chujo..they are very sweet dogs, and it just hurts my heart, and evey time I think of the chow and coon that died, im glad they have crossed the RB and are free to run and have fun..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    BTW.. I saw the kids across the street today with an Akita puppy. It was all I could do to keep my big trap shut. In the last 12 years, they've had 6 dogs. The Rottie, who was constantly tied up in back to a tree, died. The cockapoo, Finnish Spitz, Chow, and PitBull, unfortunately didn't fare well either. Some lasted a few weeks, some a few months. Either the kids got tired of them and since they're teenagers, had more important things to do and the poor things were all given away. I found the Chow, one freezing, sleeting winter night in the middle of the street. After much coaxing, I put one of Cody's leashes on him. Nobody was home at their house. I left a note taped to their door. I fed him, walked him, dried him off and laid one of my thick throw rugs down so he could lay on it, and tied him to their porch. (It's a covered porch). I waited and waited until they came home. The story was that he got out in the morning and because the daughter was late for work, she didn't have time to search for him. Then she was upset because the dog was so wet and shivering! One week later, the poor thing was out of there. These people buy dogs like trophies. After the 2nd dog, the father said to me "No more dogs if the kids can't take care of them". It's sickening. They're healthy but ignored. I waited 40 years for my 1st dog. I begged my parents my whole life. I waited until I had the time and knew I'd be responsible. I travelled all the time and knew that I couldn't be a loving pet owner before that.

    Thanks for your sweet comments about my Logan. "He" is a she, named after our beloved fellow PTer..Logan.

    I've been Boooo'd!

  12. #12
    Aww those stories are so sad. Poor husky.. it probably escapes the fence and they don't know how to deal with it. Or they don't want poop all over their yard.

    My Uncle had some property out in South Carolina-had a Rottie in a chain link kennel, and a Malamute on a chain. The rottie would come out once in a while, but the malamute had never been off the chain in 7 years. It got real mean-we were having a family reunion type thing over there and my grandma, being her typical self was teasing the dog. When my uncle went over to feed it, it grabbed his arm and tore it to shreds. They killed the dog and it came back positive for rabies . Poor all that time on a chain and you get a horrible festering disease and just end up getting killed at the end. The rottie eventually got poisioned by some neighborhood kids, but its probably better that way.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Ap Jct Arizona
    I never had a dog of my own..We had a few family dogs when i was young, but they really belonged to dad..MY kids had some, but I was never home and worked all the time..said I didnt want a dog till I could spend time with it, and wanted one I could keep inside and it be part of my Sammyj is really my second dog.The first got stolen ,many years ago and so I waited to get another..and im glad I did..I dont like dogs on chains..their are 2 on the other side of me that have a big chain link fence and and a large covered pourch and their owner takes them in all the time..and he comes out and plays with them..Hes a local truck driver, but takes a lot of time for his dogs..that makes me happy to see that.

  14. #14
    Oops... lol Sorry *blushes*

    Quote Originally Posted by K9karen
    BTW.. I saw the kids across the street today with an Akita puppy. It was all I could do to keep my big trap shut. In the last 12 years, they've had 6 dogs. The Rottie, who was constantly tied up in back to a tree, died. The cockapoo, Finnish Spitz, Chow, and PitBull, unfortunately didn't fare well either. Some lasted a few weeks, some a few months. Either the kids got tired of them and since they're teenagers, had more important things to do and the poor things were all given away. I found the Chow, one freezing, sleeting winter night in the middle of the street. After much coaxing, I put one of Cody's leashes on him. Nobody was home at their house. I left a note taped to their door. I fed him, walked him, dried him off and laid one of my thick throw rugs down so he could lay on it, and tied him to their porch. (It's a covered porch). I waited and waited until they came home. The story was that he got out in the morning and because the daughter was late for work, she didn't have time to search for him. Then she was upset because the dog was so wet and shivering! One week later, the poor thing was out of there. These people buy dogs like trophies. After the 2nd dog, the father said to me "No more dogs if the kids can't take care of them". It's sickening. They're healthy but ignored. I waited 40 years for my 1st dog. I begged my parents my whole life. I waited until I had the time and knew I'd be responsible. I travelled all the time and knew that I couldn't be a loving pet owner before that.

    Thanks for your sweet comments about my Logan. "He" is a she, named after our beloved fellow PTer..Logan.

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