Sigh...I've got the introduction...and the flipping ending but can I come up with anything to go in the middle? Of course not. I've been racking my brain against this for a couple of days now and I KNOW what I want, it's getting there thats being a pain!

Grrr I hate writers block! Anyhow...tell me what you think of the opener...and I'll add things as I write them. Suggestions are welcome too!!

Yeah its kind of short. I'll be adding stuff soon!

A siren wailed mournfully down the hot summer street, drowning out the sounds of joy and suffering. Annika glanced out the window out of habit, not really interested in the goings on of the people below. She saw an ambulance speeding past and wondered with a sense of humorous melancholy when they would end up coming for her.
She yawned halfheartedly and closed her eyes, trying desperately to find her way back into the comforting arms of forgetful sleep, a world where thoughts or feelings could be attributed to delusional dreams. A world where escape was only a thought away and if anyone cared about anything it was because she made them care.