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Thread: Oz climbs The Rock...or...What we did on our summer vacation (pics)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Oz climbs The Rock...or...What we did on our summer vacation (pics)

    Hi y'all!

    Oz and I just got back from vacationing in the Hill Country. Rented a lake house with my family and they'd only allow one dog, so poor Gull and Murph had to stay at a pet resort. They told me they did really well there, but boy were they happy to see me. Gull was running circles around me, while I was trying to pick Murph off the floor to prevent Gull from stepping on him. He had the leash completely wrapped around my legs. Couldn't move until somebody came over and rescued me.

    I gotta say though that the Rental people should have been more worried about allowing kids then dogs. Oz was good as gold. He was just about as close to perfect as you can get. My nephews, however, not so much. I love'em, love'em, but they are pretty rambunctious. They managed to break a door, so my sister had to take time to fix that so we wouldn't be billed for it. And one of'em peed in his pants. Uh no potty accidents from Oz of course. They also wouldn't listen at all to my sister. At one point, she was yelling at them to "Come Here". They totally ignored her, but Oz came to her. Ah I love it. Yet she complained the whole time about Oz.

    First he kept walking by her to sniff her arm or knee, so I had to watch him and if he headed in her direction I had to tell him to leave her alone, which he did. Then she left a sandwich right on the edge of the countertop and he sniffed it and she went nutz. Having to throw it away, cuz he sniffed it. But the kicker was she got upset cuz he was breathing on her arm in the car. Guess I'm gonna have to train him the command, "Oz, Stop Breathing". She is not a dog person at all. The boys love Oz so much, that they want a dog really bad, but they're not going to be able to get one until they move out someday. Least my sister knows herself well enough not to get a dog though.

    Gotta say the boys are really good with Oz. I had the lil' one, Kyle, walk Oz for potty detail, while I could relax on the porch drinking my coffee. Kyle did really good with the responsibility. The novelty of it, I'm sure would eventually wear off, but he did exactly what I told him. In fact, that was about the only time he listened to instructions, was when it had to do with Oz.

    Oz adores them too. After 4 days he was getting so watchful and protective of them. We were all sitting on the back porch one afternoon talking and we told the boys and Oz, they weren't allowed to go to the front yard where we couldn't see them. Took our eyes off of them for a second and they of course high-tailed it to the front yard. That's the only time Oz left the porch, to follow them to make sure they were okay. We took the boys to Pedranales River one day and Oz was so stressed trying to keep track of them in the water. He wouldn't explore at all. Too focused on watching them. I finally took him off by ourselves and he still wouldn't relax. Kept looking down the river for them. He did not like them being out of pocket. He also didn't like it, when my sister yelled at them. He would get so upset. Gosh he would make a great kid dog. May have to adopt a kid just for him.

    Anywho here's the pics from the trip:

    View from our lake house on LBJ Lake

    Oz enjoying the view from inside the house

    Oz down by the lake where we were staying

    Lots more coming...

    .................................................. .................................................. ..... Nothin' Butt Dogs............ Free Dog eCards

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Batavia, IL
    what a cutie.
    Kari (me), Kiera (B&T Coonhound), Jesse (cocker), Jada (Ball Python), Derek (Betta)

    Add Glitter to your Photos


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    The first morning we hiked up Enchanted Rock, before it got too hot for Oz. *Whew* I'm out of shape and to think I use to hike up this rock with Maddie on my back with no problem. But I did make it to the top. *Rocky Dance... DahDahDaaaaahh...DahDahDaaaaahh*

    Oz on the rock

    Still more to come...
    Last edited by ParNone; 06-13-2005 at 10:40 PM.

    .................................................. .................................................. ..... Nothin' Butt Dogs............ Free Dog eCards

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    My nephews with Oz on the Rock. Notice how good Oz is being by not pulling them off the Rock, while they hold his leash.

    My nephews climbing a rock they were told not to. Notice how well they listen.

    Going down the rock, with my sister

    Climbing up another rock at Inks Lake

    Some more coming...

    .................................................. .................................................. ..... Nothin' Butt Dogs............ Free Dog eCards

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    This is Pedranales River. Loved this place, well until I got swept down their lil' mini rapids with Kyle by accident. Scared me and bruised me up pretty bad, cuz I was trying to make sure he didn't hit any rocks. He had a life jacket on, so no real fear of drowning.
    He was screaming though. I really thought he got hurt. Turns out he was upset cuz he lost one sandle. He's still mad at me cuz I didn't risk life and limb to retrieve the sandle. Someday when he's older, I'm going to remind him of this moment.

    Oz really didn't want to go in the water, cuz it was moving so fast. So he was stuck to me like glue. He was so close to me, I couldn't get a pic of his whole body. Here's proof that he did get in though

    Final batch of pics to come...

    .................................................. .................................................. ..... Nothin' Butt Dogs............ Free Dog eCards

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    I know you're still posting more, but, these are great! I'm glad that Oz did so well, sorry you're sister's not really into him. But, like you said, at least she knows that about herself.
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Here's where he chose to stand. Out of the water

    That's it...


    .................................................. .................................................. ..... Nothin' Butt Dogs............ Free Dog eCards

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Great pictures. It's true a lot of times dogs are much better than kids.
    Jen & Gigi

    Thanks Kay for the set.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Thanks y'all! They're actually good kids where it counts. They've got good hearts and aren't mean spirited at all. They were great to Oz, which I'm sure is why he likes them so much. They just have so much energy, that it just leads them to trouble. They're still at that puppy stage of training so to speak.

    .................................................. .................................................. ..... Nothin' Butt Dogs............ Free Dog eCards

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Gorgeous photos! I just LOVE Oz, he's so handsome........I can't resist those gorgeous blue eyes. He looks so majestic in photos, especially the last ones. Glad to hear Oz was such a good boy on the trip.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sydney, Australia
    What a terrific spot, Oz looks great. How could you not love him, he's adorable. (I've always said pups are better behaved than kids )

    Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our life whole

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA

    Re: Oz climbs The Rock...or...What we did on our summer vacation (pics)

    Originally posted by ParNone
    May have to adopt a kid just for him.
    Well that's about the cutest thing I've heard someone say! I'm sure he'd love it if you did
    I'm so glad to hear that you & Oz had such a fun time on your vacation (well minus the fact that Oz couldn't breathe).
    The pictures are wonderful and I really enjoyed looking at them and hearing all about your wonderful time. Also sorry to hear you got swept up in the water and got all bruised up. Hope your feeling ok.

    Thanks for sharing Par!!!

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Hampshire
    I laughed when I read about how your sister was mad because Oz breathed on her arm. That is SO funny. I have 2 Nephews around the same age and they can be a little "bratty" sometimes too. I know my dog is better behaved than them.

    Your pictures are great and Oz came out beautifully in them. Sounds like you had a good time all in all.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Central North Carolina
    Oh my gosh! I love Oz, so beautiful, I can't get over how gorgeous Oz is, amazing. What beautiful pictures too, looks like it was a wonderful trip!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Meeka! Rodney!
    Those are great pics! Oz is so cute!

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