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Thread: Sheltie Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    South Carolina, USA

    Sheltie Question

    Anyone have a Sheltie? (Shetland Sheepdog) I am very interested in this breed for my next dog. I am wondering what kind of health problems I should be on the lookout for. I know I've heard something about having to use a certain kind of heartworm medication and flea control because, I believe, I heard they have problems with ivermectin?

    Any hands on info would be appreciated. Thanks.
    Have FUN with your dog today!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Hi Raian--

    My grandmother has had three Shelties in the past 35+ years, so I can tell you some things about them even though I've personally never had one! They were all sweet dogs, easily housetrained and very bright, but they needed quite a lot of grooming compared to other breeds and seemed to shed a lot. They were also very protective and barked everytime the doorbell rang and everytime someone walked by the house! They loved cats and other dogs, and were good with us grandkids. (Most of those traits I just mentioned apply to herding dogs in general, though, not just Shelties.) Each of them lived to be about 15 years old, too, so they were fairly hardy dogs with no major illnesses that I recall. They died of old age.

    It's true about ivermectin: ANY herding breed dog (or a mix that's part herding breed) shouldn't take Heartgard for this reason--if a dog is sensitive to it, it can cause coma. Just use Interceptor brand heartworm med instead; that's what we have Eli and Kobie on, and they do fine on it! As for the flea control, I have no idea if Shelties require anything special. I don't think ivermectin is in formulas that are solely for fleas anyway.
    Last edited by kobieeli; 01-21-2002 at 07:12 PM.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    South Carolina, USA
    Thanks for the info, kobeeli. I thought I read on here, or another board, about a sheltie nearly dying after receiving Interceptor too. They must be quite sensitive to chemicals. I still like them, I think they're good looking, smart, and fun for agility and obedience.
    Have FUN with your dog today!

  4. #4
    My parents have had five over the years, although Im not a big fan of the breed you may find it the best pet you've ever had.

    None of my parents shelties ever had any health problems, their three that passed on died of old age.

    Like kobieeli said they are VERY mouthy they bark at just about everything and they do require alot of grooming.

    My parents shelties were and are not very social with other animals, but thats all in the way they were raised.

    With love and training Im sure a sheltie would make a great pet, and yep they are amazing at agility.

    I think there might be two or three sheltie owners on this board, maybe they will come help you out.
    ~~ My House Is Not A Home Without A Hound ~~

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    We own 2 11 yr old sable female called Shelley & a 15 yr old tricolour called Danny. They have very different personalities.

    Shelley is a 'mouth' but it's never mindless barking...there's always a reason. One time she alerted our neighbours that their young autistic child had got out & was wandering towards the road. So she's an excellent watchdog.
    When we want to locate one of the other our cat...we just say to Shelley.'Find Timmy!' & she will hunt around & find him & bark for us to come. She'd make a fantastic Nanny Dog to watch over young children.

    We got Shelley from a top sheltie breeder who'd decided she would grow above the standard size for showing. She towers above the other her nickname is 'Horse!. She looks like a slightly smaller version of Lassie.

    Danny the 15 or 16 yr old was a rescue dog...found straying in appalling condition when he was about 18 months old. There were even rope burns around his neck. He's been our beloved pet ever since...
    He's actually a quiet dog...his strong point is herding. He thinks he can deal with any situation by going into his little herding motions. Our neighbour always remarks, each Christmas, that he'd love to give Danny a flock of sheep as a present.
    Dan is small, the true dainty sheltie with a pretty face. We keep calling him 'Precious' because he's such a sweet, obedient, fine little dog. Now he thinks his name is 'Precious'! He's gone blind but gets the best of loving care from our family.

    Both Danny & Shelley are amazingly easy to train. Yes, much grooming has to be done...but I've always thought it's a small price to pay for the excellent qualities of these dogs.

    We also own a Tibetan Spaniel...we've discovered that's a combination many people make...shelties & tibbies. They seem to complement each other.
    And from our experience, they're the breeds we'd always choose as pets.

    Last edited by Angels3; 01-24-2002 at 01:05 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I have 2 they are sweet and loving. They are very easy to potty train. they are good with little kids for example my little cousin(1) stepped on hugos tail and he didn't even flinch. They love being with the family. They are very protective if anybody tried hurting me or my family they'd have to answer to hugo and daisy (my shelties) Daisy my 5 year old got 2nd place in a dog show with only 1 week of training she was 1 then. good luck with your shelties!

  7. #7
    Aawwwwww I want to see pictures!! Everyone is talking about their beautiful shelties, can you post pictures?
    on behalf of Lady/Tobi/Buffy
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    Has your pet been featured yet?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    heres my shelties

    heres my shelties and my cat sorry i dont know how to post them.

  9. #9
    I luv that Sleepy Hugo picture!! That is so adorable. You must be really proud of him. Thanks for sharing it
    on behalf of Lady/Tobi/Buffy
    a great site for all animal-lovers!
    Has your pet been featured yet?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    California, USA

    Shelties ... herding

    Hey there,

    Our family has had a few Shelties over the years, all very healthy happy dogs. Our latest one is 15-1.2 years now.

    ONE CAUTION: Make sure you have a SECURE area for them to run about, as this breed's herding instinct is EXTREMELY STRONG.

    Two of our shelties have gotten out of our yard, chased cars, been struck, and were killed instantly. Duffy, our 15 year-old Sheltie, ran away briefly and was also hit by a car ... but happily survived.

    Last edited by catwoman; 02-05-2002 at 12:39 PM.

  11. #11
    Yes shelties are fun for agility and obedience!!! I don't own one, but I've seen alot at trials.

    This is a really good page about shelties.
    Becky Weise & the German Shepherd
    Iris Von Der Felzen Haus CD, CGC, 2 legs of NA
    Iris' Den

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