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Thread: Should people be allowed to own ferrets?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Massachusetts, USA

    Should people be allowed to own ferrets?

       People in California, Hawaii, Washington D.C., and New York City are not allowed to own ferrets. It seems surprising to me that so many Americans are not allowed to own a pet ferret.

       At least for Californians, the Sierra Club is against making it legal to own a pet ferret. The Californians for Ferret Legalization has an interesting response to the Sierra Club position.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Appleton, WI, USA
    Originally posted by Paul:
       People in California, Hawaii, Washington D.C., and New York City are not allowed to own ferrets. It seems surprising to me that so many Americans are not allowed to own a pet ferret.

       At least for Californians, the Sierra Club is against making it legal to own a pet ferret. The Californians for Ferret Legalization has an interesting response to the Sierra Club position.
    I don't know why any state would outlaw ferrets. Of course I don't know much about ferrets, except that they are very cute. Do they carry any specific type of disease? If it is a health issue, then perhaps someone should not be allowed to have them, but personally I like them and think everyone who wants one (provided they can give proper care), should have one.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    It makes me mad that they would outlaw a Ferret but they allow people to own wild animals like wolves, big cats and so on...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Abbotsford, BC, Canada
    I wrote a long reply but for some reason it's gone now so all I'm going to say is this.

    If outdoor cats are legal, which hunt native species and if dogs are legal, which can hurt and kill people then ferrets should be legal as well. Ferrets have been domesticated for over a thousand years. If cats and dogs are legal in an area then ferrets should be legal too. Period.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Centreville, Va.
    I am not sure what brought on the question as to whether or not people should own Ferrets, there are people that own Hedgehogs, Chincilla's, Rats, Mice, Skunks, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, etc. Geez, you even have people out there that have wild cats & wolves as pets..What harm can a ferret do? For me, I don't see any reason why someone can not own a pet of their choice as long as they know how to handle and maintain it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    I think about 5 or so years ago it became legal in Michigan to keep ferrets. I think (at least this is what I heard) that ferrets were illegial because of their possible inpact on wildlife. They assumed ferrets would get free from their homes and have an impact on wildlife species that are native to Michigan, but a ferret can't survive a Michigan winter! Ferrets are relentless hunters, they have a very strong prey drive, so they felt that native birds, rodents, and other smaller animals were in danger. I guess once they realized that a ferret would not stand a chance in one of our Michigan winters that they made it legal to own them.

    I think it's fine to own one as a pet, as long as the owner is a responsible pet owner naturally. I think that because they have been domesticated for so long, I don't think they would stand a chance in the wilderness, no matter what type of weather.

  7. #7
    I know very little about ferrets - many years ago I took a docent class at the Dallas Zoo, and they did not recommend keeping ferrets as pets because they could be difficult and were usually not very affectionate. I don't know if this is true or not, because I have heard the oppposite from a friend who used to own ferrets - but notice I said used to own them. I have very big problems with so-called exotic pets - pets that are kept just to impress people. I have absolutely no problem with cats, dogs, and horses because the relationship is beneficial to both - the companion animal has a better standard of living and the human has companionship and entertainment. But I see no reason why anyone would want to own an animal that returns no affection. I will not name species so as to prevent stepping on any toes, but many animals that are kept as pets I feel like should not be because they are clearly only so the human can look cool, edgy, rich, or whatever to his friends. Many times the animal's standard of living is worse than if left alone in its natural habitat. This is wrong to me. However, I would not single out ferrets because, like at said at the outset, I do not know enough about these creatures (excpet that they are exdeedingly cute).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Pinellas Park, FL. USA
    Originally posted by D_J:
    Originally posted by Paul:
       People in California, Hawaii, Washington D.C., and New York City are not allowed to own ferrets. It seems surprising to me that so many Americans are not allowed to own a pet ferret.

       At least for Californians, the Sierra Club is against making it legal to own a pet ferret. The Californians for Ferret Legalization has an interesting response to the Sierra Club position.
    I don't know why any state would outlaw ferrets. Of course I don't know much about ferrets, except that they are very cute. Do they carry any specific type of disease? If it is a health issue, then perhaps someone should not be allowed to have them, but personally I like them and think everyone who wants one (provided they can give proper care), should have one.

    I own a ferret, and I think it is terrible that the people in those states are not allowed to own one. They are clean, adorable, very playful and a constant joy to their owners. They do not carry any diseases that I know of, of course they are prone to sicknesses. But the reasons the people in those states give are bogus. They are very much like a cat, what is next will they ban cats there too?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Abbotsford, BC, Canada
    I had to respond to 4felinehouse on a few points.

    One thing that you do may not realize is that ferrets are not really exotic pets as in they are not wild. They are domesticated animals. They were domesticated over a thousand years ago (sorry I have not studied ferrets enough to quote the exact number) to "ferret out" and kill pest animals such as rats and mice. Their purpose was very similar to that of cats and some species of dog. I have read that there is no wild species of ferret and that ferrets are only captive animals. I cannot confirm that. As for ferrets being good pets well I can give you literally a thousand websites and several other places on the internet where people think that they are good pets. I don't own a ferret now. I might in the future. If I choose to I'll do more research like I have in the past with my other pets.

    Secondly you state that no one should own any pets other then a select few. You list cats, dogs or horses. You stated that with some animals people only have them because they just want to brag or look a certain way. This is not true. For every person who has an animal because they want to show off there are five others who have that species of animal for another reasons. If a person has a pet tarantula for example there reasons may not have anything to do with showing it off. Maybe they just have an love for spiders and they've wanted a tarantula since they were young.

    Also What about people who have a sever allergy to most mammals and they still want a pet? Maybe they still want a pet and therefore they get some other kind of animal like a reptile or, if they want something more affectionate, a bird. Or what about people who live in a very small apartment but still want a pet. A rat would be the perfect choice. Rats are extremely affectionate and bond with their owners very closely. They are absolutely wonderful pets to own. So are other animals that are true exotics.

    Also I just had to comment on the horse thing. I think that that was funny that you put that in there as I (personally) do not see the pet value in horses at all and I never would have put that in my list of the 3 good to own pets. But I would never knock a horse owner because if they find love and affection in a horse then that's fine by me.

    I totally agree with you that a person should not get a pet and then let it sit in a cage all the time, I believe that one should completely study an animals ups and down sides BEFORE aquiring it.

    I can understand your position that certain animals should not be pets, namely fish and reptiles. I know of some people who really do love with their iguana or snake but these animals really don't have the mental capability understand love. I can also understand if you believe that it is wrong to keep animals in cages. If that is the case and your morality dictates that cages are wrong then it is not my place to speak. But you know most mammals, especially ones who are social in the wild, have a strong ability for emotions and they can certainly bond with their owners. For some people sugar gliders are the best pets on earth, for others sugar gliders should never be kept as pets. It's the same thing with ferrets. You know it is also the same way with cats, dogs and horses. Some people just shouldn't own pets.

    Well there are obviously two types of people in the world. Those who believe that owning pets other then "common animals" is wrong and those who can see why people would want to own them for whatever for reasons other then showing off.

    The later group was usually raised around a variety of animals and taught to love all animals and the former group usually was raised around dogs and cats and told that no you cannot have that hamster because cats and dogs are the only animals in the world that should be pets. Some people (by no means am I saying most or all) who were raised to believe that cats and dogs are the only REAL pets and the only animals that deserve respect do things such as putting glue traps in their house so that mice can get stuck to them and die by dehydration while being glued to the glue trap in the garbage can.

    [This message has been edited by trisnic (edited February 06, 2001).]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    A point of clarification - there are "wild" ferrets - the black-footed ferret is wild in parts of the American West. It is an endangered species, one of the most endangered at one time. There is a very good description of it, with some pictures, here. They are hunters, and eat prairie dogs, so the populations are closely dependent on each other.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Gatesville, Tx United States
    I personally own 5 ferrets. THey are the most wonderful pets! The only reason they are illegal in some areas is because of ignorance! Ferrets don't stand a chance in the wild! They don't know how to hunt, they have been domesticated longer than cats! They would more likely play with thier prey than eat it! Ferrets are quite a handful, but just because they require a little more attention and effort doesn't make them bad pets. I love mine dearly and can't imagine life without them now! They can make you smile even when you have had a bad day!
    Finally, people need to be more open minded. Just because some of these law makers don't care for ferrets doesn't give them the right to tell me, a tax paying, contributing member of society, what pet I can and cannot have. If they are in the proper environment, then people should be able to choose for themselves what pets they have.

    Here is a link to my web page on ferrets.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Winter Haven Fl USA
    As a ferret shelter operator for over seven years it seems inconciveable that people can be so nieave about these wonderful pets. Ferrets can be the most gentle, lovable animals of any domesticated in the world. Given the proper care and attention the main purpose of a ferret is to love the person that owns it, to make their life as enjoyable as possible. To bring as much laughter smiles and happiness into that life as is ferretery possible. Ferrets can actually save your life from boredom, and depression. No one can be depressed for very long having ferets around, just watching them run and paly will bring such joy and happiness into your life that smiles are impossible to withhold. When you are sad they can brighten your mood with not oly the antics they pull but the love and kisses they give when you are feeling down. They seem to sense what ever mood you are i and respond withthe appropiate behavior for that mood if you are tired they lay in your lap and just let you pet and love them, if you are sad they play and bounce around giving you hours of free entertainment that you can get nowhere else. They are truly Gods gift to man to help him overcome any problem that unsettles his mind. To own a ferret is to know love, to love a ferret is to know complete bliss and happiness. Only those that have never ownd or loved a ferret can say anything bad about them, the ones that object to ownership of ferrets are just trying to rid the world of joy and happiness and have never known happiness in their lives. I feel sorry for these people as they are missing out on one of the greatest gifts nature and god have provided for mans enjoyment.

    JD and the Ferret Patrol

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Stone Mtn., GA, USA
    I used to have a ferret. Wonderful pet! The main reason we don't have one anymore is when we moved into a house, we felt it would be unfair to keep it in a cage. Ferrets can get into all kinds of small spaces & I was worried about its safety. They do have a musk smell, which my husband found repulsive, but ferrets can be de-scented to eliminate that problem. It's only been a few years since ferrets were legal to own in Georgia; the chicken farming lobby was afraid ferrets would escape & kill chickens. Now THAT'S ignorant! Ferrets wouldn't survive in the wild here, due to natural predators & weather extremes....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    State College, PA USA
    "but many animals that are kept as pets I feel like should not be because they are clearly only so the human can look cool, edgy, rich, or whatever to his friends." I am going to try and think of that while cleaning litter boxes from now on Anyone who has ferrets has probably experienced panic when a ferret has found a new hiding place to nap and you can't find them. That awful fear that they have somehow
    found a way out to their "natural habitat" where chances of survival are almost zero unless they are found by some human. LOL Also is the relief and delight of finally finding that hiding place. They are so smart and funny and keep you on your toes. Ferrets are the most joyous pets I have ever met and more theraputic than any prescription. They can be high maintenance, between cost of quality food and medical expenses, but for people who love them it is worth it !! Not everyone wants to make that commitment and I think many "used to be ferret owners" didn't do any research before getting one. Not affectionate? I love my dogs dearly, but there is nothing like little fuzzy ferret kisses

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    Not being a ferret person, myself, I am curious, Paul, as to why they would be "illegal". I have read the posts, and unless I missed something, I have yet to figure out what is wrong with them.
    Of course, I have every other pet known to man (that is an exaggeration), with dogs, cats, hamsters and hermit crabs. I'm just curious as to what is the big deal of owning ferrets that would cause them to be outlawed. Educate me, please.

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