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Thread: Purrfectly insane (another cloning clip)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    If You Don't Talk To Your Cat About Catnip, Who Will?

    Purrfectly insane (another cloning clip)
    (I like the way this was written, though what good it will do... )

    Purrfectly insane
    A cloned cat can't replace the original

    Jan. 6, 2005 12:00 AM

    You could call the $50,000 cloned pet cat part of the natural evolution of rugged individualism. In modern America, we don't have to carve out a niche in a hostile frontier. But we can sure design Our Own World with personal preference settings on everything from the laptop to the cat.

    A company called Genetic Savings and Clone made a Texas woman's pet-preference dream come true recently when it handed her a cloned kitten. The company reportedly has four other cat clones "in production," and holds genetic material from hundreds of pets in its vault. A cloned dog is anticipated within months.

    But cats and dogs are not programmable telephones with a ring as individual as you are. advertisement

    They are sentient creatures. And although the very expensive clone kitten may be the same genetically, it will never be an exact duplicate of the beloved 17-year-old cat whose death inspired a woman to order a copy.

    The cloned cat's personality will be shaped by a different set of circumstances - at least we hope the woman (who wishes to remain anonymous) has changed significantly in the last 17 years. People - and pets - are supposed to change.

    Hence, the cat will disappoint on two levels. First, it will not be exactly the same. Second, the expectation that it should be the same will dampen the joy of getting to know a new animal.

    The old-fashioned, take-your-chances method of replacing an animal involved an element of surprise - not to mention shredded curtains - that was a sure-fire distraction from the sorrow of losing a beloved pet.

    That sounds like a rugged individualist's way to find a furry friend. This cloning smacks of something a Woody Allen-esque character would discuss at great length on an analyst's couch.

    Besides, countless unwanted dogs and cats are euthanized every day. Factor in what $50,000 could do for some human children whose families don't make nearly that much in a year, and the whole thing looks nuts.

    People with more money than brains may continue to shell out cash for copy cats and duplicate dogs, but they will wind up poorer because of all the undesigner original animals they will never get to know.

    So don't kid yourself. Cloned pets are not about shaping your world your way. They are about giving in to shallowness and self-indulgence.
    ~*~ "None left to rescue, none left to buy, none left to suffer, none left to die. None to be beaten, none to be kicked...all must be loved and all must be fixed".
    Author Unknown ~*~



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Well said! Personally, its sad that they have to have their original cat back, and the author is right: its not going to be exactly the same cat. I love Nicki to pieces, but I got her when I was 22 and single. I'm a totally different person now and I am sure I'd teach her things differently than I did when I was 22 and had no idea what to do with a hyper puppy (oh my... all those long phone conversations with the dog tranier! ) Now I am older and wiser and know how to train her, how to reinforce commands, how to encourage good behavior. That in itself will give me a different dog than the one I have now. Maybe I'd also be able to clip her clone's nails! Oh, and since Allen would be a lot older, he wouldn't be pouncing on her like a maniac wrestler... she wouldn't be afraid of cats! She loved cats until Allen decided to make her his own personal toy. Cloned Nicki wouldn't have that set of circumstances... and I might have a hundred pictures of cloned Nicki cuddling with the cats!!! Talk about a different pet!

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