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Thread: Ducks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Lexington, KY, USA


    I'm looking into purchasinfg a duck for a pet. I was curious if anyone had any experience with pet ducks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Hi Claudia.
    I don't have too much experience with ducks as pets and don't plan to. I have two dogs and two cats...I don't think that scenario would work out for us!

    But, I did want to relay a funny story. When I was a freshman in college (Clemson, in SC), my roommate, Renee, had gone shopping in a nearby town. It was around Easter time and she saw baby ducks at a store. Well, there was one she felt real sorry for as he was kind of getting the rough treatment from the others...and you got it. He came home with her. Home was our dormitory, and we kept that baby duck in our room for weeks! Talk about a "stink". He did stink. But he was in heaven. He got to swim in the bottom of our vaporizer. I wish I had a scanner and I could show you proof of this funny incident. Well, baby duck was released later at the Clemson Botanical Gardens, where there is quite a big pond. It was getting to the point where we were going to be caught, hoarding an animal in our dorm room!

    The thought of a duck as a pet really doesn't appeal to me personally, but you did bring back some wonderful memories.


  3. #3
    I have had ducks as pets for years now, they are great. If your looking for a friendly duck for a good pet a post duck or indian runner as they are sometimes are called are the best. I breed and sell them for pets only. They are just like dogs, they come when they are called, like people and come around to see you when you are outside. They cost a bit more then other ducks do but they are worth the money.

    here is a pick of my last springs hatchings

    its not the clearest but you can see what they look like.

  4. #4
    I also wanted to add that they do not have to be caged, my ducks have the run of our whole property wich is about 20 acres, they have never left our property once. I just keep them caged with the babies until the babies are big and strong so they can wonder and keep up with the parents.

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