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Thread: i have a BIG problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    i have a BIG problem

    i bought a new cage for my hamster & last night she got out of it - i didnt realize it until i woke up this morning - both of my cats slept in my room last night on my bed - i knew if one of the cats had got to her & hurt her last night then she would still be in my room cause the cats couldnt of drug her off somewhere cause i had my door closed all night - i cant find the hamster in my room so she must be alive in the house somewhere & the big problem is is that it is very hard to find a lose hamster! & i am so afraid that she will chew her way up in something & nest in it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    All I can tell you is to try and isolate the cats in a room where you know the hamster isn't hiding. And I mean look everywhere twice!! I have had this happen so many times, and every single time, I have found the missing hamster in the room that the cage was in. One thing I have found too is that if I get everything real quiet, and listen...sometimes I have been able to hear them rustling around or nibbling on something. Usually, they have been as far back under the bed as they could get, or behind a bookshelf that was squeezed up next to the wall. Once, when our Rusty got out of his cage, he was in the bed with my daughter!!!

    I'm so sorry you're having to spend your day looking, but it sounds like you need to with those cats in the house. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    i found her! i started looking in my closet & at the very back in the corner i saw pieces of shredded up cardboard & there she was! i caught her & put her back in her cage & after i put her back i went back in my closet to see what it was that she had shredded up & it was just a cardboard box but in the corner i saw something & i picked it up & it was dog food! she had went all the way in the kitchen got dog food & brought it back to where she was building her "house" she is back safe in her cage

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Oh, I am so glad for you!!! I don't know what kind of cage you have, but if it is wire, put a clothespin above each gate, so they can't push them up. And if it is an aquarium, with a wire screen, weight the corners with heavy books. We haven't had any escapes since we went to an aquarium. But I do have to watch the cats and dogs, and make sure they don't get near them.

    I feel so much better that you found your hamster!! Yippee!!

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