The girls and I went to a husky hike this weekend in Cleveland and had a terrific time. So we wanted to share some of our good time with you! It was a walk that raised money for Adopt A Husky, Inc.
We went with our friends...Jennifer, Nicki, Zac & Cayenne. We left Friday night so we wouldn't have to leave so early in the morning (it was a 4 hour drive). Needless to say the dogs had a blast in the hotel room and no one got much sleep
Nicki and Cayenne on the bed

Three pretty huskies! (Zac, Roxey & Cayenne)

Before we knew it, it was time to get going. It was a little chilly and windy to start out with but as you can see it ended up being a beautiful day
Here are some of the hikers (huskies and non huskies were there)

The girls stopping at our turnaround

And here was a cute little Tori/Nebo look alike

more to come!