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Thread: How to raise an American Eskimo?

  1. #1

    How to raise an American Eskimo?

    Does anyone own an American Eskimo?
    Yes, it's true.....I still haven't taken my dogs to a trainer, I thought we could do it all on our own....NOT!!!!
    Waffles just turned 1 yesterday & still doesn't behave. I got her from a friend in Feb. & wanted to give it time to see how she fit in. It's REALLY been more of a struggle for my husband than me. I just love her, although she makes me angry at times. Like yesterday when I got home from work, Matthew says to me: " I hope this necklace didn't mean anything to you!" $40.00 dolphin necklace that I hand-beaded myself!!!
    OK.....I tell myself I can get over this! What we can't get over is the constant pooping on the carpet. Will she ever outgrow this? She was so good for awhile & went back to doing it again!
    Now, her latest thing is when my parents come over & bring their dog (10lb. Yorshire Terrier) Tango, she decides it'd be great to bite him hard & rip out some of his hair!
    She used to really enjoy his company & still does after she bites him 1st that is! I just can't understand her. She can be such a good girl & I thought she wouldn't be too aggressive being female & all. Just to clear the air.....I'm STILL not willing to give up on her, I just don't know what to do!

  2. #2
    I think I put this in the wrong catagory!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Oak Creek, Wisconsin
    My old neighbor had an American Eskimo named Nikita, that I was around everyday. When she had a baby she had hardly anytime for the dogs (also had a GSD), so I was over there everyday helping her with the dog and baby- they were my second parents basically, we were pretty close.

    I went to obedience classes with Nikita and Sassy (the GSD), walked her daily, groomed her, dog sat her- I was her second owner basically.

    They are EXTREMELY high strung dogs, I have never been around a dog as hyper (and sometimes downright annoying) as Nikita. All she did was bark, bark, jump, bark, jump, bark, and bark some more. She was not barking to get attention- she got more than enough- she just loved to bark period! Every little movement that she saw caused her to bark.

    I set up a crappy agility coarse in my backyard for her to do, after 500 rounds she still was not done. There was never a moment when she was fully relaxed or mellow.

    She wasn't very good with the baby either, she got way too close Jayna (the baby) and would steal Jayna's food from her fingers and plate. Nikita was corrected right away- Julie & I knew better. Nikita eventually improved, and when Jayna got older she learned to "avoid" Nikita, I guess you could say- they loved each other a lot- Nikita smothered her in kisses.

    She LOVED to dig too, their backyard looked like a quarry and was full of little holes where she would dig.

    Sassy and Nikita LOVED to jump, Sassy could clear the 6 foot fence no problem, the highest Nikita jumped was 4 feet I believe.

    American Eskimos are a lot of work for such a little dog, they are extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely high strung. They are not the best dog to have with little kids either- they tend to be a little nippy but with correct supervision and correction they should stop.

    Oh, and I forgot- SHEDDING! WOW- did she ever loose the hair! They had dark carpeting in the house (navy blue) that white hair was EVERYWHERE and required you to vacuum TWICE most of the time because it was so hard to suck up.

    Nikita was very protective too for her size, she never let anyone get near me. Sassy was the best at guarding though, since she is a GSD- she guarded Jayna and I 24/7 especially around other dogs and men (she didn't like men much).

    My advise to you....hang around American Eskimos a lot before you decide to get one. See if you can go to a breeder or something- get lots of "pre-purchase" hands on experience with American Eskies. I was overwhelmed a lot by her- but I still loved her dearly and miss her even more.

    **EDIT: Whoops, I read your post wrong, I guess you already have an Eskie and are having problems with it!?! Is that correct!?**
    Last edited by Desert Arabian; 10-05-2004 at 11:21 PM.
    LAURA {Human}, FRANNY {Boxer}, PEANUT, BUSTER, & NIBBLES {Rabbits}

    Thanks Roxyluvsme13!

    "The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horses' ears"- Arabian Proverb

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