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Thread: Help me with this rescue cat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC

    Help me with this rescue cat

    I'm changing the subject back to something Spencer and I were talking about last week. The "buff colored" cat with the beautiful blue eyes that woke me one morning last week,is still here. Tonight he let me hold him and I realized, he has no claws. I promptly brought him inside and closed him in my office with all of the ammenities and lots of love from my daughter and me. I have been so worried about the cold weather and had made him a warm bed outside in a sheltered area and, yes, of course I had started feeding him. I am still worried about the reaction of my 2 dogs (they won't hurt him, but they're big and excited), and also Mimi, who as I have said before, is totally frustrated by other cats. I'll keep him separated and get him to the vet tomorrow. Hopefully, I can either find his owner (which I haven't had success with so far with signs and checking lost/found in newspaper) or find a new home where he can stay indoors all the time. I think the back claws are intact, but none on the front. Maybe he just escaped from someone's home...he wears no collar. Since Mimi is an indoor/outdoor cat, I think it would be hard for me to keep this one from going outside with her.
    I'm just rambling along here. Just wanted to let you know what was going on with "Butter" aka Butterscotch Pudding.

    I'm amending this post to tell you that he has his claws....found out the hard way. He must not put them out all that often, but I definitely have the wounds to prove he has them tonight! He is completetely comfortable with both dogs now and Mimi, but Mimi is NOT comfortable with him. At least she is inside now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    Here are Helen's webcam pictures of Butter so you can see what he looks like. Thanks again, Paul. I think he's our cat now. Hopefully Mimi can stand him. Maybe her old age has mellowed her out a little....we'll see about that. Didn't get that lovely striped tail, but you'll get the picture(s) anyway.

    [This message has been edited by lhg0962 (edited January 03, 2001).]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Logan....Butter is beautiful!! He looks well fed so I would think that at some point he was well taken care of. Also since he willingly came inside and actually let you hold him he definitely has "people skills." It looks to me, at this point, like you are the owner of one fine cat!! Oops, excuse me, TWO fine cats (don't want to upset Mimi! Best of luck with this sweetie and keep us posted on him as he settles in.

  4. #4
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    Greenville, SC
    I'm figuring that since he is asleep in the bed with Helen, Honey and Lilly tonight, Mimi better just get used to it. He has had a wonderful day and it looks like he will become the "token male" in this family. We are all girls, except for Butter! Isn't he beautiful? I guess I have a soft heart for those baby blue eyes or something. Please say a prayer for Mimi. Surely she will come around and end up loving her new friend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Biloxi, Ms USA
    Congrats on your new baby! Butter is such an appropriate name. He's beautiful. I have a friend who has to give up his cat because he's taking a job that involves a lot of travel. I'm considering taking his cat in....I don't know... two dogs, a hamster, fish...My next pet was suppose to be a bird. You inspire me

  6. #6
    Butter is so fat and pretty! Can you say pretty to a boy kitty? He looks like some kind of a red colorpoint with his tabby marks on his face, ears, and feet (and unseen ringed tail) and his blue eyes. Mimi will almost ceratinly get used to him in time, especially since she is used to sharing her home already. Even if they never become friends, they usually settle in to at least peacefully co-existing after awhile. He's such a cutie, good luck with him!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Greenville, SC
    You know, Misery loves company. Get the cat! We have two rather large dogs, now two cats, two hamsters and three hermit crabs. And my daughter asks for more all the time!!!! I thought I was at my limit until Butter came along. Taking in a cat is easier than another dog (which I considered when I found a stray a couple of months ago). Thank goodness that black giant found a good home with one of my friends.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.

    I am in awe that that gorgous boy was not spoken for! Who could not LOVE a cat like that? He's stunning, absolutely stunning! He's so perfect, and those fine gems. Sincere congrats to you, Helen, the other fur family, and most of all congrats to Butter, for he has really struck gold with your family.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Greenville, SC
    I'm glad you finally posted! I was dying for you to see a picture of this beauty. He must of been on his own for a while because he is so hungry! And his fur doesn't look that good up close, plus I feel scabs like he's been fighting. I'm sure Dr. Robinson will fix him up on Monday. I think if we've seen the worst from Mimi, I'll plan to keep him. He just walked right in that door and made himself comfortable like he belongs here. Of course Helen thinks he does! Neutering will be the first order of business if it hasn't been done yet. I sure don't know how to tell. If anyone can tell me without having to get too graphic, I'd appreciate it.
    Butter is sunning himself on the front porch right now and Mimi and Honey are in the backyard sunning. Of course, Lilly is right here at my feet, her favorite place!
    I'll keep you posted.

  10. #10
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    Jun 2000
    See, Logan!! You did it again!!!! That is why I love you so much!! You have a heart of gold!!! and hey, it's hard to say no to my sweet Helen!!! Your home is so loving and nurturing and comfy and homey, who would want to leave?? I may never leave once I get there!!! Butter is beautiful!! I love his eyes! They are very mesmerizing!! I know diddly about cats, but Spencer's advise seems perfect. Poor Mimi, she's still the queen no matter what! Dr Robinson should name a wing of the hospital after you!!! Thanks for telling me about your new adventure!!! You are my hero! I told you that you were awesome!!!!! xoxox

  11. #11
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    Jun 2000
    Don't know if any of you remember a commercial about the "Kool Aid Mom" from a few years ago. She was the mom where all of the kids would congregate (supposedly because of the Kool Aid). I would like to nominate Logan as the "Lost/Stray/Heart of Gold/Mom." Logan, it looks like all of the pets in South Carolina have your number!! Thanks for being so big-hearted.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    It's because I'm the biggest sucker on the street! Most of my neighbors are retired and all act like grandparents to Helen, but are past their petloving years!! They just all laugh at me. In fact, sadly enough, Helen and I lost our good buddy, Frank, from across the street this morning. He died and I am looking for the strength to tell her about it tonight. Please pray for all of us. He was jogging and died of a massive heart attack. The positive is that he never suffered. Sorry to digress, it's just on my heart tonight and I've learned to share that stuff with all of you.
    I'll keep you updated on Butter and the rest of us, but wanted to also let you know that Mimi jumped in my lap tonight and went to sleep for the first time in two days. I dared not move or disturb her. She's getting there, slowly, but surely.
    Thanks to you all for being such good friends.
    Your friend with a heavy heart tonight....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Logan, we'll certainly remember that prayer tonight. Several years back one of my elderly neighbors died of a heart attack also. My daughter was very close to this couple as her real grandparents live 1 hr. away and I often thought of them as "stand-in" grandparents. It was very hard relating/explaining his death to her. Hope you find the words for Helen. It is VERY hard! Also, I am a little jealous of your favored pet status! I have only ever had ONE stray in my back yard. It was a very obviously pregnant female cat and she wouldn't stay. I would have loved to play "Mama" to her babies. Anyway, we'll all be thinking of you and praying you will find the right words for Helen.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Greenville, SC
    Thanks for you kind words. We made it through last night and Helen finally slept after shedding a lot of tears. It's so scary for a little girl when someone close to her dies. We've had too much of that lately. Anyway, Butter and the rest of the gang are doing fine. Even Mimi is coming around, slowly, but surely.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Biloxi, Ms USA
    Logan, I'm so sorry about your friend, I to have had the unfortunate task of telling my daughter of the death of a good friend. I will say a prayer for you all. I hope things continue to work out for your family. I agree with everyone else. You have a heart of gold. I still thinking about taking my friend's cat. I'll let you know what I decide.

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