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Thread: My Jasper Is Home, My Jasper Is Home!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Honolulu, HI, USA

    My Jasper Is Home, My Jasper Is Home!!!

    I was intently writing an important letter. My phone rang over and over with calls for the "car for sale" ad my son put in the paper. He wasn't home, so I had to deal with it. More irritated with every interruption, I impatiently said "hello" to another caller.

    The man said, "I am Roy from the Hawaiian Humane Society and I have your Jasper." I stupidly, in tears already, said, "Are you sure?" He actually got off the line to check again and came back to say yes.

    After almost three months, I had begun to give up hope that he was alive.

    He said he would hold him at receiving if I came soon, and I told him I'm on my way, abandoning my letter. Grabbing his carrier I was out the door in a flash, calling one of my sons on the way. I couldn't believe it and feared it was a mistake. I had to talk to myself for I was a wreck, heart pounding, tears flowing, slow down, pay attention to your driving!

    Arriving I was greeted by two ladies who avoided eye contact. I waited several minutes, the only one waiting at the counter, and finally one lady, running her hand through her hair, over and over, tersly asked what I wanted. I told her of the call to my house. She yelled through an almost totally closed door, to Roy, "bring that black cat". Poor lady, having a bad day?

    She handed me a card about being a good neighbor, keeping my cat indoors because my neighbor has a right to trap nuisance cats. She never asked, didn't care, but her card had nothing to do with Jasper. I told her I didn't need it. I only know the contents of the card because I read it hours later.

    Roy, a young man, somehow a familiar face, came out with a carrier and a big smile. I looked in the door and said, "Jasper?" to a black kitty. He raised his big round yellow eyes to me and meowed, revealing the white tuft just under his chin. MY JASPER!! Roy asked if I needed help, I declined and opened the door. He turned around and I had to dislodge him he was so scared. He melted in my arms, I looked at his tummy markings and felt his back, right down to his STUB TAIL, it was MY JASPER. I hugged him and cried, Roy smiled. The two ladies sullenly ignored me. I told Roy I had a lost report there with pictures and he said he hadn't checked it. He called me just because of the AVID chip information. Twice requesting an update from the HHS on Jasper's chip after he disappeared, I had finally called directly to the company, and they were more than happy to update phone numbers and other information.

    I put Jasper in his crate, asking how he came to be there. Mz Grumpy, since I shouldn't post her true name, said she wouldn't tell me anything except that he was trapped in Hawaii Kai. This is an area many miles from my house. She admitted he was probably trapped for being a problem animal and dumped in that area. I said no, he was trapped for revenge by someone from another area, involved in a traffic accident in front of my house, angry at us, and dumped by them there. Everyone knows cats in our neighborhood, everyone was looking for him, and no other cat but mine was missing. I am immensely grateful to the person who he eventually did become a problem to, so they brought him or even trapped him and took him there. He was probably asking someone for help and they listened, whether they know it or not. I wanted to reward the person but she wouldn't tell me anything more. Later I read the release form and it revealed the street where he was found, a long, long way from home, down a long road that is a prime dumping area.

    He is constantly interrupting this writing for reassurance and affetion.

    Everyone came into my bedroom to see him, excited and tears flowing. He remembered all of us, doing head butts to all, which used to be reserved for me and my son's girlfriend Carly. Now he gives them freely all day long.

    He had a rough night, his first night home. He paced, cried, ate fractically every few minutes, and needed to be touched all the time. He drank his bowl of water I offered and later when I opened the bathroom door he bolted in, jumped onto the toilet seat, and drank for over 2 minutes. I realized he was severely dehydrated. I got the call in mid afternoon and he never used the litter box until almost 24 hours later.

    When he arrived, besides being scared, his fur looked very scruffy. Today it looks better, probably because of the water rehydration and from our petting him so much. He has a fresh long cut below one eye, with hair gone and a few more other spots like it. Bumps along one side of his neck, probably scabs from injuries. He drooled whenever we petted him, a sign of deep stress he usually reserves for the vet. Today he has stopped that and seems more relaxed.

    When he lays next to me, which is most of the time, I can feel the bumps on his backbone, the hip bones protruding, and his ribs too. His head and legs look too big for his shrunken body.

    This "never in your lap" cat now comes up behind me in my desk chair, pushes his head under my right arm, crawls onto my lap and then onto my chest, making me stop and pay attention to him. What a change. I got him a collar with a bell today. Then we can hear him if he nears a door. I won't let him go out now. I can't go through that again, and he isn't safe outside anymore. He only used to go out to potty and for short periods when I was outside, but no more. He never left the yard, was always with me and the dogs, and neighbors even said they had never seen him outside our yard and usually with us. A potty break into a trap I fear, which are given out freely by HHS, to anyone who asks, and no questions, no names. Just bring the cats in they say. And the State pays for all destroyed cats. Nice way to make money.

    Jasper goes into the vet in just a few hours, for a day of observation and testing, then home again to my room. Depending on the outcome of the vet visit, he will be reintroduced to Moses, my lively 1 yr old Golden Retriever, and then our little feral rescue kitten, Eli, who is our home entertainment system. Jasper remembered my dog Sandy and they have been keeping each other company. Now when I leave my room, he cries and cries until I return. Seems he wants the new name Shadow, joke-joke.

    I waited a day to tell everyone, for I was exhausted from the experience and my eyes burned, and he needed me. Hopefully he will be well again. All his shots were current. And he eats all the time, I think just because it's there and he can.

    Five days before I brought him home, I had a dream that he had come home, I picked him up and carried him into the house. Well, dreams do come true. He is weary, but safe, my Jasper is home again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Albuquerque, NM
    I am so HAPPY for you and Jasper. Your story has made my day! God Bless both of you and the other members of your fur family!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    What a tremendous story! I am so happy that you had him microchipped. It should serve as a reminder to all of us to have it done, even if we don't think it will ever be needed.

    I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face because I can remember the terrible emotions of losing a cat, and felt the same emotions so strongly through your earlier messages. And you have a good ending to your story. I'm so, so happy for you. Your prayers have been answered....and hopefully the rest of us praying helped a little bit too.

    Can you believe it??? I am so, so happy for you!! Have a wonderful weekend with your newly found boy, Jasper!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Yay! Hallalujah! Miracles happen! Oh, Jasper, welcome back home, I bet that was a scary scary time away! Welcome home with big hugs and tummy rubs!!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    OH MY GOSH!!! When I saw the heading "My Jasper Is Home, My Jasper Is Home!!!", I couldn't believe it! Could it be true? My jaw dropped open. WOW YAY HOORAY!!! I'm SOOOO HAPPY about this wonderful news, Jasper's Mom! It has made my day. I had been so very sad for you when Jasper disappeared and you tried so hard to find him, never giving up. I'm so glad you never gave up! Your (and our) prayers were answered and your long-lost friend has come home at last. And HE sounds so happy to be home, too! HOORAY!!! Let's have a WELCOME HOME PARTY!! Hooray!! Yes, please post pictures, if/when you can. Good luck at the vet's today!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy
    This is the piece of news I got all week. I can't even tell how pleased I am for you. Poor thing I don't even want to think what he had to go through. But the most important thing is that he is safely home now. Please let us know what the vet says.

    So welcome home Jasper! Give him tons of kisses from me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Portland, Orygun, USA
    I got a cold chill when I saw that title. Such wonderful news! Karen, you beautifully describe Jasper's increased show of affection and I'm wondering does he purr, too?
    Last edited by Freckles; 09-09-2002 at 02:56 PM.

  8. #8
    That is the best news!!! So happy that Jasper is back home with you. Yes, miracles do happen. Hope all goes well @ the vet.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    I never posted because I did not know what to say. I was so sad for you and I hoped so badly that Jasper would be found, but I lost a cat when I was a child, he was the most perfect, symectrical (his black and white patterns were absolutely perfectly uniform)tuxedo who was so friendly and cuddly and floppy with his family but skiddish around strangers. Weestee darted out of the door one night...his first time out, and that was it. That was over 10 years ago and we have not seen him since. I did not want to scare you or give you false hope, but I must say this is one of the happiest stories I have EVER read! It was so very sad when you first lost Jasper, I felt your pain and felt the helplesness you felt. I have tears of happiness falling down my cheeks from reading your delightful post. Don't let my user name fool you, I am an all around animal lover, both dogs AND cats and I am thrilled to pieces at the reunion of you and that treasure named Jasper. You are so lucky to have him back, I am so, so happy for you. Thanks for one of the best stories I have read. If you were to send in that story to a publisher of a book of collected short stories similar to "Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul" that story would be published, and it might make people think twice about letting their cats outside without a collar and name tags...or even letting them outside at all!

    Yeah for happy endings!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    With tears running down my cheeks I have read your story of Jasper's return. My heart lept with joy to read that you found him.

    My first cat, Sugar was missing for only one night. I know that I didn't sleep and you could find me walking the neighborhood at all hours looking for him. A neighbor had taken him in and returned him to me in the morning. I know what I went through in just those 24 hours - I cannot imagine what it was like for you for such a long time.

    All of us shout with joy and celebrate his return. Give him absolutely anything he wants!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Stockton, CA
    Dear Jasper and Mom,

    We are so thrilled for you. What wonderful news. It's wonderful. Holding Jasper in my thoughts and prayers that the vet visit goes well.

    A.L. and the fur-kids

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Weston-super-Mare, England
    This has made my whole day! I was so sad when I heard about Jasper being missing, it is so awful when that happens.
    I opened up the active topics for today, and this jumped out at me! I am so happy for you and also for Jasper.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the title of this topic!! Thank God you have your baby back! I can only imagine what you and Jasper have gone through being apart so long. This is the nicest story I have ever read on Pet Talk. Miracles do happen!! I subscribe to a site called Pet Warmers. It has the nicest stories but I think this one beats them all! I can't put into words how happy I am for you both!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    I can't believe it. This is the most wonderful News. I am so happy for you and Jasper. Please keep us updated. How relieved you must be after all this Time.

  15. #15
    I don't think there's a dry eye in Pet Talk land tonight. I haven't been on Pet Talk all day, having gone out for lunch at work today, but it was fixing to storm and a blackout last night nearly fried my 'puter, so I thought I'd at least get some email answered before having to shut off the machine. I was reading Pam's email which ended "Isn't that great about Jasper coming home?" I shouted out loud "Oh my God" and clicked my shortcut, went right to Cat Rescue, and there it was! Bless Jasper's little kitty heart, you know all that time he was wondering what in the world could have happended to his loving, comfortable world. I can't believe the evil in this world, that someone would steal a cat for revenge! Thank you, thank you God for the happy ending to all our prayers! I second Spencer's suggestion about kitten food. I'm so happy I could bust! My kitties will get extra scritchies in honor of Jasper tonight!

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