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Thread: broken paw $???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    broken paw $???

    about how much would it cost to fix a broken paw on a kitten?

    Let nature guide your actions and you will never have to worry if you did the right thing. ~ crow_noir

    The pet world excels where the human world is lacking; sterilization and adoption. ~ crow_noir

    Please, if your dog is arthritic look into getting it Elk Velvet Antler. Look up my posts on it, PM me, or look it up on a search engine; but please if you love your dog and want it to live many more years consider this option. I've seen so many posts on here about dogs needlessly suffering. I can't make a new post about EVA every time so this plea is going here. EVA also helps with other ailments such as anemia.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    I don't know, but I'm thinking no amount would be too much!

    What in the world happened, and whose kitty is it, yours?? I'm so sorry that the little kitty is hurt and probably in pain.

    [ October 15, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    actually, $5(<---a little exagerated, but sometimes that is a reality) dollars is pushing our budget. we're trying not to spend foolishly and we're barley able to afford food for ourselves. (stuff like no movies, no new cloths(can you say "needle and thread"), and going to bargin food centers.) (but King still gets premium dog food and allll vet stuff.)

    let me start off by saying that normally i don't see myself as having a cat in my life. though i love paying attention to them else where.

    there was a kitten dropped off at my s.o.'s g,ma's house/farm. and it has a broken paw (we think it's paw was broke when it was dropped off). and it won't(-->*) let anyone near it. and she doesn't want it as a house cat. so it's going to be an outdoor barn cat. well, w/ our winters and a broken paw, i see no chance of survival for this little guy (i actually think that he is a she). (*--> ) well, w/in ten minutes i was petting the cat and had named it and it was comming to me by name. it is so hard for me not to feel obligated to this creature that has put it's faith in me alone. (*wants to break down and cry*)
    if i know it won't cost too much for alll the stuff and i can save up w/ in a month i am willing to take it in if King lets me and if says it's ok. my s.o. already said it is ok if all of the other three things happen. (i already seen that the cat gets along great w/ dogs.)

    i have never felt an animal need me soooo much before. (i mean if i wanted a cat that was going to fit my personality type, there is a perfect one at Petsmart.)

    i could take the kitten to the rescue group, but i don't know if would allow it. (and it has soooo much faith in me!)

    and the least i want to do is get that paw fixed even if i can't keep it.

    so, besides, what to some of us is a very hurtful remark, i would seriously like to know...HOW MUCH SHOULD IT COST!!!???

    Let nature guide your actions and you will never have to worry if you did the right thing. ~ crow_noir

    The pet world excels where the human world is lacking; sterilization and adoption. ~ crow_noir

    Please, if your dog is arthritic look into getting it Elk Velvet Antler. Look up my posts on it, PM me, or look it up on a search engine; but please if you love your dog and want it to live many more years consider this option. I've seen so many posts on here about dogs needlessly suffering. I can't make a new post about EVA every time so this plea is going here. EVA also helps with other ailments such as anemia.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    *chuckles* (p.s.) if the kitty is in pain, it sure doesn't stop it from playing and terrorizing the "dust mop" (sure is a cute and funny site watching those two togeather) ...*sigh* but i am sure it is in pain.

    Let nature guide your actions and you will never have to worry if you did the right thing. ~ crow_noir

    The pet world excels where the human world is lacking; sterilization and adoption. ~ crow_noir

    Please, if your dog is arthritic look into getting it Elk Velvet Antler. Look up my posts on it, PM me, or look it up on a search engine; but please if you love your dog and want it to live many more years consider this option. I've seen so many posts on here about dogs needlessly suffering. I can't make a new post about EVA every time so this plea is going here. EVA also helps with other ailments such as anemia.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ok, first of all, if you haven't named her already, you should name her Faith!!

    I am thinking a month may be too long to wait for medical attention. If you could find a rescue group, they could cover the medical bills, socialize the kitten, and get her in a good home. I know it would break your heart but sometimes it is the best thing to do.

    Has King ever been with cats before? If you decide to keep the kitten, you might want someone else there with you when you do the introduction because the situation could get bad if King doesn't like cats I have a TON of dog/cat intro information so let me know if you decide to keep the cat.

    Oh, by the way, I have no clue how much it would cost because prices tend to vary a lot in different areas.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    yup, already named and answering to it in less then a day. i even called her out of a field w/ it.

    i think even though it would break my heart, i do want to get her to a rescue group if will let me. (god knows the last thing i need is a family quarrel that my s.o. is stuck in the middle of )

    the only reason i've seen King away w/ a cat was one, because it was a food source. and two, because the cat attacked him first.
    i would defintly have him leashed to see how things went. and even if he wasn't hurting the cat around us and i do end up keeping her, i plan on seperating them while we are gone. (i think i have a few ideas on introduction from a few months back, but if i do end up needing some, i'll be sure to ask you.) ...i mean, if it doesn't look like it will work from the beginning, i'm going to think about the rescue group.

    ...eeeeek!!! i thought about the hawks, but i forgot about the coyote that lives somewhere in the woods right across the road!!! oh! i need to get that kitty out of there! my Trio!!! (...i usually have more meaningful names, but i DIDN'T think i'd be getting soooooo attached. it's cute, but it's not mean. stubby. and actually it finally dawned on me why i do like the name so much ...Tio the IGH.)

    Let nature guide your actions and you will never have to worry if you did the right thing. ~ crow_noir

    The pet world excels where the human world is lacking; sterilization and adoption. ~ crow_noir

    Please, if your dog is arthritic look into getting it Elk Velvet Antler. Look up my posts on it, PM me, or look it up on a search engine; but please if you love your dog and want it to live many more years consider this option. I've seen so many posts on here about dogs needlessly suffering. I can't make a new post about EVA every time so this plea is going here. EVA also helps with other ailments such as anemia.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    p.s. on the King subject... at one time he'd go days w/ out food and now he has food in his dish all the time(twice a day actually). before, i had almost no controll on him, now i can get him to heel w/90% accuracy. ...great improvement. and i think he is sensing how much i want a kitty.

    and... when we used to go in petsmart he'd try to get at the cats and now he patiently waits until i'm done petting them.

    *shrugs* don't know if this helps any.

    Let nature guide your actions and you will never have to worry if you did the right thing. ~ crow_noir

    The pet world excels where the human world is lacking; sterilization and adoption. ~ crow_noir

    Please, if your dog is arthritic look into getting it Elk Velvet Antler. Look up my posts on it, PM me, or look it up on a search engine; but please if you love your dog and want it to live many more years consider this option. I've seen so many posts on here about dogs needlessly suffering. I can't make a new post about EVA every time so this plea is going here. EVA also helps with other ailments such as anemia.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    Have you called the local vets and asked for a 'basic' price?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    no, not yet. i didn't get home until late tonight. but, thank you!!!!

    Let nature guide your actions and you will never have to worry if you did the right thing. ~ crow_noir

    The pet world excels where the human world is lacking; sterilization and adoption. ~ crow_noir

    Please, if your dog is arthritic look into getting it Elk Velvet Antler. Look up my posts on it, PM me, or look it up on a search engine; but please if you love your dog and want it to live many more years consider this option. I've seen so many posts on here about dogs needlessly suffering. I can't make a new post about EVA every time so this plea is going here. EVA also helps with other ailments such as anemia.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    My friends cat had a limp and we snuck it into work and xrayed it, and found out she had a broken elbow. We used a finger splint from the ER, and splinted her and she is just fine. Could you try a popcisle stick and some tape??
    That is what we did, it you know anyone in the medical profession, medical tape would work the best.
    Kylie had been limping last week and I snuck her in an xrayed her, (let me tell ya that was fun, about like giving a cat a bath :O !!
    ) but she is fine now, couldn't have splinted her if my life depended on it!!
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    no, sadly the medical people i know either HATE animals, or the other one i don't know how to reach (and i think he might be on a military base right now ...gotta love reserves!) and i don't know much about doctoring animals myself. and i don't know if i could trust my dad.

    ...and trying to do it myself, like you said would probally be about as fun as bathing her.

    i'm happy to hear about your good fortune! ...and glad to hear that Kylie is doing ok!

    Let nature guide your actions and you will never have to worry if you did the right thing. ~ crow_noir

    The pet world excels where the human world is lacking; sterilization and adoption. ~ crow_noir

    Please, if your dog is arthritic look into getting it Elk Velvet Antler. Look up my posts on it, PM me, or look it up on a search engine; but please if you love your dog and want it to live many more years consider this option. I've seen so many posts on here about dogs needlessly suffering. I can't make a new post about EVA every time so this plea is going here. EVA also helps with other ailments such as anemia.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    argh!!!! why does she have to be soooo far away!!!!

    Let nature guide your actions and you will never have to worry if you did the right thing. ~ crow_noir

    The pet world excels where the human world is lacking; sterilization and adoption. ~ crow_noir

    Please, if your dog is arthritic look into getting it Elk Velvet Antler. Look up my posts on it, PM me, or look it up on a search engine; but please if you love your dog and want it to live many more years consider this option. I've seen so many posts on here about dogs needlessly suffering. I can't make a new post about EVA every time so this plea is going here. EVA also helps with other ailments such as anemia.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    You might try . They raise money to help animals who need medical attention, but whose owners or rescue groups can't afford it. I didn't have time to really look hard at the website, but you might want to study it a bit, and contact them.

    Good luck.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    I don't know if anyone feels the same way but I get really sick of vets and their big bucks attitude - I finally changed vets because my vet couldn't see anything but dollar signs. My money has probably sent him on a dozen Caribbean Cruises and I finally got sick of it and I'm now in the process of trying to find a down to earth, compasionate individual who's main interest is in the animals and not in deepening his pockets. I know they're out there. It was to the point that my vet tried to make me feel guilty if I didn't want certain tests because they're too expensive. My faith in this veterinarian really went out the door when he pulled all of my cats teeth out without my permission and socked me with a $300.00 bill!! It's not that I don't believe they should be paid - but geeeze their fees in most cases are very unreasonable. People would take better care of their animals if vet care would be just a little more or a lot more economical!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Toledo, OH, USA
    Originally posted by purrley:
    <STRONG>I don't know if anyone feels the same way but I get really sick of vets and their big bucks attitude - I finally changed vets because my vet couldn't see anything but dollar signs. My money has probably sent him on a dozen Caribbean Cruises and I finally got sick of it and I'm now in the process of trying to find a down to earth, compasionate individual who's main interest is in the animals and not in deepening his pockets. I know they're out there. It was to the point that my vet tried to make me feel guilty if I didn't want certain tests because they're too expensive. My faith in this veterinarian really went out the door when he pulled all of my cats teeth out without my permission and socked me with a $300.00 bill!! It's not that I don't believe they should be paid - but geeeze their fees in most cases are very unreasonable. People would take better care of their animals if vet care would be just a little more or a lot more economical!!!</STRONG>
    Purrley, I wish you lived near me, because I'd be pushing you in the door at our vets' office. We love our vets! With four dogs, we need a vet's office that is supportive and available. Not only are the (4) vets themselves very knowledgable and easy to talk to, but the office staff is superb! I have called many times, even at odd hours, and have always been given solid advice and treated with respect. I feel like I can ask as many questions as I need to in order to feel comfortable. Purrley, I hope that you can find a great vets' office to go to!

    Crow - I agree with some of the others here - that kitty needs to go to a shelter, where it can receive proper medical attention, and go into a loving home. It sounds like King may be almost ready to live with a cat, but like he still has a way to go before he can be completely trusted; do you want to take that risk at this point?
    i think even though it would break my heart, i do want to get her to a rescue group if will let me.
    Is your s.o.'s grandma feeding, housing, or otherwise taking care of this kitty? (It doesn't even let her near it, does it?) If not, why should she have any say in whether or not it goes to a shelter?
    Jessica and the Tack Pack: Paula, Buddy, Pup, and Boo!
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