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Thread: 'Dognappers' Demand Money From Pet Owner

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca

    'Dognappers' Demand Money From Pet Owner

    Calaveras County Man Loses $10,000, Gets Beloved Pet Back

    POSTED: 8:38 am PDT July 28, 2004
    UPDATED: 11:54 am PDT July 28, 2004

    VALLEY SPRINGS, Calif. -- A Calaveras County man is out $10,000 after "dognappers" took his beloved pet and demanded money to get him back.

    Frank Compton, 80, lives alone with only his terrier "Sandy" to keep company. When the dog disappeared last week, Compton said he immediately knew something was wrong.

    Compton posted a flier about the missing dog, and soon after got a phone call from two men whom police believe are "dognappers."

    "They threatened and said 'We have your dog, we have Sandy, we have your little dog ... If you want him back, you have to give us $10,000'," Compton said.

    The men told Compton to meet them at the Mokulumne River fish hatchery -- an isolated spot about 12 miles from where Compton lives. They followed him to the site, pulled a knife on him, and took his $10,000.

    Compton returned home without Sandy, but shortly after he said he heard a car door slam.

    "I didn't think much about it, but a minute later, I see Sandy dancing around the back yard. Talk about miracles ... miracles really do happen," Compton said.

    Compton said he's now concentrating on tracking down those responsible for taking Sandy. He's even sketched out the face of one of the men.

    Calaveras County Sheriff's Department Detective Chris Villegas said he believes the men live in the area.

    "Ultimately, it would be nice to find this person and find them with $10,000 in their pocket ... but I doubt that's going to happen," Villegas said.

    Villegas said the "dognappers" face serious felony charges, including elder abuse, extortion and robbery.

    Anyone with information is urged to contact the Calaveras County Sheriff's Department.

    Thank you Wolfie!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca
    You should also go to the website and watch the video. It made me cry! Bless his heart for loving his dog so much that he didn't think twice about giving up $10,000. I wish many more years together for Sandy and her owner.

    As far as the dognappers go, I hope they burn in hell.

    Thank you Wolfie!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca

    Thank you Wolfie!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Oh my gosh.. there's nothing else more that makes me angry how people treat the elders.. threatening them just like that..
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    How awful! Some people just amaze me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tucson, Az
    That's really sad, but I don't understand why he wouldn't have called the police before he gave those people the money. I would have asked the police escort me (undercover and hidden of course).
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Modesto, Ca
    Originally posted by Uabassoon
    That's really sad, but I don't understand why he wouldn't have called the police before he gave those people the money. I would have asked the police escort me (undercover and hidden of course).
    He was really old. He's been on the news a few times around here, he seems like he may be a little senile. He probably wasn't thinking to clearly. On the news this morning, they were saying that his wife died four years ago and Sandy has been his only companion.

    Thank you Wolfie!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dallas, TX
    I'm so glad he got Sandy back!! He's lucky they returned him. They could have took the money and not dropped Sandy off . Big jerks.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    That is so sad that a so called human could treat a lonesome elderly man like that. I hope he never lets Sandy out of his sight again, and that someone overhears these jack***es bragging about their crime!
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