Well it finally happened. My husband had Lacey out and the neighbor, who is a druggie, her daughter and her 3 year old grandson come out her backdoor with her 5 little dogs on leashes to go for a walk. The little boy races to our fence and Lacey starts barking and runs over there much faster than my husband can get to the fence.(her driveway is closer to our fence than our garage)Well of course he sticks his fingers in and thank god Lacey licked his fingers!My husband grabbed her and stuck her in the house. The boys mother, also stoned,grabbed him.
Lacey is not well socialized with children and she is a very fearful dog,not aggressive,fearful.We spent $2,000. on a fence and have to worry at least 1/2 the time she is out there because of this(she's never out by herself)The daughter and grandson, at least for now don't live there.
Our fence is 6 ft wood along the back and the rest is 4 ft. chain link.It is just our back yard that is fenced,it's about 90 ft. by 60 ft.The zoning says it must be two feet off of our property line and on her side it is four feet. We did that to line it up with our wood fence and with the house.
So my question is this: what if Lacey snaps at the little boys fingers through the fence? Not only is she fenced on her own property but the little boy is four feet in on our property!Will we have a legal leg to stand on? Does anyone know? Has anyone had a problem like this? Any opinion is welcome.But please don't suggest talking to the neighbor, like I said she's stoned or drunk most of the time.