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Thread: EMERGENCY QUESTION rescue kitty???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I don't even begin to know where I'm "from"

    EMERGENCY QUESTION rescue kitty???

    I was out this morning coming back from the paper route and there was an orange and white cat running around that caught my eye. It ran away (wild obviously!) but it seemed to be running with a grey cat that I found (beautiful kitty!) I grabbed the grey kitty and brought him in.

    He's obviously a housecat. VERY sweet, came in and used the litter box, and snuggled with Muffin (I didn't intentionally have this happen, the cat darted out of the bathroom)

    So... if it's obviously a housecat do I just let it go and figure it might be an indoor/outdoor cat? (stupid in a big city IMHO) or do I take it into the shelter? Like I said, this is an EMERGENCY question. I need opinions ASAP!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I don't even begin to know where I'm "from"
    I guess we're off to the shelter if no one has objections. I will post pictures of this beauty later!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I'm of two opinions here - one, if it is someone's housepet, taking it to a shelter will make it harder for the person to find it, if they expect her to come home in a few hours. And what if they are the type of person who will not pay a shelter to get their cat back?

    But on the other hand, people who let their cats roam in the city with out collars don't deserve a pet (in my opinion)..

    But then again, maybe she is not normally an outdoor cat, and happened to escape accidentally, and someone is frantically looking for her? I hope they think to call the shelter.

    Make sure the shelter scans her for a microchip!

  4. #4
    Did you find it right there by the apartments? How about holding onto kitty for awhile and putting up some posters??? Maybe it is an indoor/oudoor kitty or maybe it just snuck outside and somebody is looking for it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I'd either knock on doors, or let it go and watch where it heads ... OR put notices up around the neighborhood - with your email if you don't want to give a phone number. Sounds like someone's pet ...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    I agree with everyone so far. Pouncer does not wear a collar and he's most definately not an outdoor kitty. But should he ever escape, I have no doubt that he would immediately befriend another stray and run with that stary. If someone called out to him, he'd go up to them and happily play in their house. All the while I'd be frantically calling for him, looking everywhere... unless I had no idea he was out for a few hours... THEN I'd be frantically looking for him!

    I'd hold onto the sweet stray and try to look for the owners. I know I'd want someone to do that for me if ne of my boys got out, so I'll do it for someone else.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca
    My cats are indoor cats. If they were to get loose, Raven would be mistaken for a a stray. She is a very skittish cat. Odds are no one would ever be able to catch her. And Ron, I'd be devastated if someone took him away. It'd be harder for me to find him, not to mention the diseases and rough life he'd be exposed to. He'd be so traumatized!

    I'd keep that cat at home and put signs up and perhaps put an ad in the newspaper. (Found ads are free in my local paper.) If you don't get any responses, that person isn't looking hard enough, and they don't deserve the cat. Then, I'd consider taking it to the shelter.

    Thank you Wolfie!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Northeast, MA.

    things to consider!

    But it's up to you! If it's an unnuetered male, and you know of a no kill shelter (or a kill shelter that you have a good relationship with and will call you before they do the duty and call you so you can come get him) then I say let him go to a home where-in which he will be nuetered. OR, if you do keep him and place notices around. Don't place pics. Ask for a description AFTER you ask if he's nuetered and if they say no, ask why, and if they give a lame reason, "cuz we want him to have fun", then, ask for description, and then say, sorry, doesn't match description, good luck finding your boy! (QSL's trick in making sure home cat is returning to is ok- sometimes people just can't afford it in which case you can facillitate the next step!)
    If the cat was emaciated, to me kitty is unowned or at least neglected and should have a chance in a new home...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If my cats got outside, they would be afraid too, and their safety collars would be off shortly too.

    I agree, go door to door or make a few posters.
    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Northeast, MA.


    was/is emaciated, flea infested, unnuetered. Then think long and hard if you want him to go back to owners.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I would attempt the door to door route (that is what I did when I found Lucas). I would also try to hold onto the kitty at least long enough to advertise it's whereabouts. CALL the police and your shelter to report the cat but don't take it there right away if you have the option of keeping it. you can always turn it over to a shelter later if no one claims it.

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