When I was at the pet store shopping for my swapper pets and person, I seen this stuff, called "Scratch Free", its drops, and its all natural, its supose to sooth and help heal itchyness caused by "hot spots, dry-exema, flea bites & alergies".

I don't know what Jasper has, but I figured ANYTHING is worth a try!

So that was on Saturday, it says to give 10-15 drops twice a day, we got home at 6pm saturday and I gave him 15 drops them, and have been giving 15 drops twice everyday so far.

He seems to now go all night without scratching, and also his chest/chin doesn't look red/sore at all lately.

I am probably just getting my hopes up, but things are seeming to be a bit better.

Anyway he goes in Wednesday morning to get his biopsy, and hopefully we might know something after that.