I just got back from the grocery store and was getting out of my car, when this poor thin gentleman on a bicycle approached me. He said he was hungry and asked me if I had any cans that I could give him. Unfortunately I didn't. However, I told him I had some spare change I could give him. At the time, I had a few dollar bills and a $20. It was my allowance till my next paycheck which won't be till a week from this Friday.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out what I THOUGHT was a dollar bill and handed it to him. I swore I looked at it before giving it to him, but I'm not so sure now. He thanked me and went on his way.

Well, it wasn't until I was going through the Wendy's Drive-Thru did I realize that I THINK I gave him my only $20 bill. It was supposed to buy cat food and litter.

Then I thought maybe, just MAYBE, I put the $20 bill somewhere in my apartment so I wouldn't spend it stupidly. Can I remember where I put it???Noooooooooooooooooooooooo.

*sigh* Oh well, it's not the end of the world. I do have a full tank of gas and food in my fridge. Maybe it'll turn up, maybe it won't. Who knows. I just needed to vent.

Thanks for listening guys!!