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Thread: Cat toys

  1. #1

    Cat toys

    My cat Boogie plays with rubber bands, string, even my hair! Anything that moves! Does anyone know if it is dangerous for cats to play with toys like that? I just thought it was abnormal.


  2. #2
    Yes, it is dangerous - very! Since cats have barbed tongues, it is very difficult for them to spit anything out, therefore they just keep swallowing the string, which then can wrap around their intestines and cause gangrene. It's best to try to keep those toys away from them, and only let them play with them when you are there to watch them closely.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Monroe, Louisiana, USA
    Thanks. I know now to keep those away from him. I've caught him playing with rubber-bands before, but I didn't know if it was safe or not. He plays with almost anything, so I'll have to limit his playing to only safe toys. Any suggestions on what kinds of safe toys for him?
    Meow101 (also known as Smare)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Monroe, Louisiana, USA
    4 Feline,
    Here is an intresting topic.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    MA, USA
    i had no idea they were dangerous. very stupid of me. I'll have to clean up the floor better when i get home.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    MA, USA
    A great toy for a cat is a Paper Airplane! Zezu loves em'.

  7. #7

    Sometimes the best toys are free - most cats will play with a crumpled up paper ball, and of course boxes and paper grocery sacks are usually good for at least an hour's fun. Balls are always good, the ones that are about 2 inches in diameter. Alot of cats like doubled up socks, rabbit's feet (fake, please!) and surprisingly, toy mice. Toys on a string are always fun (either dangled or dragged) but must be supervised by you and put out of kitty's reach when play is done.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    New York, NY,USA
    Hey Ben,
    Thanks for the paper airplane tip! Last night, I went home and made one. It took me a while-I'm a little rusty. I used to be so good at it in school!
    Charlie LOVED it!

    4 Feline,
    It's amazing how fascinated they are with simple toys...the store bought toys only hold his attention for a short while. Charlie loves to play with a balled up piece of ordinary brown packing tape. I have to roll it around on the rug a few times so that it's not too sticky, but he likes those things better than the foil balls.
    Go figure.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    MA, USA
    I have one of those plastic kids balls about 9" in diameter. Zezu won't play with it on his own, but when I throw it he chases after it and tries to capture it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Monroe, Louisiana, USA
    I've set Boogie up a play room now! I made him an alluminum foil ball, a cat stuffed animal on a string, and I put some blankets and a paper bag out too.
    Thanks for the advice!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Hollywood,CA, USA
    I bought my cat a stuffed mouse on a string with a bell on it. She tore the stuffed mouse off the string and now enjoys the bell on the end of the string especially if I hold it up and let it fly around her head. She dives for it and swats its back - usually into my eye!
    She prefers the cords hanging off the blinds on the windows and loves any pens lying around on my desk. They end up under the couch never to be seen until I do another clean up. She likes fluffly looking mice too. I don't know why.

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