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Thread: -sigh- Horrible night...(vent)

  1. #1

    -sigh- Horrible night...(vent)

    Man. What a night. Sorry for whining but I need to get it off my chest. Whining is a lot of fun, you know. lol kidding.

    It started out fine. I was suppose to go away this weekend but couldn't cause my mom is sick. A little disappointed, but what can you do. I had to go into work tonight, which was fine. It was my last friday night because trivia was ending (I work in a bar as a waitress) My mom was also working because she needs to because of how busy it is.

    I get in, and it was pretty full. Usually it only gets busy around 7 or so, but there were a lot from when I started. Anyway, soon enough it was PACKED. I mean you couldn't stop for 1 second, and even then you were rushed to get everything done. (there are 3 people on for the place) So anyway, we're all running maddly off our feet, when my 10 yr old niece calls looking for me. She was crying so I asked whats wrong. Her mom and her boyfriend were fighting (they've been at it a lot lately I guess) and it REALLY scares her. I told her I'd go get her, but it was hard because of how busy we were.

    I get out there, and shes standing with a lady from the store. I guess she didn't want to be with them when they were fighting so she went there. I couldn't even FIND them so I left a note and took her to my moms work. I put her in one of the rooms (it's also a hotel) and let her watch TV until I was finished. Anyway, her mom came to get her but she really didn't want to go, and my mom said she was staying with us tonight. I told her she CAN'T fight infront of her kids. She said she knows, so I hope she stops doing it

    So I'm finished up my stuff, and this guy is falling asleep. actually I think he was asleep. The other staff member told his friends he had to go. Then he threw up everywhere..... Eewww. I served him when they first came in. I only gave them like 3-4 beers and he was fine then. I have no idea why the other girl served him to that point. Overserving I guess it's called.

    That's about it..but it was so crazy. Sorry for the long whine

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!

    I feel your pain...Venting does help though doesn't it?

    Happy thoughts being sent your way!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Southern California
    Poor wifey.

    I'm really sorry you had such a bad day... I hope tomorrow is better for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle TN, United States
    I hope you have a better day tomorrow! I'm sorry your day was so awful.


    Thank You, kittycats_delight for my new siggy!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sorry about that! I had a horrible day too! Lets both try to have a good one tomorrow!

    -thank you Poppy for the avatar.

    R.I.P. Hanson. You will never be forgotten, and we await the day to see you once again. The imprint you left on my heart will never fade - your big beautiful brown eyes, your big soggy kisses...

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