Here is my pointless thread for the day XD Not sure if it should be in the dog house...I don't really do there to know what types go in there? I can delete it though haha..anyway.

I suppose this is a mini vent. My mom is the food and beverage manager in a bar at a hotel. The hotel she works for is insane. They get mad at her for working extra hours (yet she can't hire a bunch of people incase she has no one else to work) There are a ton of other problems the place has and major cuts they're making (in the wrong places might I add)

Anyway, seems my mom has had a bunch of people in the last while who just 'quit' on her. No 2 weeks. Just stop that day or don't show up. This one girl knew she was going to be fired, so she put her 2 weeks notice in and never came back. (ie, after the say she put the notice in, not after working 2 weeks) And she just hired another person to take her place, when her other (only other full time employee) quits too. But she had a doctors note saying she had to stop so it's not really her fault. (Might I add my moms doctor also told her she shouldn't be working right now? She can't afford to be on unemployment because she makes a lot of her money in tips) Plus my sister who use to work there, but had to leave for reasons.

So once again, she is stuck with these shifts. Right now there are only 2 people (my mom and this newish person) working for a place which is open from 11am - 2-3am monday-saturday. That's not right if you ask me but anyway. Luckily, this newish girl offered to take most of the other persons shifts until mom hires some more people. So right now, my mom's hard day is Fridays. She goes into work from 10am-3am. Yup. That's one long shift. Fridays are just so busy you need 3 people on. I help out on Fridays however cause the newish girl works a lot of other shifts I guess. Anyway, she has to work tomorrow morning now as well after just working all that tonight. It was EXTREMELY busy tonight too. Fridays are the busy days, and it's the one she needs to work a double on.

Ok, I suppose that isn't that bad compared to the summer. Thats when the girl was suppose to give 2 weeks but didn't quit. As well as my sister for her reasons. I was working in the dining room which my mom was also managing. So it got to the point that after she closed the dining room for the winter, head office decides it should be open for a while. So yeah, she gets those shifts, plus the bar. So that's getting up at 6am and working till 4 am some days. Only then she did it ALL the time. She was soooo stressed out. She did hire new people, but you need to train them and stuff, and because her other people just left, it's not like she could train sometime in their 2 weeks.

I feel so bad for her. She isn't the youngest person (she'd kill me for saying that. She'd says 'Audrey! You're suppose to say I'm like 27' Yeah, my sister is 29 she gets so worked up sometimes though, I hate to see her like that. The management don't care about their staff either, they just hassel her for working too many hours. Yet if she didn't work them she'd be fired.

Anyway this is turning out to be REALLY a lot longer then I wanted Anyone else is something similar? I don't know how she does it to be honest. She tells me 'imagen if you were me' and I tell her 'imagen if you were me being you' lol I'd be dead.