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Thread: Riley

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    State College, PA


    I don't know what to think about my Riley.
    For those who don't know, he is a lab mix of some sort, he weighs around 40 pounds, and is a little over a year old. He's been with us for almost a year. He is also neutered.

    He poops at least 5 times a day--at least, sometimes more. Typical day for him--8am--wake up, poop; 10am--eat, then poop, 1pm--poop again, 6 pm--poop, 8pm--eat, then poop, and one more time before bed, usually around 11pm or so--poop.

    I know this is not normal, but what on earth is the matter with him? He is due for his annual checkup this month, so I will talk to the vet about this, but what can I do for him. He must be miserable pooping all the time.

    He eats so fast--he's done eating before I even get the food dishes for the other 3 set down on the floor. He's been on probably 4 different foods during his life, and he is now eating Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's soul, which I know is a good food--and still pooping all the time.

    He's generally healthy otherwise, but what on earth could be wrong with him?
    I'm worried
    Emily, Kito, Abbey, Riley, and Jada

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wylie, Texas USA
    I don't know how abnormal it is, Emily. Chester poops 4-5 times a day. Normal consistancy (ew) and nothing weird about them. Millie usually goes about 3 times a day and I'm lucky to get Ankeo to even think about going once a day.

    I think they're sorta like people. Everybody's different. As long as everything's firm and normal, I wouldn't worry too much, but yeah, talk to the vet about it to rule out anything unhealthy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    When we first got Maci she was the same way. She would poop 7-8 times a day and it wasn't always normal consistancy I was worried about her too, but the vet said that all dogs are different so as long as she was otherwise healthy we'd just watch her for a while since she was still a pup. She stopped that after a month or two though. He also suggested changing the food but you've already tried that. I think taking her to the vet is the best bet. Let us know what you find out.


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