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Thread: Calling All Hammie Know-It-Alls!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Calling All Hammie Know-It-Alls!

    My dad is thinking about letting me get a hammie. So. I have a few questions.

    ~What do they usually eat?
    ~What kind of bedding? I've heard some certain kind is bad... cedar was it? Something like that.
    ~Should hamsters be together in pairs? Or alone?
    ~Any preference? Male or female?

    Anything else would be greatly appreciated. If anyone knows of some sites that have reliable info, that would be nice too. Thanks.


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  2. #2
    What do they usually eat?- You can Buy Hamster/Gerbil seed mix
    Should hamsters be together in pairs? Or alone? Alone or you'll end up with a dead hammie.
    ~Any preference? Male or female? I perfer males, because they seem so much more cuddly. But some think the males "testicles" may bother them. But any kind are great to have!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Ottawa ,Ontario, Canada
    Hammies are great pets! I love them! I don't think it really matters the gender much. I used to have a hamster named Fluffy. He was an albino. He was really sweet and cuddly! But in his later years one of his uhh jewels got bigger than the other one. But I still loved him. Anyways, hamsters are GREAT pets!

    ~*~Thanks Liana For The AWESOME sig!~*~



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    What do they usually eat?
    ~What kind of bedding? I've heard some certain kind is bad... cedar was it? Something like that.
    ~Should hamsters be together in pairs? Or alone?
    ~Any preference? Male or female?
    I have had hammies all my life and know quite a bit about them.
    First off i would suggest getting a Syrian hamster, they are more common then dwarf hamsters.
    Use aspen bedding, or careFresh, or even yesterdays news cat litter for bedding.

    Feed your hamster a hamster seed mix found at the local pet store, containing nuts, grains, seeds ect, somtimes dryed fruits and limited amounts of veggies are good treats.

    Dwarf hamsters are social animals and live longer happier lives in PAIRS. Syrian hamsters will fight to the death they are solitary animals.

    I would suggest getting a MALE Syrian hamster, any type, short or long haired. they dont go into heat like female *female give off a distinked smell when they go into heat*.

    Caging: i suggest using a ten gallon tank for one syrian hamster or two dwarf hamsters. make sure there is a lid.

    WHEELS: make sure you dont get a wire wheel and if you do make sure you fit it to be safe with cardboard.. i have some pics:

    Hamster wheels without proper protection can lead to broken limbs

    I suggest using a water bottle, NOT a bowl because the hamster will tip and stuff bedding int he bowl, or even worse use it as a litter box.

    please pm me if you have any questions at all ok

    I would like you to visit this site it is very informative and has a great forum ..

    good luck with the hammie
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Jose, CA
    ~What do they usually eat? Lab blocks are the best staple diet IMO, the seed mixes can make some hamsters overweight, and they pick out their favorite bits of the mix and therefore don't get a balanced diet. Also, steer cleear of any food made by Kaytee, as there is some speculation that their foods MAY have a cancer-causing agent in them. (Due to their use of the preservative Ethoxyquin)

    ~What kind of bedding? I've heard some certain kind is bad... cedar was it? Something like that. Cedar and Pine shavings both contain toxic oils called phenols which may cause respiratory infections or long-term lung damage.

    ~Should hamsters be together in pairs? Or alone? It depends on the type. Dwarves are happier in pairs, while Syrian (or teddy-bear if you'd rather) are solitary.

    ~Any preference? Male or female? Personally, male syrians. Female syrian hamsters have a certain smell to them, that is not strong but is very unpleasant, at least to me. I personally don't care for dwarf hamsters. I've met a few nice ones, and they're all very cute, but in my experience if any animal is going to bite you it will be a dwarf and it fragging HURTS!

    Good luck with your future hammy!

    Thank you Wolf_Q!

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