This is Cael, he is 3 months old, and my newest little 2nd cousin!!

This is Ethan, he is about 8 months old, I think - he's a cute kid! He loves to smile.

Me, Aaron (4 years old), and Tyler, my brother..

This is a cute picture - I was holding Ethan, and mom was about to take the picture, and Aaron ran behind me and he stood there like that! He was like "Oh I want to be in it!" He absolutely LOVES being the center of attention and having his pictures taken!

This is from last year.. Aaron was 3..

I love Aaron, he's so adorable! He kept holding my hand and he kept sitting next to me, or he kept inviting me to sit next to him.. he would keep ramming into me for hugs. (LOL) He got in trouble with my Nana, over nothing, and it was stupid. He started crying, and he went to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch and we sat down and he just put his head on my chest, and wapped his arms around my arms.. Ohh.. I told him to forget what Nana said! Another cute thing, he kept showing off his green vest.. it was cute.. he'd flash them and go "Look at me! Don't I look good?!"

At a Christmas party, my dad had a cell phone, and he was playing with a boy named Michael.. he has downs.. He'd tell him that he'd be talking to Santa, and Michael would tell him to keep talking, it was cute.. Aaron came up to dad and he got excited and he WANTED to talk to Santa.. and dad was like "Oh hold on.. " and he kept talking to "Santa" and he hung up.. and he told Aaron that "Santa" had to go feed his reindeer, and Aaron got upset! He said "Oohhhh man!! I wanted to talk to him!! GET HIM BACK ON THE PHONE!!" and he started crying a little bit.. I was watching the whole thing and I thought "Man, the joys of being a little kid.. wish I was a kid again!" :P

Man! I only get to see those three cute boys ONCE A YEAR, and that's at CHRISTMAS! This sucks! I'm gonna ask my aunt to send me pics of the kids once in a while..