Remember in October when I surprised Mike with his old military friend from the military? Well I received a thank you card and a disk with pictures from Kenneth today. I just thought I'd share a few...

This is Mike, Myself, and Ken at my parent's house. We all look a little worn because it's the morning after the party. We didn't get much sleep. It was kind of funny because no guys that we know really wear shirts like what Ken was wearing. We were making fun of him for it and he was like "No, this is cool!" Then he walked into the living room and my 6 year old son goes "What are you wearing a girl shirt for?!" We were laughing so hard. Ken thought we'd put him up to it, but he thought it up on his own.

I snuck and told the Hooters girls that it was Mike's birthday in San Fransisco. He looks happy in the picture, but boy was he mad at me!

Ken just insisted on posing with this bum:

And Ken just insisted on us taking a picture of him in this:

Last but not least, for those of you that haven't been here. There is a really cool scenic place on the other side of the Golden Gate. I don't know what it is called, but a long time ago, it was like a military camp. They'd live up there with their cannons waiting for ships to pass. It was before the bridge was built. We hiked up there and got some cool pictures.