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Thread: A sotry I'm writeing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!

    A sotry I'm writeing

    I know, I know everyone else is writeing these stories, but I thought I would post mine and add to it!

    I'm deceding between the names Trapped and All Alone, I think I'm gonna go with Trapped because she is trapped in her body and at her age she can't so anything she wants to. So she is trapped.

    Ok, well I have the introduction done and Chapter one (Chapter 1. Dont' seem to flow right to me so I will be doign some modifiying on it) None of the chapters are to long, which isn't a good think. I might try and make them longer. I'm not sure yet though.

    BTW: This is story is based on a true story. We'll see if you can figure out who it is about! (it's not hard once you get to Chap 3)

    I made it fairly easy for you. If you rember what Chapter you were on all you will have to do is scroll around looking at the large red bold letters and it will tell you where the next chapter is!

    Tell me what you think!!!


    The music in the doctors office was beginning to bug her as she waited for the nurse to call her name. She hated going to the doctor because it meant that someone would have documented proof she was fat. All other moments in life she could hide behind her smile and personality, but as soon as her name was called and she was led behind that door she would be weighed and it would be documented. The last time she had weighed her self was 6 months ago. When she stepped on the scale and saw the pointer raise to 230 pounds she began to cry. Why couldn’t she be skinny like everyone else? Why can’t she just be

    “Rebekah the Doctor is Waiting”
    Last edited by Aspen and Misty; 11-16-2003 at 01:35 AM.
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Chapter One

    “Mom, do I have to go? Those dances are so lame!” She calls after her mother who stepped into a dress shop. “No Daughter of mine is going to be missing her first dance” She says as she pushes the hair out of her face. “But mom.” she began to protest but knew there was no hope when her mother grabbed a dark blue dress and twirled around “Perfect” she said. Becca loved the dress and loved the way the fabric swayed back and forth while she walked. She really wanted to go to the dance but out in public she knew people looked at her and whispered to each other about her weight. She slipped the dress off and told her mother she loved it. As they walked up to the counter one of her best friends, Brittany, came in to the store and instantly spotted her. “Becca” she said “I didn’t think you were going to the dance I’m so glad you changed your mind!” and she hugged her. “Yea, me to.” Becca said to her. Brittany knew that Becca wasn’t thrilled about going and was probably only going because her mom made her. Brittany and Becca’s mom got along perfectly and began chatting about hair, make up and clothes. Becca sometimes wondered if they were switched at birth. Becca could tell Brittany’s mom anything. She always talked to her about animals, boys and her feelings. But, whenever she tried to talk her mom she didn’t understand. Her mom was 5’ 7” With short Brown curly hair and about 120 pounds. She didn’t seem to understand the concept of what Becca was going through or the hints Becca would drop about how being over weight made her really un happy. Becca never liked to come right out and say things so you had to read between the lines, but most people didn’t and it left Becca feeling really alone.
    Last edited by Aspen and Misty; 11-16-2003 at 01:32 AM.
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    edmonds, wa
    it's really good so far! keep it comin! i didn't even know there were so many great writers on PT...i'm jealous

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    I was waiting for someone to reply I'm already on chapter 4 and it's only 2:30 AM here. I can't help but write!

    Chapter 2

    Her alarm clock went off way to early it seemed. Becca opened her eyes and hit the sleep button. “Just ten more minutes” she said in a groggy voice. She rolled over and covered her head with the blankets. In what seemed like only seconds her alarm clock went off again and Becca knew she wasn’t going to win. She rolled out of bed and let her dogs out and yelled to her dad to let them go outside. Her parents had split up just last year and she now lived with her dad and older brother. Even though she was happy with her new life, and wouldn’t ever go back to her old one, she always felt like something was missing.

    The warm water of her morning shower woke her up instantly. She dried off, got dressed and did her hair. She went into her room and looked at the clock which read seven thirty, she was going to be late! She hurriedly put all her books in her back pack, threw on her shoes and slipped into her coat. It was beginning to get cold here and even snowed a few times. She hated the warm weather and was happy fro a final relief from it. She walked out to the van, climbed in and aloud the warmth to in brace her.

    She walked into the cafeteria where the school held them before home room started. When she walked in she began searching for her friends and spotted Lilly and Stacie in the middle of the room talking with some of the eighth graders. She attended a small private school which only had about one hundred students total in it. She loved the smallness of it and the personal attention she got from the teachers. Before Becca could reach her friends though, the bell rang and she walked up stairs to home room. The whole ninth grade were in the same home room and classes through out the days. She loved not having to worry about weather she was in the same classes as her friends or not.

    When Becca sat down Stacie began to talk about the love of her life, a guy named Jake. They had dated off and on for the past year. It always seemed like they just broke up and then the next minute they went to the movies and made out. Her love life is impossible to follow. He brakes her heart over and over again, I’ve tried to help her see it, I’ve tried to help her snap out of love, but like the saying says “You can’t help who you love, your not supposed to” and that describes Stacie and Jake perfectly. Lilly was talking to there other friends Kerstin and Jilly about basket ball, there favorite past time. I swear they could talk about basket ball for hours if given the chance. I have to admit, they were a funny group. Kerstin dressed in wind pants, sweat shirt and her hair up almost every day, Jilly was a little bit more girly with her hair done nicely and a little girly outfit on while Lilly was a all out girly girl with necklace, rings and eye shadow to complete her outfit red pants and black shirt.

    Just as Stacie got to the part where Jake and her exchanged looks in the hall way and how she now thought they were going to get back together because of it the bell rang and we all went to our cubbies to get our books. Math class was boreing as usual so Becca day dreamed about another life. A life where she was a tall skinny blond who married a handsome husband and had lots of money, but like most other days her daydream was interrupted by the teacher saying “Becca, what is eight divided by four plus six minus ten?” Becca had always been bad in a math and stumbled on her words. She looked for her friend for help when Lilly shouted out “Negative two!” the teacher then replied “I asked Becca not you Lilly, Becca, what is the answer?” Becca laughed and replied “I’m not sure, is it negative two?” the rolling of the teachers eyes and the way she turned around Becca knew the teacher didn’t think it was as funny as Becca thought it was. Lilly instantly turned around and flashed Becca her biggest smile, Becca knew once again, her friend had dug her out of her own whole.
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Chapter 3

    When she arrived home that night there was a message on the answering machine from Stacie, she sounded up-set. Becca searched for a phone quickly and dialed Stacie’s number. When Stacie said “Hello” Becca knew something was seriously wrong. “What’s wrong?” Becca asked “He’s not interested in me any more.” Stacie sobbed on the other end of the line. “Ohh Stacie, I’m so sorry!” Becca knew that Stacie’s heart had been broken yet again by him. She knew words couldn’t heal the pain that Stacie was feeling in this moment but they were all she had “Stacie, he isn’t good enough for you. He doesn’t know what he is loosing. You are the best thing in the world and any guy would be lucky to have you.” Becca felt like her words meant little to nothing to Stacie and sat on the phone saying nothing for 5 minutes until Stacie finally spoke and told her she needed some time to be alone. “If you need to talk call me.” but Becca wasn’t sure if she heard her. Becca had made up her mind months ago that men were just trouble and that she wouldn’t bother with them. She didn’t want to have to go through the heartache Stacie felt every time she was rejected by Jake. The only man she could ever love would be one of her animals. Which reminded her, she needed to clean the bunny and rats cage out.

    Trying not to get bit Becca opened the rat cage to three sets of beady eyes just waiting to come out and explore the world. Becca grabbed them one by one and gave them all kisses on and placed them in the carrying cage. She lugged the large three story ferret cage outside so she could hose it off. She loved washing the cages as it gave her a reason to be outside and it gave her something to do. After she came home from school her evenings were pretty much filled with computer activities and TV. She longed for a more active and exiting life. She rarely went out with friends and she didn’t really even really go outside much except on her daily walks right after school with the dogs. She thought that maybe going to a public school would change her un-active life, but deep down inside she knew it wouldn’t.
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!

    Should I stop writeing it? i don't want to keep posting if no one is reading it
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    columbus, ohio, usa
    i'm reading it, keep going......
    joyce who has princess peanut, spokesdog for the catpack, mojo, magic, kira and squirty, members of the catpack, angel duke, a good dog who is missed and angel alex the wonder dog, handsome prince.

  8. #8
    keep it comin!! Its GREAT!!!

  9. #9
    It's great Ash, keep it coming, I just saw the thread or I would have posted right away.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Ok, as long as you guys are reading. i don't want to keep blabing on and on and not have anyone reading it.

    Chapter 4

    The week seemed to go by fast for Becca. She hadn’t minded school except during Thursday at lunch when she dropped her tin cane of mints and it made a loud crashing sound and all eyes were turned on her. She was so embarrassed she thought her checks were going to turn as red as a stop sign. She quickly got on the floor trying to hide and began to pick up all the mints, she never brought them to school again.

    Weekends were pretty much the same from week to week. She dragged the rats cage and the bunnies cages outside and cleaned them off. She also drug out the three litter boxes of the bunnies and any washable toys. The cloth toys she would throw in the washer and the other toys were set outside to air off. She then cleaned the bunnies room, or the spare bedroom as her father called it, and then cleaned her bed room and the bathroom in which Jaxom, her mini-rex had taken over. She hoped to have Jaxom and Julian, her Holland lop, bonded before Thanksgiving, but with just two weeks till the Holladay and Jaxom needing those two weeks to heal after his neuter she knew her dream wasn’t going to come true. She hoped that one day they would be bonded and able to live together in peace. That way she would only have to clean her bed room and the bathroom. At the moment it took her close to 6 hours to clean up all the cages and rooms, but she didn’t mind because her animals gave her back more love then she could ever dream of.
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  11. #11
    Keep writing! It's really good.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    columbus, ohio, usa
    ...and then what.....
    joyce who has princess peanut, spokesdog for the catpack, mojo, magic, kira and squirty, members of the catpack, angel duke, a good dog who is missed and angel alex the wonder dog, handsome prince.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    edmonds, wa
    keep it coming!!


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