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Thread: joint clicking

  1. #1

    joint clicking

    I have a 9 month old bichon. For the last month I've noticed a clicking in one of his legs (back) when he walks. He's been in no pain and is very active. This morning he suddenly had a difficult time walking and started crying and holding that one leg up. Soon after that he was fine and running around again. I'll be bringing him to the vet next week. Does anyone know if bichons have leg/joint problems???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    This sounds awfully like a case of patella luxation. This is when the knee cap moves out of the little groove it usually runs in and then pops back in. It is also called patella dislocation. An operation to deepen the groove may be needed and is very succesful if this is the problem. This can be hereditary in nature so the dog should not be used for breeding. Let us know what the vet says.

  3. #3
    Originally posted by carrie:
    This sounds awfully like a case of patella luxation. This is when the knee cap moves out of the little groove it usually runs in and then pops back in. It is also called patella dislocation. An operation to deepen the groove may be needed and is very succesful if this is the problem. This can be hereditary in nature so the dog should not be used for breeding. Let us know what the vet says.
    Thanks for your response. I'll let you know what happens.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Carrie... one of my toy poodles had that. I didn't respond to the initial question because I had forgotten the exact terminology of the ailment. It happened once when my dog was jumping up excitedly by the front door. Then he started crying and wouldn't put his leg down on the floor. Eventually he was OK. We mentioned it to the vet at his next routine visit. He explained how I could actually slide it back in place, should it ever happen again. Fortunately it did not!! I guess it was not a severe case with him. He also advised me also to not use him for breeding because of it being an inherited trait.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Yeah, this is a tricky thing. It can happen once in an extreme situation in any dog, say jumping for a frisby and landing a little off. Small dogs are much more prone to it and when it starts happening in normal excersise situations that is the time to worry about it. If it happens during walking, trotting or normal running more than once then you have to get vet to advise. I really believe it is a condition that has been vastly overlooked - like you say, you can pop back yourself - and I think your vet deserves a big thank you for giving you a breeding warning. It has been overlooked as a minor thing for far too long!
    We have the video clip shows on TV, I'm sure the whole world does, and a favourite is the dog that pees as it stands on it's front legs....seen it? These dogs have severe patella luxation and are not being funny..sorry...just makes me mad!!!

    It's a serious problem in small breeds, as if they didn't have enough, but has been sadly overlooked. Now, in this country, at least, correction is seen as common surgery - I think this is really, really sad as there is no real need for it.

    Pam,I'm so glad your dog is not too badly affected and well done you for spotting the signs of something wrong.
    Donnab, please let us know what the vet says - there are lots of other things it could be, so don't let me get you down. Even if it is patella luxation that does not mean the end of the world, Honest. Anyway, let us know!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Carrie, he (Pumpkin) is not with us any more, but I am happy to say that he did live to the ripe old age of 17!!!! He had cataracts in his later years and at the very end became deaf, but his little knee caps were just fine! I currently only have two cats, but still enjoy reading the Dog Forum because I have had dogs all of my life (the last 4 were poodles.....all 3 sizes!). Maybe some day another doggie..........????

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