Well, I don't think I even mentioned this before, but about 3 weeks ago, I noticed that Lilly was losing a tremendous amount of hair on her back, way more than is customary at this time of year. I watched it for several days, brushed her lots, and more and more hair fell out. Then it started falling out of her tail. So I took her into the vet, thinking that it was probably more of the seasonal allergy symptoms, since she had been broken out on her belly, and had lost most of the hair there.

Dr. Robinson put her on a course of prednisone for the itching, plus gave her an injection. But he said there was something unusual about so much hair falling out....she's almost bald on her back, not even as much hair as a Lab. Plus, there was some flaking, almost like dandruff. He said he wanted to grow a culture and that it would take seven day, but wanted to be sure it wasn't a fungus of some sort.

You can tell by my title, it is a fungus of somesort....I'm not even going to attempt to give you a name, although he did give me one. I saw what grew in that little vile.....it looked like mold!!! Now she is being treated twice a day with a big pill...which she doesn't mind, since she gets some cheese. He will test her again in two weeks, and perhaps run her though one more course of medication, just to make sure it is completely gone.

Poor baby, her front end looks just fine, but from her waist back is pretty pitiful. Dr. Robinson says the chances of Honey, or one of us contracting it is very slim, thank goodness. We have no idea where she picked it up, but I'm wondering if she could have picked it up at the beach since this started about a week after we were there. No telling......

Anyway, we'll keep you posted on how our little fungus girl is doing. She acts like she feels fine. Dr. Robinson says for sure that the next wing of his hospital will be named for me and my gang, since we go there so much!!