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Thread: Parents

  1. #1


    I thought I'd start a thread for us to share stuff about our wonderful parents I see a few threads about ppl having problems with their mom or dad, so I though why not have a cheerful one too?

    I wanted to start off by thanking my mom for being so strong. She, for the last how many years, has been managing the bar at a hotel. She does a very excellent job, and I truely believe she is one of the only reasons that place stays together. No one there does their job right. Honestly, they don't seem to care about anyone but themselves! (you'd have to know them to know what I mean. The kitchen manager doesn't do anything really, the front desk is crazy, the rooms are never cleaned right..) The manager of the place seems to rather have ppl like him then to tell them to smarten up or get out. My mom does so much for the place. This year, she decided to take on managing the dining room as well, which I'll tell you was a big mistake. She works her butt off downstairs, now she has upstairs as well.
    Her staff. Shirley, had to have on the moment surgery. Shes was out. Nothing that could be done, but thats ok. Nelly, off to school, fine cause she gave 2 weeks notice. Now this is what gets me, Rachel, just stopped showing up for work. Assuming she doesn't get paid enough (or so she told me. She gets 20 bucks at her hospital job per hour) So that leaves me and Tara. Tara who also is starting downstairs because my sister also have her 2 weeks and is done now. So..there isn't enough ppl, and she can't just hire someone for a few weeks till it closes. So guess what? She has to do it. Just this week, shes worked Monday from 6am-6pm tues 6am-12pm 4pm-2(or 3)am wed, 6 am-12, 4-2. Thurday, 6-6pm. Friday & sat the same. Sunday she just has to work morning. Seriously, she has NO room on her time card its that full. She's very tired. I'm doing my best to work as much as I can so she won't have to, but fact is, I can't handle it alone I don't even know how I'll manage because this is killing ME, I can't imagen how she is. She is the only reason I'm still there.
    Even with this. Ppl don't seem to understand how much she means to the place. I bet how much money the place would fall apart without her. On top of that, the front desk, and others, spread all this crap about her because they don't like her telling them the truth about stuff (can't really explain what I mean in typing) It really annoys me. I think she deserves to have a management job there. She already helps the kitchen, does the dining room and bar. All there is is front desk and the fact she doesn't have a lot of schooling after high school. I know she'd do an excellent job running it with how many yrs shes been there (over 20) I just wanted to thank my mom for being so great to everyone, taking the time to help with anything even though she doesn't have to. She's always willing to give up her own time to do whats needed (even though she doesn't want to sometimes ) I love my mom I don't know how she does it though.

    Well that was Kinda a vent..?

    My dad. God, I must annoy him SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. Every 5 mins I'm like "Dad..whats this you know what that is?" When I was in school and had homework I didn't understand, he'd always help me no matter what he was doing or when it was. Trust me, I needed a lot of help through the years. He also is such a hard worker. He currently runs his own business, and always gets his work done. He never is in one of those -oh, I dont want to do it today!- moods (seeing he has no one to fire him if he messes up). He knows what he needs to get done and always does. I'm pretty sure to a degree that the reason he works so hard is for me and my brother. He told me he'd be living in an apartment if it wasn't for us. I can't even get into the amount of stuff he does for us. Me and my brother grew up with him. My mom would could to visit everyday when we were little, but I think he did a good job. I never think its easy to raise 3 kids on your own. (my mom was around a lot but not all the time) He puts up with me and my bros crap when I don't know how he does sometimes He goesout of his way to make sure we understand the value of a dollar. I definitly couldn't have made it to where I am with out him (even though I'm not really anywhere..? lol) I don't think I could have done high school though. He always has good advice.

    Anyway, I'm blabbing. I don't think some of us truely understand what our parents do for us. I use to think I hated my dad. I remember I wanted a horse os bad when I was small. I told him I hated him cause I couldn't have one. I'll tell you know, no matter what he does now, I'll NEVER say the word 'hate' again. Ever. I can only imagen how hurtful that was for osmething he was doing for my own good. Its such a harsh word.

    Lets hear why your parents mean so much to you

    (sorry if this thread is stupid..seems like a great idea to me though)

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    My parents are always there for me, no matter what. They are overprotective and overbearing and annoying ... and I love them for it.

    My dad has helped me all through school with my homework. He would stay up til 2am with me helping me study for tests. He'd make me practice tests, review sheets, whatever I needed. He always took off work if I was sick. When he goes to buy us dinner, sometimes he'll go to 3 or more restaurants just to please everyone in the family so we all get what we want. He is always cheerful and happy. He loves my animals and helps me take care of them when he's in town. When Skylar's brother had to be rushed to the emergency room, my dad drove me and sat with me the whole night. When we got home, he set his alarm to go off every 45 minutes so he could come check on Skylar.

    My mom is who I go to when I need to talk. She supports me and keeps me in check. She won't hesitate to tell me if I make a stupid decision. Last Thursday, we met for dinner and then went shopping. I felt like I was out with a friend, not my mom. Last Sunday, we were watching a pathetically stupid show and laughing so hard, we were crying. When I start feeling down, my mom is usually the first person I call. She also takes excellent care of my animals. Several times lately, my dogs have gone to stay with her for a week at a time. She takes them on long walks and they just love her.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Oh Audrey. You know, sometimes we have to grow a little older and wiser before we realize how lucky we are to have our Moms and Dads; how much they've done for us and what they mean to us. Yours sound very special, indeed. You should be very proud of them and THEY should be very proud of you!! They raised a very wonderful daughter!

    Aly, your parents are just as I imagined them! Loving, caring, gentle people raising a child equally as kind, caring and compassionate!! Lucky ladies, both of you!!

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wylie, Texas USA
    My Daddy is my best friend, confidant, protector, # 1 fan, favorite teacher and a first class driving instructor. Really, he and I are sooooo much alike in too many ways. He’s an animal lover like me and will do anything for any animal. He’s always worked his butt off for our family and always shows compassion and understanding. He’s a great cook and has a fantastic sense of humor. He and I were always close (his nickname for me is Pal) and after my mother died and after I moved out we became the best of friends. He’s always there for me and I try to be there for him, too. After my divorce from my first husband, Daddy would listen to me complain and let me cry on his shoulder. He really helped me through that better than any of my girl friends. I love to hear his stories about when he was a kid and all about his family when they were all young, I find it fascinating. I find him fascinating.

    My mother was a truly special person. I grew up in a fairly small town and my mother owned a café there. Everywhere we went she saw someone she knew. She always remembered everyone’s name and never met a stranger. She was a bright, happy, cheerful woman, who I never saw cry or even get too very angry. She would give a stranger the last dollar she had, if they needed it. I remember once when we were hurting financially for several months and my Mom found 5 $20.00 bills on the ground outside of the drugstore. She was upset for a week about it. She kept thinking that maybe it was that persons last $100.00 and that they needed it to but their medication (since she found it outside of a pharmacy), even though we desperately needed it, she refused to spend it for almost a month. She put an ad in the paper, but no one ever claimed it. I still miss her so.

    Basically, I had/have the best parents anyone could ask for. They taught me so many good things that I carry within me today.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Southern California
    I love my Daddy. He works his butt off to keep my family going, and to have all the wonderful things we have. He's a big animal lover, like me and shows compassion to any and all animals. He had hard teenage years (he was on his own at 16, and his father left his mother and his 2 brothers) and never wants me to go through that. He can't say No to anything (it makes him feel bad if he does) which isn't always a good thing; but what can I say? Hes a big softie. I can tell him anything, whether its school, or just to vent about something. He's always there for me.

    My mother is a very special person. She came from a family of 6 and had a strict life growing up. But, she doesn't show that same strictness to my sister and I. Shes a fun person to be around, and always likes having a good time. She's always there if you need cheering up, or a shoulder to cry on.

    I'm thankful I have such loving, caring parents. Without them, I wouldn't be the person I would be today. Even though I may get on their nerves sometimes, I love them with all my heart. They have taught me things I will carry and treasure for the rest of my life.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    35° 3' N 106° 37' W
    Great thread. Though both my parents have passed, they did a great job raising us (no matter how much we complained) and always did what they thought was best.

    thanks again for the thread. It's nice to read.

    Only that which is the other gives us fully unto ourselves.
    -Sri Yogananda

    It's important to have an end to journey toward but it's the journey that matters in the end.
    -Ursula Leguin

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