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Thread: Our SPCA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    State College, PA

    Our SPCA

    The SPCA where I live is a sad place--I'm sure they are in a lot of areas, but this one is exceptionally bad.

    The man who runs it is a jerk, to put it lightly. He only does it for the money, and doesn't even like animals. It always seemed that way, but I was never sure, and yesterday my husband met his neice, and she said that is the truth. He absolutely hates his job, but won't leave, and needs the money. She won't even speak to him because of the horrible conditions.

    One thing she told us, is that whatever he uses to put the animals to sleep is very expensive. In an effort to save money, he doesn't always use enough, and the animals don't die right away. I think that is disgusting.

    I have wondered why he hasn't been relieved of his position, but his neice says he isn't doing anything "illegal enough" to get in trouble. When I called out there a few weeks ago to ask them if they had their pets on petfinder, the guy just said "NO" and hung up.

    I know of quite a few animal lovers who would love to help out there, and could really do a much better job.

    I really want to report him, but I don't know exactly who to call.

    Also, I wanted to get any ideas for fundraising--I know some of you have dog walks in your towns, and other fun events--I would really love to get something together for our SPCA, to help them out a little bit.

    Thanks for listening.
    Emily, Kito, Abbey, Riley, and Jada

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Oh this is so sad! I can imagine how you must feel! I am wondering if there might be a way that you could be SURE that the funds that you might raise go directly to help the animals and that this disgusting man might not be able to get his hands on it. Please keep us updated on what you can find out. I have no suggestions on what to do but just wanted to let you know how badly this makes me feel.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Washington, DC USA
    One of the first things that you should do is find out how the SPCA is funded. If it is funded by tax dollars (either state or local), then you are eligible to raise issues with the officials. These are your elected officials and if there are enough people who get upset about the conditions (e.g. reading about it in the paper) then you might be able to get the officials to do something about it.

    Since you are based in State College there is likely a PETA or some other animal rights group active at Penn State. Get in touch with them and they might have some ideas for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    That's horrid -you should have a Mayor's action committee phone number-we do here and wow did they ever clean up the Humane Society-the lady who was running it got fired because she was using the shelter's credit cards as her own!! If not a Mayor's phone # try a tv station-they usually have a consumer or call for help something!! Good luck!
    Artists and dogs are not meant to be understood;merely adored!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    I agree with Pam.
    This man is DISGUSTING!
    Even he must be accountable to
    someone who is higher up in the SPCA
    headquarters I would think or
    even a government agency that
    investigates cruelty to animal charges.
    Please keep us posted.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    State College PA

    I did some checking

    I had a vet appt yesterday afternoon and while I was there I asked my vet what she thought about improving our SPCA. She too agreed that getting rid of that evil man is the first step. This vet clinic has had numerous dealings with him and none of them have been pleasent. They have some workers there that have volunteered at the SPCA and had to leave because of conditions. She told me that what she has heard about his euthanasia is that he doesn't use the shot intravenously but rather gives it to them in the stomach. This method takes them longer to pass. I told her that what we are going to need is written, confirmable stories not hearsay. We also need to get the public behind this. Anyway. PM me when you get a chance. The clinic I use is behind this effort 100%.


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