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Thread: Does Anybody Know Anything About Dogs Having Fits?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Does Anybody Know Anything About Dogs Having Fits?

    I think one of my dogs may be having fits about 6 months ago he had what I would think was a fit his whole body went stiff and he was foaming and being sick from the mouth and a also pooed himself this went on for about 5 minutes.Afterwards he was ok and I found a small chew near where he had started having the fit so I put it down to he could have been choking on the chew.But this morning he did it again his whole body going stiff and foaming and being sick and this time he wee'ed himself.I haven't taken him to the vets yet as there is no way I could move him while he is like that and he would have come out of it by the time I got him there.Does anybody know if the vet can do any tests to see if these are fits that he is having and roughly how much these tests would cost?thankyou I would be glad of any advise.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Dogs can have Epilepsy, and with the right medicine, just like in people, can live long and normal lives with it.

    It does sounds like seizures, I don't know how much the tests cost, but write down everything for your vet - what were the circumstaces when it happened, (did he eat something right before it, etc.) how long it was in duration, and what happened.

    There are people here who have or have had dogs with Epilepsy here, some of them may chime in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    It sounds like it could be siezures to me.

    Regardless of the cost, please take her to the vet and get her checked out.

    Some things that help with seizures, are to just be really calm if she's having one. Stroke her, and pour water over her muzzle with your hand and let her focus on drinking it and licking it off your hand.
    I've been BOO'd!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    I had a miniature poodle who had seizures. They started abruptly and the first one occurred in my daughter's bed while they were sleeping together. Ashley (my poodle) started seizing and foaming at the mouth and her bladder emptied on the bed. Her seizures were closer together than your dog's. She had a seizure two nights in a row and we knew it was time to call the vet. He started her on Phenobarb, two pills a day. I gave her the morning one and hubby gave her the evening one. She never had another one, although we had to go periodically to have blood tests to check on the levels of the drug in her blood. She led a completely normal life and actually got into the routine of coming to us for her pills at the two specified times of the day and was a real sweetheart about it. She lived to be 14. Please let us know what you find out. By the way, the pills were very inexpensive but that has been quite some time ago.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    I have something else to add -- Oily, greasy foods seem to start up seizures. So avoid those. I'm not sure why...that's only what a vet said...
    I've been BOO'd!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    From what you describe it sounds like your dog had seizures. My last Giant Schnauzer had them frequently. She lived a happy healthy life despite having epilepsy. It's definitly a good idea to take your dog to the vet. He/she will probably suggest a blood test. In most cases the cause of the seizures is never found. Here are some links to help answer some of your questions...

    Stacey &
    Zoey ( Giant Schnauzer )

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    columbus, ohio, usa
    dear julie, both of my dogs have fits, both live happy lives. duke is 13, he has a very mild case, alex the wonder dog is 7, his case is harder to control. the web sites that stacy suggested are excellent and very very helpful. epilepsy is most often called 'idiopathic epilepsy'- meaning from unknown causes. it is a 'rule out' disease, meaning the vet diagnoses it after ruling out other causes; for example liver shunts, poisoning, brain tumors, thyroid disease. since duke is a rescue, i don't know much of his history, but i know alexs' he started having his fits at 13 months old, he has been on medicine, phenobarb and potassium bromide in varying amounts for the last 6 years. they both get regular blood work (this part is more pricey) and vet checks, the medicines themselves are dirt cheap. knowing what i know now, the first things i would do are get a full blood workup, chemistry screen, including a FULL thyroid panel and change the diet to a preserative free, chemical free diet. alexs' fits are triggered by chemical exposure, flea drops, paint chemicals, lawn chemicals, so i avoid exposing him to anything that might cause him a problem. after we go for our walks, i wash his paws, when i'm painting, he stays at his auntie kylas overnight, and i never use chemical cleaners in the house.
    also, during the seizure NEVER NEVER put your fingers or anything else in your dogs' mouth, he cannot swallow his tounge, but you can lose a finger by doing that ( i got a very bad bite-stupid me! and my own fault too). keep the lights dim, the area quiet and yourself calm. check the house for anything that he can injure himself on while he's doing the ahfterseizure pacing- open staircases, glass coffee tables, sharp edges on tables. try to stay calm, he's depending on you to help him. i know my stress has made it worse for alex, in the early days.
    if you'd like to chat more, please PM me. regards, joyce in columbus ohio
    joyce who has princess peanut, spokesdog for the catpack, mojo, magic, kira and squirty, members of the catpack, angel duke, a good dog who is missed and angel alex the wonder dog, handsome prince.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Buffalo, NY
    Originally posted by joycenalex
    knowing what i know now, the first things i would do are get a full blood workup, chemistry screen, including a FULL thyroid panel and change the diet to a preserative free, chemical free diet.
    Absolutely get a blood workup. I recommend it to all my friends that get dogs from shelters. My vet charges between $50 and $80 depending on the age of the dog, but it is well worth it for piece of mind and finding possible problems that are treatable if caught early.

    I am also a big believer in human grade pet food. Grocery store brands have way too much filler and preservatives.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca
    It sounds like your dog is having seizures. My dog Christy had them for years. Please take him to the vet. There is medication to make them a little better.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Columbus, OH

    seizures (Julie)

    Julie, I am wondering how ur pup is doing. Did u take him to the vet?
    My 3 year old mini schnauzer has frequent seizures, and it sure sounds like ur pup is having seizures.
    Everyone gave great advice. esp abt not getting ur hands near or putting ur fingers in the mouth. I do dim the lights when Tucker has a seizure and turn off the TV or other noises. I have rectal valium to give him if his seizure is more than 5 minutes.
    As someone said, write all info down abt the seizures (length, time of day, if any stress has occured and what exactly happens).
    Tucker goes to a neurologist at Ohio State Vet Hospital. I videotaped his seizures so the neuro could see exactly what was happening.
    i hope ur pup is doing well.
    Cindy in Columbus, Ohio

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