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Thread: I can't HANDLE IT!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Norwalk, Connecticut

    I can't HANDLE IT!

    Jeez, just when I though I was escaping my teacher, I thought wrong. I am really awful in math, and to make everything worse she gives us these things called problem of the weeks which she hands out each week which is a really hard problem that takes much longer than a week to do, which are almost impossible to do. She counts them as a test grade! Well, I handed in three out of ten of them. She called my parents and said I have to do them by Monday or fail and go to summerschool. I was always a good student until this year when they put me in her class. I literally feel like I am about to collapse under all of the pressure she puts on me. The finals, term papers, and just dealing with her...I can't handle it. I really can't! I never cried before but now I just go home and cry, my academics are horrible and I really truly try hard. School is important to me, and my parents are basically telling me I am failing them because my mom is a teacher and she feels like I am an embarassment to her. She goes around telling her collegues I am failing math.
    There is just too much pressure! Everyone is mad at me and my teacher hates me. She makes my life he!!. It's not fair the way she unfairly treats me, and then she blames me for failing because I never work (as if, I work my butt of to please everyone) and I talk to much (I do not. No, really...I don't.)
    What gets me really upset is she says I put no effort into my work, which is totally crazy because I do work very hard, and she shouldn't be the one to judge weather or not I am putting effort into my work, I should be the one to know.
    And my mom believe all of the crap she is telling her and she is always yelling at and so is my father. My friends, family, teachers...everyone.
    Fur Mommy to Chloe, Clara, Dozer, and Max!

    And mommy to my two little angels in heaven Scooter (1-07-04) and Dexter (1-13-04)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Washington, DC USA
    I am so sorry that you are having such a difficult time with math (and the math teacher). I can understand why you are feeling really pressured by everything, but remember you need to take a deep breath and count to ten before you do anything ...

    There are such things as "bad" teachers, over the years I have had more than a few of them. So I understand how they can effect you. Remember she is only your teacher for this year and next year you won't have her!!!

    Right now it sounds like your immediate problem is getting the problems done for Monday. Is there someone outside of the family that could help you with them? (in this situation I think a family member might make things worse for you)

    I know you probably don't want to read this but...Your other option is to take the "fail" and take summer school. I have taken a few summer school classes and have found them good. Sometimes it helps to have everything crammed into a really short period of time because you have to concentrate on it 24/7. Besides you already know the material so this would be more of a review than starting over from scratch.

    If you can talk with your mother try to explain to her that it really bothers you when she tells everyone that you are failing math.

    If you can't talk with your mother PLEASE talk with someone else, a school counseller or another adult that you trust.

    I can promise you one thing ... this will pass and life gets a whole lot better when you are out of high school!!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Wow.. I am so sorry for you. I really hope things get better. Maybe tell you teacher how hard they are for you and tell her how much junk you have on you right now. If she truly is a good teacher she would take this into consideration and maybe give you a break.

    Best Wishes,
    Meg and the Gang


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ok first.. take a deep breath and relax! Your feelings are very normal and I'm sure everyone finds themselves in similar positions at one point or another.

    My mom is also a teacher and my dad is very smart and very much into academics. I always felt a lot of pressure from them and thought I'd never please them. Even though I was making good grades, I still felt they'd be disappointed in me. But I found out that you just have to work hard and want to do good to PLEASE YOURSELF. Of course you should make your parents happy too.. but there's something to be said about being diligent and hard working because YOU want to be. I'm sure you're already hardworking but I think the stress and pressure is bringing you down. Just relax and try to get as many of those problems done this weekend as you can. If you work all weekend, then maybe you won't have to go to summer school.

    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    The only state in the USA that is allowed to fly its flag as high as the American flag...Texas.
    same thing here. always good student. then we get this newlywed just out of college who is my math teacher. she wasn't a good one at all! she would basically read the book, work out their practice problem and tell us to do the homework. then she would always grade every little thing. in sixth grade i had a wonderful teacher. thankfully, she is leaving to go help her husbands in ministry work.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    I feel ya.

    I got 91% in my last year's (grade 9) math. Now I'm in grade ten, and failing math...

    I got switched into three different math classes this year, and as if that wasn't hard enough, my teacher yells at me when I tell her I don't know the answer.

    Finals are next week, and so I made a study date with my last year's math teacher, she's just great

    Good luck!
    I've been BOO'd!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I understand how you feel.You should let your parents and teacher know that you are trying hard and need help.I get yelled at when i get bad grades too and it is very annoying because you dont want it to be rubbed in anymore.Once you get the help you need,math will be easier for you and your parents will be very proud of you and you'll feel better about yourself so get help as soon as possible.
    ~Your best friend doesn't have to be human~

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