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Thread: Dog names

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC

    Dog names

    I'm curious about how you all decided what to name your dogs. We always strive for something unique when we get a new animal in our household.
    Honey - so named because of her color as well as the fact that her mom was "Johnston's Brown Sugar". Couldn't name her Ginger because my sister had already named her beagle that one.
    Lilly - because one of my daughter's favorite characaters in a book when she was young was "Lilly" from Lilly and the Purple Plastic Purse.
    Mimi - don't know, but we liked it!
    Phoebe and Evelyn - our two female hamsters.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Wolfgang-my first GSD from German bloodlines who reminded me of a wolf.
    Avalanche-a Great Pyrenees (French mountain dog that is all white and huge) when she jumped up on you it was like an avalanche (French word) of snow.
    Killian-shelter dog, came with that name (I think his previous owners were Irish, he LOVED corned beef).
    Shiloh-shelter dog,came with that name.

    [This message has been edited by Sudilar (edited November 04, 2000).]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    All of my doggies are now in doggie heaven but I have had four.....all poodles. Peaches and Pumpkin were toy apricot poodles and got their name because of their coloring. Ashley was a silver miniature poodle and he name was also picked because of her silvery coat. Whitney, our black standard, was named after Whitney Houston. She was our "singer" and would put her head up and howl for her doggie biscuits.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    I am not very original when it comes to names.

    Current dogs:

    Sheba our female Akita is named in memory of our first GSD.
    Pepper our Norwich is named because
    her color as a pup looked like red/wheaton with pepper.
    Rocky our male Akita is named after my Uncle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    I couldn't name my dogs until I saw them and then said all the names I liked until I found one that fit each of them. Bailey (now deceased) - got the name from Bailey Quarters on WKRP in Cincinnati (TV show) and Tizzie (now deceased) - there was a restaurant in our town called Tizzie's which was the restaurant owner's nickname. Hannah fit her and she came from a town named Havanah, so she was Hannah from Havanah. Tucker was the name of a kid I knew as a child, and always felt it was a good dog's name.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Paddy came with the name when he was two years old. He was named because when he gets excited he pads his front feet.

  7. #7
    My dogs are named after hockey players: Barahona ( Ralph Barahona) and Blue ( John Blue) course Blue is a dapple, which looks like a blue merle, so that helped as well. I just thought Barahona was such an interesting sounding name! I also had a Yogi named after a hockey player ( Yaroslav Svekovsky nicknamed Yogi) but had to re-home him with a wonderful family when I left my first husband and moved into a city apartment ( Yogi was a husky mix).

    My rats are named by myself and my daughter: Patty, Bubbles, Strawberry and Banana( twins), Spot ( had a twin named Stripe we sold), Butterscotch ( color),and Drew after Drew Carey.

    I have always heard if you take in a dog and are unsure of its past it may be wise to re-name it so if they used his name harshly in the past it wont have negative associations for him. So when someone surrendered a dachshund to me at the vet I re-named him Jordan, a brand of hot dog.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    This is agreat! I love all the names.
    Keep them coming, I might finally
    have a more interesting name for my next furry child.

    Here Yogi Yogi Yogi.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Seattle, WA, USA
    The arrival of a new dog in our family used to be an opportunity for my dad to indulge his wackier creative self. He'd simply try to pick the oddest names he could, from which we could derive "normal" nicknames. Here are a couple examples:

    A poodle was named Maya Angelique ("Angie")
    A pom was named Rustacia Dustina Loueen ("Rusti", or sometimes, "Rusti-Dusti")
    Another pom that, sadly, only lived to be about two months old (just suddenly died--a mystery to this day) was named Gustavo something-or-other ("Gus")

    My dad has since calmed down, or perhaps my mother had had enough. Our Yorkie Sugar was named so because "she looks so sweet!" (ugh), and we named the Corgi Katie simply because it seemed to fit.

    [This message has been edited by Smilla (edited November 04, 2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Smilla (edited November 04, 2000).]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Hi, Doxiedoxie,
    My two rescued GSDs, Killian and Shiloh were abused, but we still kept their names. We never had a problem with calling them by their original names. Maybe because we call them with love in our voices!! They know that they are loved and have a forever home.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    I'm loving this!! Hannah from Havanah takes the cake!! I've mentioned on another section about a cat I rescued once. Someone had dropped her off at a seafood market in Holden Beach, NC. I stopped on my way home from vacation to stock up on shrimp and there she was. She had been riding on the shrimp boat all week with the guys who worked there, thus her name "Shrimp Boat". She's gone now, but the name was always a winner.

    Keep those names coming and thanks for participating!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    Red-(deceased) He was A red Doberman(creative ha)
    Felice- My GSD/Akita mix it means happy in spanish
    Zeus- Rotty/Border collie mix he seemed powerful so we named him after a god
    Hercules-Zeus's son Rotty/Border Collie/Aussie Mix named him that because it is Zeus's sons name in Greek Methology
    Nera-Our black cat It means black in Italian

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Oooh, oooh, I forgot to say that my two also have middle names. Hannah is Hannah Noel Johnson because we were saying "Hannah, No" so much I decided it should be part of her name. And Tucker is Tucker Love Johnson (you know, like Jennifer Love Hewitt). You all can figure how he got that one. Then there are the nick names. My other two had many more nick names than these, but Hannah is Hannah Banana or Banana Dog (she loves bananas too). When she is in one of her oppositional, stuborn moods I will call her "Snarla". Poor Tucker really doesn't have a nickname per se. My husband will call him Tucker Wucker but I HATE that. Makes him sound like a Teletubbie. It's not really a nickname but I like to tell him "You the Doggers". He likes that.

    [This message has been edited by RachelJ (edited November 04, 2000).]

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    AB, Canada
    Hey, I like this topic!
    I've had Kelsey (@Rainbow Bridge), a mostly black Lab(with some GSD). Kelsey means 'of the water' or something close to that. I wanted a water related name for a Lab.
    I now have Bailey, a chocolate Lab. Bailey, for Bailey's Irish Cream. She's a very dark chocolate color, I should have named her Oreo
    I also have Heidi, a black Lab, large for a female. (To me Heidi sounds like it should be a petite yellow Lab.) I had asked the breeder for a yellow Lab female, I had a really unique name all picked out. There was only 1 yellow, but 5 black females. The breeder kept the yellow one for herself, so I got a black one. But I had no idea what to name a black one. I ran a whole bunch of names past the whole family, and no one could agree to one of them. Finally, in desperation, I said,'How about Heidi?' 'Yes, we like that' everone said. I said 'Her name is Heidi, and we're not changing it!' ( had I known her registered name would be "The Dance", I would have named her Dancer, it would have suited her better )

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    We gave one of our very good Greyhounds the racing name Bandwagon.....'cause everyone jumped on it! (Betting wise!)

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