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Thread: Leaving Dog Outside During Day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Conway, AR

    Leaving Dog Outside During Day

    Hi all--I am new to this board. My hubby and I just got two 8 week black labs (sisters-Ezzie & Zoey-total cuties) and we would like to leave them outside (when they are older) while we are at work. We think they will just have a better time during the day. Do many of you leave your dogs outside during the day? How old do they need to be before they can be left outside all day? We have a large backyard, plenty of shade and the fences are secure all the way around.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    What part of the country do you live in? How hot/cold does it get? How large is the yard, would they have shelter in case bad weather came up?

    Do you live close enough to come home at lunch?

    Welcome to Pet Talk by the way, and congratulations on your new arrivals! Be prepared, people will beg for pictures! Two labbie babies at once, wow! Hide the shoes!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Conway, AR
    We live in Central Arkansas. We have a large backyard with ALOT of running and playing area. They have several areas for them to be in the shade, we are also putting up a shelter area for them. During bad weather we will keep them inside. We are planning on having them inside with us when we are home--they are not just going to be total outdoor dogs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    There will be some that disagree with me on my response. But here goes anyway.

    If you are certain that your yard is secure (they won't/can't dig out or jump over the fence), and they have a place to be protected (shade and cover), plus an ample supply of water and toys to keep them occupied, and most importantly, if you don't have concerns about someone stealing them or harassing them, then I would try it, even if you do it in short spurts for a while. But that's my opinion. I have two Golden Retrievers, who were puppies at the same time (5 months apart in age), and I did it. But they wore their collars, with proper vet and personal id, and I had them microchipped. We never had a problem, but you just never know. I knew they were happier outdoors than being gated in the kitchen (couldn't trust them with the whole house) or crated. Of course, on rainy days, I left them in. But I was lucky because I was able to come home almost every day for lunch, and when I couldn't, I had retired neighbors who kept an eye on them for me. My only other concern would be barking.....and they may not even do that. Obviously, if they are excessive barkers, you wouldn't want them disturbing the neighborhood all day while you are gone.

    One of my Goldens has grown up to be a couch potato and I have to literally beg her to go outside. The other one would rather be outside than anything else. But they do still spend a lot of time outside. I am fortunate that I can be their official door opener now because my office is in my home.

    Good luck, and congratulations on getting two beautiful Lab puppies at the same time! I think having two puppies is no harder than one, and they have each other for chew toys rather than you!! LOL!!! I'm envious, and I applaud you for asking questions about the pros and cons before you make your decision.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Conway, AR
    Oh yes, they will have their id tags and everything. My husband and our neighbors on each side have reinforced the bottom of the fence all the way around so they can't dig under it. Our neighbors on one side have 2 dogs and the neighbors on the other side have 2 dogs also. We have a very "dog friendly" neighborhood.

    This is not something we are planning to do right away-they are still too small. What age is appropriate?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    State College, PA
    Welcome to Pet Talk!!! I can't wait to see pictures of your labbies.
    I have a black lab pup, who I got about 6 weeks ago--he's around 18 weeks old.
    I agree with Logan--enough shade, good fence, large yard, no barking problems, and water for them--and they will probably love it out there.
    I don't know at what age you can start leaving them outside alone though.
    Emily, Kito, Abbey, Riley, and Jada

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Vancouver, BC
    I think that it would be fine leaving them til you get home (assuming everything is there..shade, water etc). Do you have any pics of your lab pups? we'd love to see them!

    Kai [Sheltie], Kaedyn [Sheltie], Keeva [Malinois], Kwik [Malinois]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Welcome Triciaanne,

    My personal opinion,
    is probably when they are around 4 months of age.
    But you need to make sure your back yard
    is puppy proof, so they can not get into any trouble.
    I also would lock your gates.
    (but be prepared for the normal destruction
    of digging and tearing up plants etc.)


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
    Welcome to Pet Talk!!
    I think that they will be fine if you leave them. I started leaving Foxy alone outside strate away because i had to got o school and my parent had to go to work.

    Thank you for the signature manda_moo87

  10. #10
    I'm pretty paranoid, so I don't think I would ever leave a dog outside all day, but that is just me. I don't think there is anything wrong with it, per se.

    I have a foster dog right now who was surrendered by her owner because he left her out all day and she was destroying the fence and getting loose. She is a very high drive dog and there wasn't enough to stimulate her. She has scars all over her nose from the fence. She is a wonderful dog and we now keep her crated inside during the day and she is doing great! She just sleeps all day and we play with her outside when we get home. For her, crating was a much better option and she is happier and safer than leaving her out. Your dogs might not be like that at all, of course, but I would observe them and see what they will tolerate. My foster's owner has another dog, same breed (german shepherd) who had no issues being out all day and even when she escaped he would not follow. It depends on the dog.

    Also, one thing I would worry about (and I am curious what other people think) is them getting their collars stuck on something and strangling themselves. But of course, you would want a collar on them so they have id if they got loose. Do you guys that leave your dogs out use quick release collars?

    See, I told you I am paranoid.

    Good luck with your new babies!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    posted by Demigodess: one thing I would worry about (and I am curious what other people think) is them getting their collars stuck on something and strangling themselves?>>>

    Excellent question, and one that has bothered me since
    I got multiple large dogs.

    (In my case the dangers were not from the back yard such
    as hanging, but when the dogs would grab each-others necks.
    I was afraid one of the dogs would get their jaws caught
    etc. on the collar.)
    I am a stickler for collars/id's.
    So with Rocky and Sheba I bought
    those quick release collars awhile back.
    Pretty much daily I would have to hunt for their collars
    around the back yard because the collars came
    off when the dogs would horse play.
    (I am sure they made the collars a bit less quick released
    since I bought mine)
    So neither dog wears a collar
    unless they are away from the house.
    Rocky is chipped and Sheba is tatooed,
    but it still bother's me about them not wearing a collars.
    My yard is escape proof/gates are always locked.
    I do not think anybody would or could steal my Akita's.

    I recently ordered a leather rolled buckle collar just for Rocky.
    He will wear a collar/ID and Sheba will not, unless she is away from the house.
    Sheba is in the house most of the day, and
    Rocky is in the house with her when I am at work.
    (In the house both dogs sleep) so I think I am safe
    with Rocky wearing his collar all the time.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    I leave my husky outside during the day. I live with my parents, so with their rules either he'd have to be in a crate all day (which he would hate) or dogs roaming free in the house.

    I have him in a large (10x14) dog run, it's covered, has an igloo, and I always keep it locked. He always has fresh food and water in there. He actually really likes it, he goes right in, never barks.

    I don't think it's a problem to leave a dog outside while you are gone (as long as they are inside when you are home). Honestly, I think it'd be safer if you got a large dog run instead of the entire yard. It's much easier to keep such a small area can put a lock on it, cover it, and make it so they can't dig out. Good luck, and we'd love to see pics!

    p.s. I wouldn't leave small pups out there just yet...I crate trained Nebo also, and left him in a crate while I was at work for quite a while, then transitioned it to the dog run...that way he was older, and used to be left alone for periods of time.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    We leave our 3 out during the day while we are at work, but this is usually only about 3-4 hours at a time (we work different shifts). We also have an electric fence we put up last year after our girsl got out, needless to say, they don't go close to the fence now Both the girls wear collars with our id,rabies & tags, but Angus does not wear a collar, he never has. He's too old to try and jump the fence & he doesn't, I can't imagine anyone even trying to come in our yard We always keep our fence locked also.
    So I personally don't have a problem with letting your dogs stay out, unless the weather is bad (we leave ours in if it's bad).
    I think Roxey was around 4 or 5 months before we left her out with Angus in the yard.

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Geneva, IL
    Originally posted by Demigodess
    I'm pretty paranoid, so I don't think I would ever leave a dog outside all day, but that is just me
    No, it's not just you , it's me too. I would forever be worrying about someone taking them or their getting into some kind of trouble, and what if a thunderstorm came up while I was gone? I couldn't do it with my two even if I wanted to. Once Hannah got left out in the back yard (fenced) accidently when we went to the grocery store. She must have barked the whole time we were gone.
    *Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened.* Anatole France

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Here's another paranoid doggie mom. I've never left my
    dogs outside all day either. There are too many variables when
    outdoors. If I worked at home, I leave Smokey out longer, but
    I want to be able to see him every once in a while. I always
    thought a barking dog could do little to deter burglers if they
    were confined to the backyard. I also agree with demigodess
    in that a lot of things depend on your dog's temperments. Some
    might be fine outdoors & some not. Good luck with your choice.
    I've Been Boo'd

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    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

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