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Thread: new rat :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC

    new rat :(

    dont freak on me for getting this rat without my mothers permission, plz, ive had enough getting mad at for one day...
    i saw the sweetest fawn velveteen rex rat kitten in the petshop...i coudlnt resist...i wanted to name him bambi...he was fawn so bambi just seemed right...
    now hes mother took him back.......he was special...
    I've been BOO'd!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    here he is...the pics arent that great cuz my batteries are low...i took more, but they didnt turn out

    I've been BOO'd!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Although you shouldn't have gotten the rattie, I know how you feel. I just love rats and when I see them in the pet shop I just want to hug and hold them and bring them home but I never do. I already have 4, althouhg I think I could fit more in my cage. I'm sorry you had to take her back, thats to bad

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    thanx...i thought if i brought him home then maybe my mother would fall in love with him...but she hated him and threatened to kill frisco when she saw him.......him and icarus would have been great friends
    I've been BOO'd!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA

    Wow... That's pretty harsh.
    Did she really threaten to kill Frisco (I am most certainly not doubting you, just confirming)? Threatening to kill an animal is just...well...scary.
    Sorry. I know how bad you must feel about this. Let's hope he gets another great home.
    Mom to Ethan, Sophie and Sansa

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally89

    Wow... That's pretty harsh.
    Did she really threaten to kill Frisco (I am most certainly not doubting you, just confirming)? Threatening to kill an animal is just...well...scary.
    Sorry. I know how bad you must feel about this. Let's hope he gets another great home.
    she did threaten ...shes terrible...she hates my animals and wouldnt even care if they died...timber is at my aunts house alot nowadays cuz my mom cant stand her...she always takes her there...she always tells me i should just kill my rats...she says then i would be allowed to get more to take their place i would never hurt my babies they r all i have...
    I've been BOO'd!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA

    Oh, I'm so sorry. I know how much you love your animals and would never hurt them.
    Mom to Ethan, Sophie and Sansa

  8. #8
    At lease she brought the rat back... I use to own 7-8 rats (& tones of babies) 2 yrs ago... most were for breeding, but 2 of them were my pets & I played with them every day... I went to college & came back every weekend to clean the cage (it was a huge cage) 1 month I couldn't make it back, but my mom said she liked the rats so she would care for them for me... the first weekend she killed them all!! & lied to me for the whole month.. she would say, their doing great... their having lots of little babies & I'm playing with rattus every couple of nights... I "hate" my mom... first she dumps my kitten on the hwy & then kills all my rats... oh & to top things off.. a few months after she dumps my kitten, she gets my sis a kitten & they still have it 3 yrs later

    my mom is full of cold black blood...

    u can see how I got my name... King (my last name) Rattus (my prized rat named Rattus) = KingRattus
    u can read the whole murder story on my website photos/pets/rip...

    I hate walking into petsores that have rats, mostly pure white rats... I feel like balling my eyes out because of the horrible memory... my soon to be knows how much it hurts me so he promissed that once we move to hallifax & buy a house the first new pet I can get is a white rat... then once I get use to the new area I can get more & get back into breeding again...

    I feel ur pain & then some... I hope u never go through what I went through...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    omg kingratuus I can beleive your mom did that *cry*.. I would freak.
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    The link isn't working for me

    I never knew your mom did that. Do you still talk to her? And she dumped a kitten on the highway? I would sue her or something. That is awful.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  11. #11
    kingrattus I am sorry your mom did that but your post irritates me. You were breeding rats? For what, feeders? If not feeders, what pets? Rats are NOT breeding stock to be bred whenever someone wants babies etc. they are animals and should be treated with respect. They are not "stock" and every one of my breeders is a pet way before a breeder, some breeders I don't even breed!

    It is very unhealthy for rats to just have babies over and over again, and that's what it sounds like your rats were doing.

    Perhaps you should report your mother to the Humane Society. How did your rats die? Did she literally kill them by hurting them or by not feeding them? If you knew she did that to your kitten why would you leave animals in her care?

    When I was younger I rescued 5 kittens in Easter, who I found squished between a fence and some small concrete area, I carried all of them home by myself. They were the cutest little kittens. Well one day, my moms bf killed them, brutally flinging them up against our patio wall, blood was everywhere. He kicked them so bad their eyeballs were out! Luckily, one of our kittens Blacky was hiding behind the stove and because of that he lived, and we still have him today. That was when I was in 5th grade, he is an old kitty but still kicking. This man also stabbed our cockatiel in the stomach killing him. Then when my mom FINALLY left him, when I was in the 8th grade, he broke into our house and let all of our cockatiels free. Years of work went into our tiels, we had them all since they were hatched! We were fortunate to find two of the babies outside on our lawn, but the other flew away or were probably caught by a cat or something terrible. These were my moms birds and she loved them so much. She cried for days after that. Those were our birds.

    Well want to hear another horror story? When I was pregnant with Dylan I had some pet ratties, on same sex cages and they were my loves. I also had three bunnies, a fawn rex, a Holland Lop and a mini lop. I also had two mice. These animals were my PRIDE AND JOY! I was so ill during my pregnancy I was hospitalized for two weeks for hyperemesis and lived off an IV. During that time I could not go near the animals because I was sick and would throw up everytime I was near them. Dan said he would take care of them. They were moved to the garage (a nice one with ac and heater mind you) so I could breathe easier at home. Everyday I would ask Dan if he fed the animals and layed with them etc. Everyday he said yes. One day after feeling I could finally manage to go touch them, I walked into the garage and most of them were dead! Dan never fed them, nor did he clean the cage, NOTHING! He did not comprehend taking care of animals, and God with a baby on the way it made me think if he could handle a baby! But he is very good with Dylan, he's just not into small animals like I am and I eventually forgave him, but still always bring it up because I cannot forget about it.

    I lost all bunnies, 6 of my rats, both mice and my hedgehog who was given to me on my 18th bd. Speedy the first. I don't know how some people can be this way, but he just didn't understand the respionsibility and knew nothing about animals. On that same day I had my ultrasound appointment in which I had to drink tons of water and was so fricking pissed because I couldn't pee, I got stung by a bee, the first sting of the season mind you, then found out a friend of mine passed away. The same week I caught Dan with porn and he left me, WHILE I was pregnant! It was really the worst week of my life!

    But in Dans defense he now understand completely the knowledge, care, love and responsibility to take care of animals and he is crazy about the cats. We have since worked out of problems and I would trust him with anything now........he knows anyway if he ever did something like that again I wouldn't tolerate it. He has taken animal husbandry classes etc. It's really amazing that a lot of people just don't understand how to care for an animals and really sincerely think you can only feed and water it every five days and it will stay healthy. It's very sad.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    omg luckies4me. I am soo sorry, that week must have been horrid for you, It is hobbible all the things ppl can do to animals without even a feeling or regret. I personally wouldent have fogaven Dan but it is your life. Hope your pets you have now are safe from Dan.
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  13. #13
    Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
    omg luckies4me. I am soo sorry, that week must have been horrid for you, It is hobbible all the things ppl can do to animals without even a feeling or regret. I personally wouldent have fogaven Dan but it is your life. Hope your pets you have now are safe from Dan.

    Yes they are safe with him lol. I leave all the time and he cares for them well, now that he knows how. I can't hold that against someone who doesn't know, now that he knows would be another story.

    Some people just need to be educated is all. He still cries when he thinks about what he did, and feels so much regret because he didn't know how to take care of them. Because he's a man, and thinks he can do everything he was scared to come to me to ask how to take care of them etc. not to mention I really think my pregnancy took a toll on was always up in the air whether Dylan would live or not, I don't know how he focused on both at obviously affected him because he wouldn't do anything like that on purpose.

    A lot ofpeople just need to be educated, they have no clue how to take care of animals and it's my fault for not explaining how to care for them, and just handing over the responsibility of them to him, without properly explaning what to do for the animals.

    It was so terrible when he came to me and was balling his eyes out for them dying. The sad thing is that he really liked the animals too, but was too stubborn to ask for help with them.

    Now after being educated about certain animals he is AWESOME wth them and I couldn't ask for a better Daddy for Dylan or a pet owner. He spoils the ratties and kitties....he's known how to take care of cats as he has always had cats butnever had small animals. His dad always shunned them away. *sigh*

    Anyways, last time I left I came back and all the cages were spotless, he gave the rats a bath even lol, all had food and water etc. Now he knows their exact living needs that need to be met and I am really proud of him. Every pet owner makes mistakes one in their life, and that was a real big one for him, but luckily it helped him learn.

    He did feed them, I am probably overdoing it a bit, but he didn't feed them enough. He really thought every other day was good for them.

    At least now I can rest easy and know my animals are safe. I just wish his family would have educated him before and this would have never happened.

    And just to clarify, Dan didn't intentionally kill anything, it was an was my stepdad who killed the animals on PURPOSE, the bird and kittens. He was a freak and would beat my mom all the time, including while she was pregnant.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  14. #14
    "kingrattus I am sorry your mom did that but your post irritates me. You were breeding rats? For what, feeders? If not feeders, what pets? Rats are NOT breeding stock to be bred whenever someone wants babies etc. they are animals and should be treated with respect. They are not "stock" and every one of my breeders is a pet way before a breeder, some breeders I don't even breed!..........."
    Yes I was breeding them for feeders, not pets... & where did I say I didn't treat them with respect?? hmmm?? they had good food, plenty of water (4 bunny water bottles) A 2 story cage 4'X2'X3' (LxWxH)... they had shredded paper, grass & leaves as bedding, a huge wheel to run on, a bouncy ladder I made, boxes to hide in & eat, a farret run around ball, they never had to step in their waste, they had other good rats to play with & people...
    I also don't recall calling then "stock" EVER!!!! The ones I called pets were the only friendly rats, because I got them when they were babies... the rest were either rescued from poor homes or bought as adults & were untamable... but I breed them all even my pets... & they wern't having litter after litter after litter.. why do u think I had so many of them? I gave them turns & the avg litter I got was 15-20 & that was plenty/month. I even used the rats as education.. I would take a pregnate one & lend it to the eleamentary schools & to kids who wanted to watch & learn how to care for a rat (I gave out my simi tame ones in hope they would turn more tame which they did, but only to the darn kid they were with & I kept tabs (calling every couple of days & seeing them once a week) on them & a couple of weeks after the babies were born I took them back)
    "Perhaps you should report your mother to the Humane Society."
    Why didn't u report ur husband to the Humane Society!!!???

    " How did your rats die? Did she literally kill them by hurting them or by not feeding them?"
    Why did u only give me 2 options?? harm & starvation?? 3 were sent to the vets to be destroyed & the rest were dumped.
    "If you knew she did that to your kitten why would you leave animals in her care? "
    Because I had no choice!! I was told I could bring my rats with me when I went to college & the week before I was ready to move the landlord changed her mind!! I tried for the whole week to find a friend who would take them, but all said NO! & then I tried pets in 2 cities & 2 towns & they all said NO!! I had 2 last options KILL THEM or trust my mom with them during the week & I'll care for them on weekends. For the 3 months they were partly in her care I still called around to see if I could find homes for them...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA

    I'm so sorry for all of you who have gone through bad experiences with past people/pets.

    Luckies~ I'm glad that Dan learned more about animals. It was so great of you to forgive him.
    Mom to Ethan, Sophie and Sansa


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